US Criminal Justice System
How does the US Criminal Justice System disproportionately negatively impact Black men? {and explore 2 or 3 major practices and impacts such as stop and frisk and in terms of numbers in arrests, and convictions, etc. } Sources relevant to the research question The summary includes a comment about how it answers the research question or how relevant it is to their research. Annotate at least 12 academic sources that help you to answer your research question and/or are related to your topic. The reference list is in alphabetical order of authors last names. Annotations: 2-3 sentences summarizing the article or book, what information it provides, and why it is relevant to your research question or research topic. If there is a special reason why you are using it or if it is a major or minor part of your research, you can mention that also. If it is one of your less important sources, tell exactly what information you are using from that source.