Urban Planning and Public Policy | Instant Homework Solutions
Write an essay to address the following questions: What place or city do you consider your hometown? Why do you consider this place your hometown? Is it the place where you were born, lived the longest, or currently live? Briefly describe this place. Is it a rural area, village, town, suburb, or city? What are some positive and negative aspects of your hometown? What do you consider ideal characteristics of a city? How does Irvine, California compare to your hometown and/or your ideal characteristics of a city? This essay should be 500-750 words (2-3 double spaced pages, one inch margins, 12 point font). You may use first person, I, for this essay. Points will be deducted for typo and grammar errors. If you have any citations, you must use American Psychological Association (APA) citation format and include a bibliography/list of references cited. Avoid using Wikipedia for citations; instead, use the citation of the original source where Wikipedia retrieved the information. Include the course number, your first and last name, student ID number, and page numbers on every page (as a header or footer). Upload the assignment into Canvas by the due date and time.