[ORDER SOLUTION] Vision Of Education
Answer the questions as you are reading the article – Cultivating Una Persona Educada: A Sentipensante(Sensing/Thinking) Vision of Education.In order to prepare for a vibrant, energetic discussion on the first research article, use this reading guide as you read. You should be taking notes of your thoughts and feelings as you progress with the items below as you read. Type your answers here, save, and submit.1. As you read the intro and first section in Rendons article (The Best and Worst of Times), ask yourself what the author is concerned about.a. What are some questions Rendon believes ought to drive our daily existence?b. What are the specific complex issues Rendon believes you should be concerned about?2. Read the section named Una Persona Educada.a. In the first two small paragraphs of that section, Rendon describes what una persona educada does. What does she explain?b. In the rest of that section, Rendon describes five major dimensions of personal and social responsibility. Which two most speak to you, and why?3. Read the section named Toward a Newly Designed Vision of Education.a. What are the agreements about education Rendon identifies in the first paragraph of the sectionb. Read the end of that first paragraph. Why is it hard to challenge those agreements about education?c. Read the second paragraph. What type of vision do we need in order to transform education?4. Read the section named The Agreement of Monoculturalism.a. In your own words, what are the three characteristics of a vision of monoculturalism?b. What does Rendon say the New Agreement ought to focus on with respect to culture?5. Read the section named The Agreement to Privilege Intellectual/Rational Knowing.a. In your own words, what two specific things does this agreement yield/do?b. What does Rendon say the New Agreement ought to focus on with respect to learning?6. Read the section named The Agreement Work Addiction.a. In your own words, what is the main thing Rendon says about the negative aspects of this agreement?b. What does Rendon say the New Agreement ought to focus on with respect to work and our lives?7. Read the section named Toward a Sensing/Thinking Pedagogy.a. What two seemingly contradictory terms does sentipensante combine? What does each mean/entail?b. In your own words, which three specific things a professor embracing a sentipensante approach speak most to you? Why those three?8. Read the section named Pairing Content With Contemplative Education.a. In your own words, describe three practices connected to both intellectual and inner knowing skills.b. Why might creating a cajita in this UNIV class be an important project?9. Read the section named Focus on Multiculturalism and Social Justice.a. Which three of the six Rendon multiculturalism suggestions speak most to you? Why those three?b. How does the Naropa University course Rendon describes assist students in seeing hope and possibility and in becoming compassionate humanitarians?10. Read the section named Transdisciplinary Model of Learning.a. What exactly is a transdisciplinary approach to learning concerned with, and what exactly is its goal?b. What two things can learners do by cutting through disciplinary approaches, and what are six specific aspects are needed to do this?11. Read the final section named The Challenge Before Us.a. In your own words, describe what Rendon says will have to be done in order to cultivate the new persona educada.b. What do you think of the two new simple powerful questions that can start us on this adventure of inward and outward transformation at the very top of page 9?12. How are Cronons 10 qualities of a liberally educated person connected to Rendons ideas presented? (Use article attached Only Connect… The Goals of a Liberal Education by William Cronon to answer)13. Why might this be an important article to read and discuss in a UNIV 1301 class?