Behavior In The Greater Flamingo

1.    We did a lab to discuss everything then we have to make a lab report. Virtual Lab 4: Observing animal behavior  In this lab, we will conduct a virtual research project in animal behavior. We will learn one common method (scanning) in collecting behavioral data and practice simple data analysis to describe animal behavior. We will also learn how to write a standard report in biological research.   Objectives: 1.     Learn how animal behavior is studied 2.     Learn how to collect behavioral data using one of the common methods (scanning) 3.     Learn how to organize, analyze, and present biological data 4.     Learn how to write a standard laboratory report 1.    Procedure: 1.1.   1.     Learn how to scientifically collect behavioral data using the scanning method by watching the following video:   Ethology Practice Videos: Pronghorn Scan Sampling (7’9” YouTube)   –        1st time: Taking video of the what behavioral activity they do –        2nd time: recording data, scanning the group of animals and record whether they are feeding or not at each pass –        3rd time: Ethogram: F=feeding, O=3other –        “does time spent feeding differ between summer and winter month in Pronghorn” 2.  Discuss the pros and cons of scanning PROS –        You can get a better look at how animals interact as a group –        Simultaneously collect data on multiple animals –        Best for non-social behavior, spatial distributions, synchrony of behavior CONS –        It is very easy to get distracted and miss important details 1.     3. Data collection a.      Build an ethogram by describing all discernible behavioral patterns and register them in the following table: Using the video as your recording about the behavior of the greater flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) during feeding: –        Scans may not be temporally independent, may be difficult to see all animals all the time Behavioral Pattern Description Feeding Heads down, and their bills are adapted accordingly. Walking Walk with their long legs and partially webbed feet or stomp through water looking for food Flapping/Flying Need to run a few paces to gather speed. Flying, flap their wings rapidly and continuously Fighting? Feeding their young directly from a secretion produced in their crop Standing Resting Grooming Standing on one leg, scratching their heads? Thermoregulation and reduces fungus and parasites in the water? Write a lab report (please consult a biology writing handbook for details). (knisley report or writing in biology) Standard elements (please see grading rubric for details): Sections: Title, author, abstract, introduction, material and methods, results, and discussion, acknowledgments (optional), and references Format: font (12 points preferred), double line space, page limit (6), tables and figures (self-explanatory), references (choosing the standard format and stick to it throughout)  No hypothesis Describe frequency of variance behavior in the greater flamingo. 3-4 references in standard format – APA because references need to be in text citations Endocrinology (would beneficial)  Methods: describe different behavior, characteristic of behaviors (ethogram) Intro: basic information on flamingo behavior and flamingo information Google scholar – data base – academic  Ethogram (below) , I have a figure already. explaining the methods section. Table (bar graph) explaining: X-axis: “Behaviors of the great flamingo , Y-axis: Total of each behavior.  I have a text box that explaining the bar graph saying ” Figure 1. The different behaviors of the greater flamingo   Scan # Standing Feeding Walking Grooming Flying 1 1 16 2 0 0 1 10 10 2 1 0 3 15 12 20 0 0 4 4 13 6 4 0 5 1 6 12 4 0 6 35 26 8 10 0 7 25 4 10 20 0 8 28 18 40 24 0 9 0 3 14 0 0 10 0 5 25 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 10 12 0 0 0 0 15 13 0 0 7 0 40 14 0 20 15 3 0 15 8 8 4 0 0 16 1 10 6 8 0 17 40 15 0 25 0 18 0 0 0 1 1 19 1 3 1 4 0 20 0 8 8 0 0 21 10 9 6 4 1 22 30 8 4 10 0 23 25 30 15 10 0 24 8 15 10 12 0 25 40 8 4 10 0 26 50 0 0 20 0 27 0 0 11 0 6 28 0 0 0 0 12 29 0 0 8 0 40 30 12 10 16 7 0 Total  344  257  254  177 125

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Primate Cultures

For this discussion, you need to read PDF documents provided below and watch a film about the capabilities of other primates. Using those readings, the film, textbook information, as well as material from in-class lectures please answer the following question about primates (2 points per question):     Do non-human primates have culture? Why or Why not?     Does this change how we need to define the term “culture”? I so, how?     What implications does non-human primate culture have for the granting of legal rights and status?     How do the differences in behaviors seen in captive versus wild primate communities impact your stance on “culture”?     What implications might any of this have on how we model the lifestyles of our own early ancestors? For the essay portion of the discussion, please answer the above question to the best of your ability using information from any or all of the sources outlined below. Your answers should take the format of an essay that makes sure to address each of the points listed above. The length and format of the essay are up to you. Just be sure to provide clear answers to each of the 5 items listed above that are well supported with course materials.   READINGS and Video: Stanford 2001.pdf Whiten 2011.pdf Ape Genius (approximate run time 48 minutes):  (?? ???? ?????.)

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Environmental Health Concerns

For this project you can take a walk around your neighborhood, local park, local trail or State and National Park trail. As you are walking take a look at the living things around you and think about why certain organisms are there? The following are questions to ask as you examine organisms. How does the organism obtain its energy and nutrients in this environment? Are there other organisms that consume the organism you are looking at? Is the organism native to the area or is it an invasive species meaning it was brought in from somewhere else? To be considered invasive, a nonnative animal or plant specieshas to displace one or more natives. Organisms live in a specific area or habitat because it is adapted to both the non-living factors like climate and the living factors like the community. The niche of a species is its place in the community which includes the resources it uses like food and shelter and its role in the community like interaction with others. After you identify an organism you are interested in studying, you need to determine the name of the organism and its niche in the community. A tool that can help with that is Google Lens. You can download the Google Lens App from the Play Store or App store on your phone. This is a free app. Once you download the app, you open the app, focus your phone camera on the organism of interest and tap shutter button (or button with magnifying glass) to search. Google Lens does a search of images and pulls up images most similar to what you focused your camera on. Scroll down to see the list of matches and select the one that looks closest to the organism you are looking at. Click on links to access information on the organism. Read about the organism, look for scientific articles written about the organism, and write a one-page, double space essay about the organism. The following is information you need to include in the essay: You need to indicate the name of the organism you are studying, both its common and scientific name and why you chose this organism. What climate is the organism most adapted to? How does the organism obtain its energy and nutrients in this environment? Are there other organisms that consume the organism you are looking at? Does the organism have to compete with other species for resources? If it does, which species does it have to compete with and how does it solve this competition problem? Is the organism native to the area or is it an invasive species meaning it was brought in from somewhere else? To be considered invasive, a nonnative animal or plant specieshas to displace one or more natives. A picture of the organism needs to be added at the end of the one page essay. You must also cite the source of an article you used to find information about the organism. Your article may come from a newspaper, magazine, scientific journal, or a credible news/journal website on the Internet (i.e.,, etc.). This citation must include the date, article title and complete website URL or magazine, newspaper, journal, etc information.

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Reliable Internet Resources

Choose to research either viruses or prions and find reliable internet resources to learn more about the group. Describe the characteristics of the group (viruses or prions). Analyze whether or not your group (viruses or prions) satisfy the emergent properties of life. Decide whether you would classify your group as alive or not. Explain what criteria you used to support your decision. Cite your sources using AMA format.6. (.org or .gov)

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Motor Development

Explain in detail the difference between sex, gender, or gender typing, transgender,  Non-Binary, Theybies and why does the distinction matter in the context of motor development? What is the role of the Socializing Agent?  What degree of impact does the socializing agent have in the development of a child? Please elaborate and provide logical examples of the required reading and video synthesis? Video:

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Evolution Of Organisms

Your Mission Read the papers in the Essay 3 folder in this order: Graham et al 2017.pdf (pages 323 – 326) Hoeck et al 2010.pdf Diniz-Filho et al 2017.pdf Tanaka 1997.pdf Maan et al 2009.pdf K.Y. Kaneshiro (1995; not included in your reading list) says, “Islands have long been recognized as the best places on earth for investigating evolutionary processes. Darwin (1859) formulated his ideas about natural selection and evolution during his field studies of the organisms on the Galapagos Islands. Life forms on islands epitomize nature’s creativity as evidenced by the explosive radiation and the tremendous numbers of species in many groups of organisms that have evolved on islands. On the other hand, island ecosystems also epitomize nature’s vulnerability as evidenced by the high rate of extinction. Many of these island ecosystems are faced with an extinction crisis primarily due to the ecological fragility of islands. Thus, islands are extremely important not only for the field of Evolutionary Biology but also for the field of Conservation Biology, and the plants and animals that have evolved on islands have given scientists the opportunity to research on both these areas of biology.” Use the bolded sentence above as your prompt (introduce and conclude with that idea) and address the following points to build your argument: What is an insular habitat? What is an inhospitable matrix and why is it important? Why is an islands degree of separation from other islands important? Why is time important? Why is area important? How does genetic drift affect evolution of organisms on islands? How does selection affect evolution of organisms on islands? How does inbreeding depression affect evolution of organisms on islands? How does sexual selection affect evolution of organisms on islands? Which force of evolution, if any, do you think is the greatest in island systems Can it all really be simplified in such a way? Considering your answer to the questions above, what can we learn about evolution on mainland systems?

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Importance Of The Oxygen Molecule

This is a microbiology paper. The focus needs to be specific to the effects of oxygen both positive and negative, on microorganisms as well as the human system. Nothing about oxygen in the atmosphere, or in the ocean, or space. I don’t need the origin, or chemistry, unless it pertains to microorganisms, or cellular level. The page will be put through plagiarize software so siting is important. I would like sources that come from microbiology if possible. Just focus on the positive and negative affects of oxygen on humans and microbes.

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Human Anatomical Features

Description (Two muscle presentation ) ( should not be too wordy must have a picture ) 1) Adductor Gracilis 2) Adductor Brevis Need 13 slides (7 for Each muscle) in APA format please with Reference page Muscle Presentation Instructions ( make sure to include all the key word such a origin insertion) Dirction are below ! Each of you will be individually tasked with “teaching the class” about TWO muscles that can be found within the lower extremity and/or the core (hip/spine/trunk region). Your report must include a PowerPoint presentation that includes the following points I. Features: Describe anatomical features such as general location and narrow down to origin and insertion as well as provide additional specific information about any bony landmarks (i.e. greater trochanter of the femur, etc.) if they are nearby, unusually developed, or prominent. II. Arthrology: Information about type of joint(s) the muscle crosses. Provide a description and examples of planes and axes used to analyze movement(s)generated at that joint by the muscle. III. Myology: Describe the qualities of the muscle fiber arrangement and tendon attachments. Discuss synergist(s) and antagonist(s) muscles and their attachment sites. Describe when synergists and antagonists contract compared to your assigned muscle. IV. Analysis of Daily Use: Describe how the muscle is used in activities of daily life to include use in both concentric and eccentric actions. Focus on the execution phase unless the muscle’s primary action is during the preparation phase. V. Analysis of Sport Use: Describe how the muscle is used in sport in both concentric and eccentric actions. Focus on the execution phase unless the muscle’s primary action is during the preparation phase. VI. Analysis of Strengthening: Describe specific exercises that strengthen the muscle during concentric action and exercise examples during eccentric action. Make sure to not just list exercises. Describe how the body is positioned to move the weight so to engage the specific muscle. VII. Analysis of Injury: Describe at least one scenario of injury to the muscle during daily use or sport. Be sure to provide a clear description of the body and joint positions as well as the source of forces that lead to the injury. Describe one example of the type of modifications of movement a person must make to compensate and complete tasks as normally as possible when the muscle function is temporarily or permanently lost due to injury. VIII. Your presentation should take no longer than 6-8 minutes and should have no more than 12-15 slides (including title and reference list slides). IX. The grading rubric is simple, to receive full points: a. Show the class that you have a good understanding of your assigned muscles and be sure to include a discussion of all points listed above in a well-organized/designed PowerPoint presentation. Effective pictures will help. b. Include an APA-formatted reference list at the end of the PowerPoint. c. You will be graded on the quality of your presentation as well as the content/organization of your PowerPoint. Information you gather for this report will come from many sources. A minimum of one of those sources must come from a published research article. The best way to gather information from a research article is to read it and then summarize it in your own words. That way you can use ideas developed by the authors in your paper and give the authors credit for it. Feel free to include your research summary at the end of the PowerPoint.

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Human Skeletal

Your Research Paper assignment is a 1200 to 2000 word (not counting your bibliography) informative research paper on a topic of your choosing, as long as it pertains to biological/physical anthropology. Font will be 12pt in Times New Roman (or something very similar), one-inch margins and double-spaced. I will require a header at the top each page with your name and class, in a similar fashion to the header at the top of this page. Please include page numbers on a corner of each page of your paper. Do not include a title page, rather a bolded title at the top of the first page (similar to this document). Do not over-space the top of the document. The format of your paper will be in accordance with the American Anthropology Association (AAA) style guide. I have posted the AAA style guide on Canvas.  Appropriate topics include, but are not limited to, evolutionary theory, primatology, paleopathology, human skeletal biology, genetic studies, forensics, etc. This can be a fun investigation of something you find interesting. You will be responsible for finding at least 3 journal articles that are related to your topic of interest and using their content to support your paper. As this is an academic paper, sources must be academic peer-reviewed journals, which means no blogs, no wikipedia, no newspapers (yes this includes National Geographic and Smithsonian).  Some books may be acceptable, but I would advise against their use, as it may be hard to ferret out what would work and what will lose you points.  Anything that is not common knowledge requires a citation. You will be using in-text citations in accordance with the AAA style guide. A good rule is when in doubt cite. I need to know where you are getting your information. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. If you have a question with regards to proper citation or how to cite, look at the style guide.   You will be turning in your paper by uploading it on Canvas. There will be a 15% deduction for each day your paper is late. Late count starts the minute after the due time/date. Do not wait until the last minute. Finish early so you don’t have to worry, as I will not allow any excuses for late work. For example, if you were just about to submit your paper and your computer freezes, or the internet goes out, and you have to run to the library in the hail and snow, barefoot, while fighting zombies, to get your paper turned in, but it is 12:01 am, your paper will be late.       CITATION EXAMPLES: Within text: Preferred resources are those that are disproportionately selected relative to their abundance in the habitat (Marshall & Wrangham, 2007). If you have more than two authors list the first author followed by et al. (Marshal et al. 2007).     In Bibliography: Marshall, A.J. & R.W. Wrangham. 2007    Evolutionary consequences of fallback foods. International Journal of Primatology 283(55):1219-1235. This assignment’s purpose is to be able to research a topic further than just googling; to be able to academically research. The sources you use need to be academic. What I mean by academic is that they should be peer-reviewed academic journals (see below).  Further, your formatting should be exactly what I am asking for.  First and foremost, you will be heavily graded on whether or not your sources are academic in nature. For each non-academic source, I will deduct up to 30% off your grade. Since you need three sources, you stand to fail this assignment rather quickly if you don’t have the correct sources.  What are acceptable sources? All fields in science have peer-reviewed publications, usually in the form of journals. This is how research and conclusions are presented. Peer-reviewed means they have gone through a rigorous process and any conclusions presented have to include what methods were used as well as background and analysis. The supplemental reading I have provided in class has all been from such sources.  Here are a few examples in the Anthropology world  American Journal of Physical Anthropology  (Links to an external site.) American Journal of Primatology   (Links to an external site.) And this  (Links to an external site.)  will give you possible links to all anthropology journals. Note: not all of these publications are acceptable. For example, Anthro News is not a peer-reviewed journal. Email me if you are unsure.  You are more than welcome to bring in publications from other disciplines.  Common misconceptions of acceptable sources: 1. It ends in a .edu. This does not make it an academic source. I suggest you look at who wrote whatever you are reading and see if they have published. 2. The Smithsonian, National Geographic are also not allowed. Again, look at who wrote the article or whose research they are referencing.  In-text citation: This is a concept that eludes most people. If you are using an idea that is not common knowledge you need to provide an in-text citation (see style guide and assignment). When you are paraphrasing one of your sources, you need to cite. When you quote, you need to cite. When in doubt, cite. Not citing is called plagiarism.   Frequently asked questions about sources: Once I have my academic sources can I use other non-academic ones? – Yes, you may. But do not lean too much on them for the content of your paper or your grade will suffer.  Can I use our textbook or lecture notes? – Yes, but same as above, do not make them your primary sources.  How about if I find an academic book? – This is a gray area. Some books are acceptable, some are not. You can email me with the book information if you want to double and make sure it’s a valid source.  Articles are asking for money to access them, do I need to pay? No! You can access any article through the school library for free!  Citing and quoting: Your paper should be in your own words (remember to still cite). You are welcome to use quotes, but do NOT make your paper quote-heavy. Your paper should not be a bunch of quotes tied together.  Page length: This is to be a 5 to 8-page paper (1200 to 2000 words) not counting the bibliography. If you give me a short paper you will be marked off from anywhere from 20% to 90% of your overall grade. On the other hand, if you turn in too many pages (9+) you will also lose points. This will be a challenge for many of you. It may be difficult to write what you need to in so few pages, keep it pithy and to the point.   While this is not an English class I do expect proper collegiate writing. When writing your paper please organize it well. Setup an introductory paragraph to let me know what you are going to be writing about. Break-up all subsequent thoughts into separate paragraphs. While you are welcome to submit your paper anytime before the due date. Your paper will be deducted 15% for every day it’s late.

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Cellular Respiration

Answer the following questions about Antimycin A in a few paragraphs. What is the basic purpose of cellular respiration? What are the reactants and products of cellular respiration overall? Also, give a basic description of the three main stages of cellular respiration (glycolysis, Kreb cycle, and the electron transport chain) Your next paragraph will focus on your assigned inhibitor. You should find one to two reliable sources that discuss how your assigned inhibitor works. Focus on the enzyme inhibited by your assigned inhibitor, and the part of cellular respiration that would be affected. What effect would the presence of your assigned inhibitor have on ATP production? What effect would the presence of your inhibitor have on the amount of NAD+, NADH, pyruvate, and oxygen present in the cell? If cellular respiration is blocked, can cells switch to a backup method for making ATP?

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