Utilitarian and Kantian Theories
Simply answer the questions. Doesn’t have to be in essay format and doesn’t need any source. (Utilitarian and Kantian Theories) (Scenario #1) You happen to be standing by the train track, next to a switch that can be used to turn the trolley off the straight track, on which five men are working, onto a spur of track to the right on which only one man is working. You therefore have only two options: (option A) do nothing, letting five die, or (option B) pulling the switch to the right, killing one. (Scenario #2) A big man and you happen to be on a footbridge over the train track. You have only two options: (option A) do nothing, letting five die, or (option B) shove the big man off the footbridge down onto the track, thereby killing him, but also, since hes very big, stopping the trolley and saving the five. How might a Utilitarian and Kantian think about the Trolley problem on scenario #1 and #2? Conclude the post with your agreements or disagreements with the Utilitarian and Kantian responses to scenario #1 and #2 of the Trolley Problem.