University of the Incarnate Word Effective Leadership During Crisis Worksheet

University of the Incarnate Word Effective Leadership During Crisis Worksheet University of the Incarnate Word Effective Leadership During Crisis Worksheet Need help with my English question – I’m studying for my class. Attached is the info/ tools to help guide you with assignment. Instruction: You will explore the UIW Database and select 3 articles related to your major then export to Ref works and create a work-cited page. You will upload your document to demonstrate an understanding of the process. scholarlypopularcomparison__3_.docx librians_and_content_areas__1_.docx scope_of_research_question__1_.docx search_tips.pdf scholary.pdf ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS Comparing Popular and Scholarly Publications Note: This exercise is a chance to consider differences and similarities among various publication types. Identifying general characteristics among publication types can help with analyzing sources rhetorically. At the same time, keep in mind that no two publications are the same and that there is often significant variation among publications categorized as a similar type of publication (e.g. news and opinion, general interest, scholarly). Directions: Choose one magazine or journal from each of the three lists below and find a current issue of each. Some scholarly journals are available in print, while most are available electronically. To locate scholarly journals, search by title in in the UIW Libraries catlog. From the search results page, limit the format to Journal/Periodical (on upper left). News and Opinion Time The Nation National Review Newsweek U.S. News General Interest Atlantic Harper’s Mother Jones New Yorker Scholarly Journals JAMA Journal of Nutrition American Journal of Nursing Journal of Computer Information Systems Am Journal of Psychology Browse the contents of the three issues you have chosen and compare them by filling out the chart below. News and Opinion Title of publication Note some of the subjects covered in the issue. About how long are the articles? What do the purposes of the articles in the issue appear to be (e.g. to inform on current issues, to report on research, to entertain, to persuade)? General Interest Scholarly Journal News and Opinion General Interest What sort of language is used in the publication? Select a short quotation from each to illustrate their differences or commonalities. Comment on layout and graphics. For example, what kind of advertising is included? How do authors of the articles in these publications refer to sources? Do they quote individuals or published sources? Other observations: Adapted from Folke Bernadette Memorial Library, Gustavas Adolphus College Scholarly Journal Librarians do not conduct research for students but will encourage and help them begin their own research, write their own papers, and create their own bibliographies. Professional staff may suggest that students contact the Writing & Learning Center, the Online Writing Center, or the writing support Librarians serve as your contact for research in various academic disciplines and welcome queries and requests for a reference consultation or a quick visit to the Reference Desk. Librarian Paul Andersen Erin Cassity Dell Davis Rebecca Dillen Mary Jinks Farhad Moshiri Dede Rios Melissa Rucker Area of Specialization Business (collections development, reference, and instruction) Distance Learning Librarian Sociology, Criminal Justice, and Psychology (collections development, reference, and instruction) Athletic Training, Biology, Engineering, Environmental Science, Kinesiology, Mathematics, Meteorology, Nursing, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Nutrition, Physics, Physical Therapy (collections development, reference, and instruction) Physical Therapy (collections development, reference, and instruction) Education, Juvenile and Young Adult Literature, The Athenaeum (collections development and reference) Dance, Music, Middle Eastern Studies (collections development, reference, and instruction) Optometry (collections development, reference, and instruction) Art, Cultural Studies (except Middle Eastern studies), English, Government, History, Modern Languages, Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Theatre Arts (collections development and reference) Phone 832-2119 Email Address 283-6316 829-6054 283-6920 829-3839 829-3842 930-8688 829-6097 Librarian Darell Schmick Leslie Todd Area of Specialization Medicine, Biomedical Sciences 619-7039 (collections development, reference, and instruction). University of the Incarnate Word Effective Leadership During Crisis Worksheet Fashion Management and 829-3841 Design, Interior Environmental Design, Graphic Design, Communication Arts (collections development, reference, and instruction) Phone Email Address Defining the Scope of a Research Question/ Narrowing & Broadening a Search Strategy Purpose: Students often report either finding too much or too little information when searching library databases. Similarly, they may also have difficulty determining a manageable topic and research question. The in-class activities described below can help students consider ways to narrow or broaden a research question in light of their search results. Narrowing Activity • Give students a broad topic like “cyberbullying” (or ask them to suggest a very broad topic). Have students do a quick keyword search on the topic in a library database like Academic Search Premier. Ask students to study the information the database provides about their overall results and to consider if that information suggests about different, more specific directions the research might take. (e.g. What do subject headings or titles suggest about the topic?) • After students have a few minutes to evaluate their results, discuss the results as a group. What information from the search results helped students identify potential approaches to focusing the topic? (Be sure to point out the role of subject headings or other salient pieces of metadata.) • After considering the metadata provided by the search results, the class may consider additional ways to help narrow the topic. Question words like who, what, when, where, or how (WWWWH) may help individuals think about how to narrow the focus. (It may be worthwhile to emphasize how the metadata from the search results relate to WWWWH questions.) o Ex. Who? teens; How? social networking sites • With the class create a narrower research question. Consider together if this research topic seems more feasible and why (not). o Ex. Do social networking sites act as a forum for cyberbullying among teens? • Brainstorm with the class ways that the more focused question could be expressed in a database search. (Or have students do this in pairs or small groups.) Have students try this new search in the same library database. • Discuss the new results and compare them with the previous search. Address the different search strategies people used to refine their searches. (e.g. additional keywords, subject terms, other field limiters) Broadening Activity • Give students a sample research question that is too narrow (or have someone suggest an overly narrow topic). o Ex. How does gun violence affect attrition rates among teens in rural high schools? • Allow students time to search for this topic in a library database like OneSearch or Academic Search Premier. Ask them to record their search strategies and search results. • Ask students to discuss their findings. What kinds of results did they get? What search strategies worked or didn’t work? Eventually discuss why the research question is too narrow. • Separate the question into key concepts. Identify elements of WWWWH (who, what, when, where, how) in the question. Brainstorm ways to broaden the topic. o Ex. What? gun violence. Could this be broadened to include other kinds of school violence? Where? rural high schools. Could this be broadened to all high schools or to all levels of education? • Create a new broader research question from student responses. o Ex. How does school violence affect attrition rates in high school? • Have students test this new search in the same library database. Have them record their search strategies. • Discuss the new results and compare them with the previous search. Address the different search strategies people used to refine their searches. (e.g. additional keywords, subject terms, other field limiters) Adapted from “Defining the Scope of a Research Question” in the IU Libraries Instruction Wiki, created by IU Libraries Instruction Assistants. Basic Search Tips Too Many Results? Narrow your search. University of the Incarnate Word Effective Leadership During Crisis Worksheet 1. Add Additional Keywords. In databases, subject terms can help you identify more narrow topics and keywords. 2. Choose More Narrow Search Terms. Examples: •Broader term: law •Narrower term: “environmental law” 3. Use Limiters. These are things like search fields (title or abstract) publication date, and format type. 4. Search For A Short Phrase With Quotation Marks. Examples: •“environmental law” •“environmental justice” What Is A Subject Term? Subject terms describe what a work is about. Every item in a database is assigned one or more subject terms. Subject terms can help you identify effective keywords. Most databases list subjects in their search results. Too Few Results? Broaden Your Search 1. Choice Of Search Terms Choosing the right search terms is key. •Experiment with related terms. •In databases, subject terms can help you identify keywords. •Use OR to search for multiple related terms at the same time. (e.g. policy OR law) 2. Too Many Search Terms Databases can be picky about search terms. Be selective. •Begin with one or two search terms that best represent your topic. Then add other terms as needed. •Avoid long phrases and empty words like “the” and “how.” 3. Too Many Limiters If you limited the search (e.g. by date or search field), remove the limiters and reassess. 4. Narrow Topic For highly specific topics, you may locate sources on a broader related topic. Examples: •Narrow search: Bloomington Indiana AND environmental policy •Broader search: United States AND state government AND environmental policy 5. Database Choice Different databases focus on different topics. Try the “Subjects” tab on the IUB Libraries homepage to view resources for different subjects. More Search Tips Boolean Operators Most library databases use Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT). You can use them to broaden or narrow your search results. AND searches for records that use both terms and narrows your results. renewable energy OR searches for records that use either term and broadens your results. renewable energy China Renewable energy AND China NOT excludes words from the search and narrows your results. wind peacekeeping solar United Nations Peacekeeping NOT United Nations Renewable energy OR wind OR solar Database Search Fields Records in library databases are made of “fields.” Fields can help you narrow your search. Search fields in OneSearch Examples: • author • date/year of publication • title • subject/descriptor • abstract • all text (searches the full text, if available) Phrase Searching Use quotation marks or parentheses around search words to search for a phrase. Example: “united nations peacekeeping forces” Nesting Use parentheses to put search words into sets. Terms in parentheses are processed first. Use nesting with AND, OR, and NOT. Example: success AND (education OR employment) Improving Search Results With Fields • Most databases automatically search by keyword (looking for the term anywhere in the record). • Limit the search field for a term to narrow results. • Fields are usually in drop down menus. • If the database has a single search box with no drop down menu, look for an “Advanced Search” option.University of the Incarnate Word Effective Leadership During Crisis Worksheet Truncation Broaden your search to include variant word endings and spellings. Enter the root of the word then the truncation symbol [usually an asterisk (*)]. Example: elect* = election, electoral, elections Wildcards Substitute a symbol for just one character. The most commonly used wildcard symbol is a question mark (?). Example: wom?n = woman, women Is It Scholarly? (And why should I care?) For most academic research and writing you’ll want to understand how your topic or question is discussed among scholars in the field of study. Scholarly sources offer a powerful way to develop such an understanding. (For some research topics you may also want to examine some non-scholarly materials. If you’re unsure what types of sources you’ll need check with your instructor.) Who wrote it? Do you have reason to believe this person knows a lot about the topic? How do you know? What kind of credentials do they have? If you can’t locate an author, that may suggest the source is less reputable. Note, however, that many credible institutions and government agencies do not list an individual author. Instead the author is considered the organization itself (e.g. American Heart Association; United States Dept. of Education. These aren’t scholarly sources, but they are generally considered fairly credible. Who reads it? What do the tone, language, and content suggest about the intended audience? Academic writing is usually intended for subject experts, relies heavily on evidence and analysis, and can be hard to read. Popular writing is meant to be readable by anyone regardless of prior experience with the topic. (If you can find the publication you’re reading on a bookstore magazine rack or a .com website it probably isn’t scholarly.) Who edited it? Most ongoing publications have an editor. If you can locate an editor(s) what are their credentials? Do they provide information about their publication process? (Most scholarly publications are edited, and often reviewed, by subject experts who evaluate whether the research and writing is valid, logical, and sound.) Why was it written? Was it written to make money and sell many copies? Does it advance knowledge? Other questions to ask if you’re still not sure: ? ? ? ? Peer-reviewed articles: A peer-reviewed article is a type of scholarly publication evaluated by field experts and approved before publication. Some instructors require that you use “scholarly peer-reviewed articles,” so remember that not all scholarly articles are “peer-reviewed.” Does the author indicate where they got their information? (Do they cite their sources?) Is it longer than a page or two? For articles in the natural and social sciences on original research studies, is the article structured into sections (abstract, bibliography, introduction, conclusion)? Do the pictures/graphs support the text, or are they just there for show? Adapted from “Yeah, but is it scholarly?” University of Michigan MLibrary Instructor College. This work is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. … Purchase answer to see full attachment Student has agreed that all tutoring, explanations, and answers provided by the tutor will be used to help in the learning process and in accordance with Studypool’s honor code & terms of service . Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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