Client Questions
[SOLVED] How can a crisis situation make collaboration and trust stronger
How can a crisis situation make collaboration and trust stronger in a group? Why does this happen? How can staff development improve rapport among colleagues and build trust across departments? one page.
[SOLVED] here are several definitions available for the term vulnerable
here are several definitions available for the term vulnerable population, the words simply imply the disadvantaged sub-segment of the community requiring utmost care, specific ancillary considerations and augmented protections in research (Shivayogi, 2013). The risk of a vulnerable population is the decreased freewill to inability to make informed choices. The vulnerable populations refers to but not limited to children, minors, pregnant women, fetuses, human in vitro fertilization, prisoners, employees, military persons and students in hierarchical organizations, terminally ill, comatose, physically and intellectually challenged individuals, institutionalized, elderly individuals, visual or hearing impaired, ethnic minorities, refugees, international research, economically and educationally disabled and healthy volunteers (Griffith, 2015). Ethical dilemmas are widely prevalent in research involving these populations with regard to communications, data privacy and therapeutic deliberations (Shivayogi, 2013). In this discussion board, I will focus on the avoidance of paternalism in healthcare. Misuse of Power The word paternalism also alludes to patriarchal power structures. Paternalism reduces the patient to a passive recipient of care and forces the patient to depend on the integrity and self-regulation of the providers (Cody, 2003). Certain persons are far more likely than others to be treated in a paternalistic manner. In regards to research, with respect to research involving children, incompetent adults, and other arguably vulnerable populations such as prisoners, there can be a misuse of power. The Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects or the Common Rule was published in 1991 to protect women, fetuses, children, and prisoners (Miller & Wertheimer, 2007). Common Rule outlines the basic requirements for IRBs, informed consent, and Assurances of Compliance. Last year, the Common Rule was revised for the first time since its publication in 1991 in order to strengthen protections for study participants. High on the list of priorities is helping people make better decisions about whether to participate in a clinical trial. One key goal: ensuring the risks and benefits of participation are clear. The need for the revision was because participant consents have become documents that protect the agency performing the procedure more than outlining the risks and benefits to the potential participant. Conclusion Nurse advocacy plays an important role in helping patients understand their rights and exercise their autonomy; protecting those who are vulnerable and advocating conscientious clinical and ethical research systems. A lack of informed consent (IC), with coercive, guileful, forceful influences and methods to secure potential participants results in deficient evidence-based health care (Griffith, 2015). NPs are held to professional standards for professional practice and behavior in all areas of medicine. References Cody, W. K. (2003). Paternalism in Nursing and Healthcare: Central Issues and their Relation to Theory. Nursing Science Quarterly, 16(4), 288296. Griffith, R. (2015). Understanding the Code: safeguarding vulnerable adults. British Journal Of Community Nursing, 20(11), 564566. Miller, F. G., & Wertheimer, A. (2007). Facing up to paternalism in research ethics. The Hastings Center Report, 37(3), 2434. Retrieved from Shivayogi P. (2013). Vulnerable population and methods for their safeguard. Perspectives in clinical research, 4(1), 53-7.
[SOLVED] 1)Provide a care plan for elderly patient that has been admitted
1)Provide a care plan for elderly patient that has been admitted with a medical diagnosis of fractured hip and second day post op for hip arthroplasty 2) Provide a care plan for a patient with first ten days post op after amputation 3)Provide a care plan for an inpatient who is on traction 4) Provide a care plan for a patient in a cast : Day 1-28
[SOLVED] 250 word .. also, Respond to two posts look to files
250 word .. also, Respond to two posts look to files Commonwealth Health Corporation and Graves Gilbert Clinic are two health care organizations that service the south-central Kentucky region. Read the About us pages (or any other relevant pages) of these two organizations. Briefly discuss what you think are the two essential differences between these organizations How these differences impact how they project the organizations image through their mission, vision and values statements, and how they may market their services (similarities or differences). You may include any experience or encounter you may have had that might impact your view of either of these organizations and whether the organization is living up to its mission. (Please do not share any private health information.) Please be sure to cite any additional references you may use.
[SOLVED] All the postings should be APA style. Three paragraphs with thr
All the postings should be APA style. Three paragraphs with three sentences Name five continuous, five discrete, and five categorical variables and identify which, if any are dichotomous and why?
[SOLVED] Assignment Details This assignment is a formal paper. This incl
Assignment Details This assignment is a formal paper. This includes APA format, title page, headings, literature review, proper citation per APA, logical sequence, conclusions, clarity, understanding of the topic, and reference list. The paper should be 35 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page. The paper must demonstrate independent ideas and conclusions. At a minimum, the following topics must be well articulated in the paper. Remember that discussion of each topic requires citations that are current (less than 5 years old) and relevant. Please refer to the grading rubric for how your paper will be graded. Assignment Requirements: Based upon current evidence-based research, explain how cultural competence improves health outcomes. Identify the differences between cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, and cultural competence. Discuss why geographic regions, such as Appalachia, are often associated with a particular culture. Below is a list of five cultural factors that can have a significant impact on health outcomes. For each factor, give an example of how a particular culture (for example Mexican Americans) may affect the health and development of a pediatric patient. Health Beliefs Health Customs Religious Beliefs Dietary Customs Conduct a brief cultural self-assessment that includes: What culture do you identify with? How does your culture view diversity? Explain the impact of your culture on healthcare decisions. Explain how your culture views the dying process. Are there any particular customs, foods, holidays, and beliefs that strongly represent your culture? Before finalizing your work, you should: be sure to read the assignment description carefully(as displayed above); consult the Grading Rubric(under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and utilize spellingand grammar checkto minimize errors. Your writing assignment should: follow the conventions of Standard English(correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); be well ordered, logical,and unified, as well as original and insightful; display superior content, organization, style, andmechanics; and use APA
[SOLVED] What types of obstacles/objections do leaders face from stakehol
What types of obstacles/objections do leaders face from stakeholders when implementing change within an organization? What strategies can leaders use to work with stakeholders, remove obstacles, and address objections?
[SOLVED] 1) Discuss some common causes for coding errors and the preventa
1) Discuss some common causes for coding errors and the preventative measures you can use to avoid them. 2) What are some other measures you can add to the list that might not be in the course materials? 3) What is the Fraud and Abuse Control Program? What is the HHS OIG and what is its major concern?
[SOLVED] 36108 Topic: Difference between research utilization and evidenc
36108 Topic: Difference between research utilization and evidence based practice Number of Pages: 1 (Double Spaced) Number of sources: 4 Writing Style: Other Type of document: Research Paper Academic Level:High School Category: Healthcare Language Style: English (U.S.) Order Instructions: Attached
[SOLVED] A comparison of orem theory and neumans theory. Make sure to ci
A comparison of orem theory and neumans theory. Make sure to cite these theories in APA format. A comparison of the theories studied to your nursing practice, giving one or two examples from your nursing experience in which you might have applied any of the theories covered.
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