Value Proposition and Market Segmentation
Value Proposition and Market Segmentation
Explore your thoughts and feelings about developing a Value Proposition and/or Market Segmentation. Make sure to reflect on how you feels and your thoughts
- Your reflection journal should be approximately 250 words in length.
- References are not required. If you use references, please format them in the most current APA format.
- An abstract is not required.
- Please refer to the rubric associated with this assignment for detailed guidance about expectations and grading.
- Please submit this assignment through the Assignments in D2L by 11:59PM Central Time on Sunday.
Paragraph Checklist (also attached under the Materials heading to your right) to review necessary items and make any needed revisions.
Submit your Body Paragraph Draft to the Assignment Files tab as a Microsoft® Word document.
Write at least one paragraph for each one of the three supporting points of your thesis statement. Each paragraph should be 5 to 7 sentences long, begin with a topic sentence, and include at least two additional details to support the topic.
Paragraph Checklist
Use the following checklist to review the body paragraphs for your final essay:
Paragraph Checklist
Use the following checklist to review the body paragraphs for your final essay:
Have I chosen an interesting topic or aspect of a topic?
Have I indented the paragraph five spaces?
Have I included a clearly identifiable topic sentence?
Does the topic sentence clearly state the subject and the intended purpose?
Have I included at least three or four sentences in addition to the topic sentence?
Have I included one or more sentences that comment on the topic?
Have I included one or more sentences offering details about the topic? Are those examples specific, concrete, and clear?
Have I included a closing sentence that effectively sums up the main point or dominant impression of the paragraph?
Is the paragraph unified about one item or aspect of a topic?
Do all the sentences relate specifically to the topic sentence?
Have I organized the paragraph logically?
Is a variety of sentence types and lengths included?
Have I used effective and sufficient transitions, such as similarly, therefore, also, or then, to relate one sentence to the next?
Have I deleted unnecessary or vague words and repetitive phrasing?
Have I proofread for usage, grammatical, or spelling errors?
Have I properly cited any sources in the text for direct quotations and paraphrases?