Mexican Film Comparison
YOU HAVE TO WATCH BOTH FILMS AND COMPARE. Compare the classic Mexican film María Candelaria with Heli. How has Mexico changed? You do not need to do research for the writing of the paper (although you may draw upon assigned reading for the class). Instead, you should focus on your analysis of the films. Your […]
Lens Analysis of an Advertisement
Use ideas from On Reading a Video Text and Masters of Desire: The culture of American advertising as lenses to analyze the video advertisement ( ). How does the advertisement attempt to persuade the viewer to utilize or not utilize a product, service, or brand? What story does it tell? What sorts of […]
Thoughts Desires and Feelings in Film
Compare TWO of the following films and discuss how EDITING conveys a characters thoughts, feelings, and desires. Suspicion (1941) We Need to Talk about Kevin (2011)
The Bronx
(Watch this before starting) In the Response Paper, you should describe core concepts from materials the readings and the video. 1. In your own words, based on the Decade of Fire film, what were some of the factors that led to the crisis in the Bronx in the 1960s and […]
The Movie Titanic
Describe each of the three basic categories of sound (dialogue, sound effects, and music). Explain how the different categories of sound are used in your chosen film which is Titanic. Assess the impact of sound in establishing the theme. How does the use of sound inform the mood of the scene, or the film, overall? Can […]
Casablanca Movie Review
What was the intent of the film? Start by talking about what the film is and what it was intending to do. In other words – was it a comedy and was written to be that? Was the film successful in that attempt? Based on what you believe the intent of the film was, do […]
Film Theme Analysis
1. Please use parenthetical citations. example here, The essay should demonstrate your command of both lecture and reading materials. Reading materials should be cited with parenthetical citations (e.g., Prell, A Serious Man in situ: Fear and Loathing in St. Louis Park); direct and indirect citations of lecture outlines should be cited by week and number (e.g., […]
Anthropocene : The Human Epoch
Write 1-2 paragraphs (approximately 300 words). You have to reference the film and/or readings in order to get full credit. Your answers should be analysis not summary. Give evidence from the film/readings to support your claims. Proofread your postsdo a spell check. Indicate which question you are answering. What position does Weathering with You take […]
Monsoon Weeding Review
Romantic movies are a mainstay of cinema worldwide. Can “Monsoon Wedding” be considered romantic? Paper should include reference to one of the following episodes from The Story of Film-An Odyssey (7, 8, 10,11,12,13 or 15)*. *The History of Film An Odyssey Episode 7:1957-64 The Shock of the New Modern Film Making in Western Europe Episode 8: 1965-69 New Waves Sweep around the World Episode 10: 1969-79 Radical Directors in the 70s Make State of the Nation Movies Episode 11: 1970s and Onwards: Innovation in Popular Culture around the World Episode 12: The 1980s Moviemaking and Protest around the World Episode 13: 1990-1998 The Last Days of Celluloid before the Coming of Digital Episode 15: 2000 Onwards: Film Moves Full Circle and the Future of Movies.
Proposal for a Documentary Film on Latin America
As I write this assignment from Manaus, the destruction of the Amazon continues. Venezuelans continue to suffer shortages of basic necessities while facing economic turmoil, instability, corruption, and the difficult choice of whether to leave or remain. Human traffickers in Mexico continue to exploit the trusting and the poor, and the death toll of the war on drugs continues to grow, daily. All three nations confront, as does the rest of the Western Hemisphere, the dangers posed by COVID-19 the intersections of deeply rooted poverty, discrimination, health care systems that were insufficient to meet societal needs before the outbreaks, governmental inaction and/or corruption, and other factors. Clearly, in Latin America, the past is present in many ways, and so too are the grave social, political, and economic problems. Yet at the same time, Latin American peoples are thriving, with vibrant, dynamic cultures and societies; there is also throughout this region what Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano called a beautiful, obstinate hope for the future. Your task in this final assignment is to develop a proposal for a documentary film on Latin America. When envisioning your film, consider a Ken Burns-style documentary (that is, no budget constraints, no limits to travel, and excellent multimedia sources so, think BIG!) How to proceed: 1. Re-read Skidmore and Smiths Chapters 13 and 16. Then, re-read your Forums posts from the first week of your class you may find topics that intrigued you then, and that you would like to explore in your documentary. -For inspiration, please view the following clip from the forthcoming documentary Landfill Harmonic. Its one of my favorites, and it illustrates the challenges that those living on the margins of society (in this case, a garbage dump) face every day as well as their own obstinate hope, courage, and dignity. Please copy and paste this link into your browser. The clip is about 11 minutes long. 2. Use the information in these three chapters and insights you have gained in this course, and select one overarching theme (for example economic dependency, underdevelopment, foreign investment, the environment, dictatorship, re-democratization, immigration, etc.) pertaining two countries that we have not studied thus far, selected from the textbook’s case study chapters. Thus, Brazil, Mexico, and Cuba are off limits for this assignment. You may choose any two Central American, South American and/or Caribbean countries. Do not choose the US or Canada. Similarly off limits: Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia. (I am serious about this. Any papers that mention Nazi Germany even in passing will be returned to you for a re-write.) 3. Describe your documentary: provide a thematic overview. What is your theme? What do you want your viewers to gain from having seen your film? 4. Discuss how you will depict this theme relative to each of these countries. What events will you be including? What individuals, locations, and issues are significant to your theme? Why do each merit inclusion? What will your viewers hear — what music/sound elements will you include? 5. Conclude your documentary what insights will you provide your viewers in concluding your film? How do these obstinate hopes persist? Additional guidelines/requirements for this final project: -You must provide a works cited page with your completed assignment. -DO NOT use Wikipedia or other online or print encyclopedias. Such may be appropriate for middle school work, but are not appropriate for the level of inquiry and analysis required in university-level work. The text supplies an excellent foundation for your work; I cannot make the same statement for these encyclopedias. Papers that employ Wikipedia or other online or print encyclopedias will receive a 10 point deduction from the final score. -An excellent master site to obtain further information is the Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC) at the University of Texas. It is searchable via individual countries, as well as by issues and themes. Although the site is note being updated at present, its links are still valid. I encourage you to consult it: Please also see our file Final Project Resources on ReggieNet. I am very happy to help you too – in any stage of your project.
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