[ORDER SOLUTION] Discussion Board Models Of Communication

1. Which model of communication (linear or transactional) discussed in Chapter One best represents communication described in the Youtube video, Love Letters to Strangers? In what ways does the video illustrate the characteristics of communication and that communication is (a) symbolic (What is symbolic?), (b), a process (What change(s) occurred as a result of communication?), (c) relational (How do people adapt to each other and/or influence each other’s behavior?)? 2. How do you think paper letters compare to emails, tweets, and text messages? don’t have to write 275 words 200 words are fine

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Discussion Board Models Of Communication

1. Which model of communication (linear or transactional) discussed in Chapter One best represents communication described in the Youtube video, Love Letters to Strangers? In what ways does the video illustrate the characteristics of communication and that communication is (a) symbolic (What is symbolic?), (b), a process (What change(s) occurred as a result of communication?), (c) relational (How do people adapt to each other and/or influence each other’s behavior?)? 2. How do you think paper letters compare to emails, tweets, and text messages? don’t have to write 275 words 200 words are fine

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Crisis Communication Plan

Example links of plans made by other companies: https://today.duke.edu/showcase/emergency_plan/ https://money.howstuffworks.com/business-communications/how-crisis-communication-plans-work.htm#:~:text=With%20a%20plan%20in%20place,term%20health%20of%20an%20organization. This assignment allows students to highlight the essential elements of a crisis communication plan and identify the various stages of a crisis by creating a plan that serves as a basis for managing any crisis that an organization may face. This assignment allows students the freedom […]

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Monroe’s Motivation Sequence

Outlining the persuasive speech: Each of the five steps in Monroe’s motivated sequence should be represented by a Roman numeral. Main points and subpoints are represented by capital letters and numbers, respectively. How small classes Help students achieve more in the classroom ( Persuasive Monroe’s Motivated sequence)

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Speech Styles and Communication

How does knowing the speech context and speech styles improves your communication?

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Corprate Communication Strategies

The goal of this writing project is to deepen your understanding of the concepts, theories, and rhetorical strategies that inform corporate communication by critically examining the communication practices used by some of the world’s largest corporations. You will need to clearly provide a theoretical framework for your analysis: are you analyzing how a corporation uses the rhetoric of corporate social responsibility? A corporation’s strategy for conveying its narrative and managing public perception? The tensions between a corporation’s ethos and its organizational communication practices? Your Task: Your paper should discuss and cite key texts from the weekly concepts and case studies. You should also include an additional 2 sources from your own original research, with one of those sources being a peer-reviewed journal article in the fields of communication, rhetoric and composition, technical communication, business communication, or business ethics.

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Mass Media in Japan

Describe in 1500 words what you thought about the characteristics of Japanese media

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Changing Mamnagment Styles during Covid19

Write a one page narrative answering the questions below. How has Covid19 changed managing people remotely? What does your article discuss? What is the main idea? Who is involved? How does this relate to you major and/or your chosen career path? Why is the article being written What are your thoughts?

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Intercultural Exposure

Complete a reflection paper on different intercultural exposure For this reflection paper you will need to expose yourself to a culture different than your native culture(s). These “exposures” can take a wide variety of forms, and you are allowed a bit of creative license as to their nature; but whatever you do, the exposure needs to be for longer than 20 minutes and involve substantial cultural exposure. Good examples would be watching a movie from a different culture (i.e., a movie filmed by a culture different than your own, not a movie filmed by your own culture set in a different culture), having a conversation with a person from a different culture than your own, or going to a different cultural neighbourhood (e.g., the International District of Seattle) and observing the daily life of the people that live there. The Asia University America Program (AUAP) on campus often is in search of domestic students to volunteer in their classes, so reaching out to them could be a great option as each classroom volunteering experience could count for a different exposure reflection. Bad examples of exposures (i.e., things that wouldn’t count as appropriate) would be just going to an “ethnic” food restaurant or reading a Wikipedia page about a different culture for 30 minutes. If you ever have a question about whether an exposure event would be a good choice, just email me and ask.After exposing yourself to another culture for at least 30 minutes you will be required to write a two-page (minimum), double-spaced reflection paper and submit it to one of the reflection paper submission boxes on Canvas. In each reflection paper you will briefly describe what you did to expose yourself to another culture (include the when, where, how, and how long), then focus the majority of your paper on identifying different intercultural concepts and theories in what you observed (concepts and theories are the topics we cover in lectures and the readings, see the final paper assignment document for some examples of what you could be looking at). You don’t have to do outside research for these reflection papers but be sure to focus the majority of your reflection on the connections with course-related concepts and theories. Doing so will provide you with more explicit examples to draw from for your final paper. In order to encourage your completion of exposure.

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Importance Of Organizational Communication

Select a Virtual Organization. The list of Virtual Organizations is found under Learning Activities. Write a 1,150- to the 1,400-word descriptive framework of your chosen Virtual Organization. Include information from existing organizations that are similar to your Virtual Organization to supplement any gaps in information. Describe the following aspects of your Virtual Organization: People Employees Clients/customers Vendors Tasks Products or services Communications – The structure of internal and external communications The structural and functional characteristics of formal communications between departments and upper management Informal settings, such as the board room, one-on-one meetings, texts, e-mails, and hallway/virtual chats Computer-mediated communications, i.e., extranets, intranets, etc. What backup systems would you recommend when your main methods of a communication system crash?

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