what do you believe is the most pressing issue in terrorism today?
I dont know how to handle this Political Science question and need guidance.
Quiz 1: After you became familiar with definitions, causes and origins of terrorism, its patterns and actors before and after 2001 and its current trends, you evaluated both counter and anti-terrorist policies. Putting it all in a broader context, what do you believe is the most pressing issue in terrorism today?
Ensure that you make appropriate use, in-text citation, and reference to available source information to support your perspective in APA style and format (350 words).
Stewart, Scott. (2016). It Takes Village to Stop a Lone Wolf. STRATFOR Global Intelligence
Lynch, Mark. (2010). In Defense of Obamas Muslim Outreach The Foreign Policy Magazine
Cohen, Eyal Tsir (2018). “Pushing the Jihadists Genie back into the Bottle: How to Counter the Ongoing Terrorist Threat
Quiz.2 Environmental Security
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1. Using the same country that you picked from Week 2(Kenya) (Food Security), review the Yale Environmental Performance Index and list the following:
Name of country: Kenya
The country’s overall score.
# of people (in millions)
Square KM
What are the highest rated indicators?
What are the lowest rated indicators?
Do you notice any similarities between the food security index score and the environmental performance index? Any differences?
2. Next, navigate to the CIA World Factbook and using the same country, review the geography section and list the following:
Where is the location of the country?
What are its border countries?
What are the natural resources listed? Do you notice any potential conflict minerals?
What are the listed natural hazards?
What are the current environmental issues?
3. Using what you learned about your country create an infographic, or powerpoint presentation that describes the country and the various environmental impacts facing that country. Provide a possible solution to tackle one of these issues (include the,who,what,where,when,how). **Provide attributions for all visuals and make sure they are open access or have a creative commons license. The Creative Commons website can help you to do an effective search.
Share the link to your infographic, or attach as an image, WORD doc – or share your powerpoint in the forum.
4. Finally, review the lessons, are any of those impacts covered in the lesson? Using the readings for the week describe how experts can help you to strengthen your idea for a solution, or how they help to describe the problem that exists.
Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 250 words.
Reading & Resources
Begin with the clip in this video: https://apus-kanopystreaming-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu…
Dalby, Simon, and Zahra Moussavi. “Environmental security, geopolitics and the case of Lake Urmias disappearance.” Global Change, Peace & Security29, no. 1 (January 01, 2017): 39-55. http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy1.apus.edu/10.1080/14781158.2016.1228623.
DYER, H. (2001). Environmental security and international relations: The case for enclosure. Review of International Studies, , 441-450. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docvi…
Nayak, A. K. (2014). Understanding environmental security and its causal factors with reference to chittagong hill tracts of bangladesh. IUP Journal of International Relations, 8(4), 40-53. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docvi…
Khan, A. (2014). Climate change vulnerabilities – legal status of the displaced people. Environmental Policy and Law, 44(3), 325-333. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/docvi…
Vera Delgado, J., & Zwarteveen, M. (2008). Modernity, exclusion and resistance: Water and indigenous struggles in peru. Development, 51(1), 114-120. http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/docvi…
Brysk, A., & Bennett, N. (2012). Voice in the village: Indigenous peoples contest globalization in bolivia. The Brown Journal of World Affairs, 18(2), 115-127. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/docvi…
Quiz3. Please discuss the following question:
1. What role have states played in the evolution of global justice as separate from their own national concepts of justice? Are they enablers or scapegoats – or something else?
Please provide a current event news link that illustrates your answer. News sources on the internet may be found in our Library (see the link on the left-side toolbar). Do an “advanced search” to set date parameters to the past six months.
Remember to read your texts, watch the videos, and read any other materials in Week Four Lessons. Include those ideas in your discussions.
Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 350 words.
Reading & Resources
Brake, Benjamin, and Peter J. Katzenstein. 2013. Lost in translation? nonstate actors and the transnational movement of procedural law.
Witte, Floris. 2012. Transnational solidarity and the mediation of conflicts of justice in Europe.
Battersby, Paul, Joseph M. Siracusa, and Sasho Ripiloski. 2011. Crime Wars.
Wippman, David. 2006. The costs of international justice.