Ulcerative Colitis
This is an annotated bibliography about Ulcerative Colitises. iโve already started researching a bit about it and have gotten 9 sources ready. For your second paper (which will be your major paper for this course) will be an annotated biblography about a health problem. Please choose one that you want to learn more about and that you want to spend the majority of the quarter on. The health problem can be a disease or disorder a physical problem a psychological or behavioral problem a problem affection humans or other animals a policy problem (for those of you interested in a Masters in Public Health) the development of a drug For this assginment, you will do the following: Identify the problem you wan to conduct research on. LIst some preliminary research questions Read and summarize the articles related to your topic. As part of this part of the assignment you will summarize the artlcles in plain English Discuss how your summaries differ from the abstracts Discuss how the information from the articles fits in with your investigation.