White Collar Crime
Find a case involving a white-collar crime that falls under any topic during the second half of the course (from the topic of securities fraud onwards). Use scholarly articles and newspaper articles from trusted sources to describe the fact pattern of the crime you have chosen. In 5 pages answer the following questions:
1) What white-collar crime(s) was committed in the case you have chosen? ( You can elaborate on the characteristics of the white-collar crime(s) you have identified)
2) Describe what social, political, and economic damages were caused by the crime that was committed
3) Using the fraud triangle as a framework of prevention, describe how pressure, opportunity, and rationalization for committing the crime could have been minimized.
4) Does the results (or potential results) of the crime’s prosecution set precedence for preventing similar crimes from being committed in the future?
5) How does punishment for the crime compare to its closest blue collar crime equivalent?