The Respiratory System

*Short answer* Include works cited pageResearch gas exchange in the lungs. Answer the questions below based on your research.1. Why is gas exchange necessary? Be detailed in your explanation.2. Starting from inhalation of air through the nose and the exhalation back out of the nose and mouth, explain all the structures involved in this process.3. You are studying the respiratory system in this chapter. There is another body system involved in the delivery of the oxygen. What is this system?Provide a diagram which demonstrates this gas exchange.What is the difference between these two procedures? Be very precise in your explanation.(Intubation versus tracheostomy)Provide an image of both procedures which demonstrate the differences.Use proper heading, punctuation, and spelling.Thank you

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Treatment Methods For Addiction

Welcome to Unit 5! In unit 5, we will discuss the five W’s of addiction: who, what, when, where, and why. In addition, we will explore how various dimensions of wellness are affected by active addiction as well as the journey towards recovery. • CSLO 1: Identify and describe inner resources to strengthen mind-body connections • CSLO 2: Compare and contrast unhealthy lifestyle practices based on sound, evidence-based principles of a holistic wellness model. • CSLO 3: Define and describe health challenges to the mind-body-spirit and holistic methods to prevent and manage these challenges. • CSLO 4: Analyze and discuss the safe use of complementary and integrative therapies Reading Invitation to Holistic Health 9781284105483 Unit 5: Readings Chapter 17 “Addiction: Diseases of Fear, Shame and Guilt” Unit 5: Resources Attached Files:  HED3200 Ch 17.pptx  (1.273 MB) Addiction: Diseases of Fear, Shame and Guilt PowerPoint (attached) Every Day Addictions Video  Unit 5 AS: Treatment Methods for Addiction Attached Files:  HED 3200 U5 AS Instructions (1).docx (75.027 KB) AS Description: Identify and analyze treatment options available for drug, alcohol, and/or tobacco addiction. Identify resources to help people struggling with addiction. In 2 pages, please identify and discuss three to four treatment options available for individuals diagnosed with a substance use disorder (alcohol, drugs, tobacco). Consider inpatient treatment (rehab, hospital settings, etc.), outpatient treatment (counseling, methadone maintenance, etc.), and other support programs (sober living facilities, 12-step programs, etc.). Compare and contrast these treatment options and how effective they are in treating addiction. Consider availability, access, and cost when discussing these options. In addition, create a list of 5-7 national and community-based addiction resources available to support someone through their journey to recovery. Checklist: §   2 COMPLETE pages in Times New Roman 12 font identifying and discussing treatment options §  Create a separate list of 5 – 7 national and community-based resources available for individuals with a diagnosed substance use disorder. §  Use scholarly research and your textbook to support your responses (Two peer-reviewed or government sources required). §   A reference page in APA format

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Benefits Of Working Out

Get on side of explain why people should workout and exercise, find research backing out statements. Also talk about how working out helps your health and when your older too.

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Clinical Issues

Goal: To assess a clinical issue that is the focus of the Quality Improvement Project. Create a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis for the project. Faculty approval required to proceed. Content Requirements: Identify strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats for improvement related to the clinical issue identified. Analyze the SWOT data to provide the foundation for an action plan for quality improvement. Submission Instructions: The paper is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling. The paper is to be 2 – 3 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page. Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual). Your paper should be formatted per current APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions)

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Urban Metropolitan

Case description: You are a public health practitioner working in Australia or Overseas. The Communicable Diseases Department of your State ( or Local) Government are asking for expressions of interest from public health practitioners such as yourself for initiatives aimed at controlling the spread of STIs in a local community. The funding for these initiatives is very broad and can cover clinical services, health education, public health campaigns, health promotion, legislative initiatives or social policy changes. The funding offered is significant and would be enough to establish an impressive health initiative. Many different initiatives are likely to be considered in a broad-based approach to the control of STIs.     Instructions: 1. Title of Project 2. Context, setting and role of stakeholders: explain why you selected this community eg Melbourne ie urban metropolitan ethnically diverse young community or rural African community in Tanzania (literally a few sentences). Who are the stakeholders, describe their involvement and role. 3. Aims and Objectives of your Project 4. Background to your type of project with reference to STI control theory and why the  approach you have taken is likely to be successful (eg clinical services and why this may be helpful or public health awareness campaign and why this will work ). Discuss any local or national policies that may be related. 5. Justification and evidence for your project ie evidence that it is likely to be effective in achieving its objectives (eg use other similar, ideally published, studies or interventions that have been evaluated as examples) 6. Methodology of initiative (ie how are you going to do it, including evidence or efficacy if not already discussed above). Highlight any relevant difficulties there may be with implementation. Discuss how you could address these. 7. Brief plan of how the project will be evaluated

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Causes Of Child Obesity

Exploratory essays ask questions and gather information that may answer those questions. However, the main point of the exploratory or inquiry essay is not to find definite answers. The main point is to conduct inquiry into a topic, gather information, and share that information with readers. For this essay, you will be exploring at least three different perspectives on your research paper topic. You must explore both the supporting argument and opposing argument, plus a third possible perspective. Be sure to address the audience for each perspective and any assumptions/constraints that apply. You’ll employ aspects of the Rogerian strategy here as this paper attempts to not only explore multiple arguments, but to understand them as well. This paper is not argumentative, it is a roadmap to the nuances and multiple perspectives of your topic. The beauty of this paper is that some of it can be used in your research paper!

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Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act has significantly impacted many different areas of our healthcare system. Select and discuss three (3) provisions from the ACA, summarizing the details of each provision and elaborating on the impact each provision has had on our healthcare system.

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Healthcare In Africa

I want to focus on how is Africa healthcare is involving and taking shape. Relatively focus on how are they taking care of the women healthcare there.

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Healthcare Management

Using the resources below and pages attached, answer the following: What are the alternative ways to address industry concerns about information-blocking and price-transparency? Cohen, Jessica Kim. 2019. “AHA Among Group Opposing Information Blocking and Price Transparency In Info Blocking Rule.” Blog Modern Healthcare. Published June 5, 2019.  (Links to an external site.) . pp. 1-10.  Healthcare IT News. 2019. “State of the Industry: Healthcare Interoperability & The Patient Voice.” YouTube Video.  Published July 10, 2019, 13:33. . Knickman, James R and Brian Elbel. 2019. Jonas and Kovner’s Health Care Delivery in the United States. 12th ed. New York: NY. Springer Publishing. Chapter 14 Healthcare Information Technology The Office of National Coordination for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT). 2019. “Information Blocking.” Content last revised May 1, 2019. Retrieved October 20, 2019.  (Links to an external site.) . pp. 1-5.

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Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

Create a document using Microsoft Word with the following formatting guidelines:12 point, Times New Roman font1-inch marginsTitle pageReference pageThe minimum word count of 500 per question (1500 total)APA formattingMinimum of five sources: one must be from the readings provided and one must be the International Sepsis Guideline.References must be from the last four years. (2016-2020) If a website is used it may not be Mayo Clinic or Web MD. Website resources that are not peer-reviewed are not scholarly.Respond to the following based on the case study selected. The answer to the question must tie back to the case study:Question 1: What is Multiple  Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)? How does this link to the QSOFA tool?Question 2: Why is the Passive Leg Raise used in clinical practice with sepsis? (Adult)ORQuestion 1: Is the fluid resuscitation adequate for this child?  Are the fluids used contributing to the acid-Base imbalance? (Pediatric)Question 2: Examine the antiviral and antibiotic treatments are they aligned with the current recommendations?

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