Youth Homelessness
Instructions:o Problem Solution Essayo Up to 1300-1500 wordso Articles from past 3 years (2017-Now)o TOPIC: Youth Homelessness (I chose in the United States)o 3rd person point of viewo Using at least 4 sources and APA citation format, write a persuasive research-based essay that identifies a problem found in your personal or professional life and proposes a viable solution.WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? and HOW? Example: Who can solve the problem?Create a solution that addresses the cause of the problem.Heres a sample of what I already wrote as my thesis: Since homelessness with unaccompanied youth is a major problem in the United States because those youth have no family members to care for them, the government should build more youth shelters with education advisors who can provide basic needs, create job training programs, community assistance, and advocate more funding for additional support such as health services for those youths.RHETORICAL STRUCTURE:In two or three introductory paragraphs, describe and define the problem and show the need for solution; ensure the last sentence in your introduction contains your thesis statement.In the next paragraphs, write topic sentences that explain WHY the solution in your thesis statement will work. Develop each paragraph with facts, details, examples, or reasons from your research to support each of your topic sentences. This link shows strategies to help to persuade the readerConclude your essay: Show how you imagine the situation once people have implemented your solutions to the problem.REVISE your essay and make sure you have conveyed your thoughts clearly, you have developed your paragraphs with details, facts, reasons, examples or evidence, and you have shown logical transitions from one paragraph to the next.