Wireless Network Threats and Countermeasures
Technology and Cybersecurity Short Analytical Papers For these two Literature Review assignments you will produce a 12 to 15 page for each paper (page count to exclude front and back matter), double-space of academic analytical writing; per the written assignment standard and per the Template. The student may select the topic from learning objective concepts outlined in the Syllabus.In regards to topic selection for the SAP- this is the balance question relating to the scope or breadth of coverage versus the depth of coverage aspects of the SAP and LAP. The syllabus provides the grading rubric.Academic Content- Scope (Breadth) of Topic Coverage: Number of References, Number of Citations, Currency of Reference, Peer Reviewed articles.- Depth of Topic Coverage:- Appropriately communicate complex topics in diverse organizational settings to a variety of audiences,- Apply interdisciplinary research process (information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts, and/or theories from two or more disciplines or bodies of specified knowledge) to answer questions or solve problems.- Understanding of the security landscape by appropriately using Cybersecurity terms and concepts; identifying current threats: vulnerabilities: related controls, and other technical, administrative, and physical factors encountered in a modern organizational setting.I dont dictate the topic you decide to write on that is your choice, but here are my thoughts in answer to this question.As an example – Network Security as a whole as a topic, from my perspective is too board of a topic and most, but not all would have a difficult time providing sufficient depth of coverage to the to meet the balance point between the Scope (Breadth) versus Depth of Coverage within the 12-15 page content page count. You would find plenty of material, but you be in a position where you would need to gloss over important aspects in this short paper.The glossing over important elements of Network Security, or leaving out elements is not good.The converse is also true too specific and youll need to spend the time to do the research to support the scope requirement.——-Break————————? Submit Short Analytical Paper in .pdf format on a topic found in Units 1, 2, or 3.Writing Assignments – All writing assignments will be based on academic analytical writing standards, with APA 6th or 7th Ed., References, and citations of at least one citation per 200 words at minimum, using proper grammar, word usage and punctuation. Papers will be presented double-spaced, per the provided template with paper organized to include a Title Page, Abstract, Purpose, Literature Review,Discussion, Summary/Recommendations. Papers will be submitted via Blackboard in .pdf format. All papers will meet the standards for Academic Dishonesty.A Literature Review is a review of the literature pertinent to your issue or problems and follows theLEADS format, where L Lays the foundation of the analytical paper, E Elucidates the issue/problem A Analyzes why your papers issue is important for review, D Describes what other are saying about your issue, and S Shows papers similar to and opposite of your point of view.Technology and Cybersecurity Short Analytical Papers For these two Literature Review assignments you will produce a 12 to 15 page (page count to exclude front and back matter), double-space of academic analytical writing; per the written assignment standard and per the Template. The student may select the topic from learning objective concepts outlined in the Syllabus.? By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.