Long-term Care

There are many federal and state regulations when it comes to long-term care.Using the South University Online Library and the Internet, research any four specific regulations related to long-term care and summarize them. Based on the regulations you identified, respond to the following questions: What are the benefits and shortcomings of your identified regulations? Which of these shortcomings have an effect on the quality and the cost of health care services? How? Do you believe there is a link between regulations and better care? Why or why not? Why do you think long-term care services are subjected to so much external control by government agencies? Provide a rationale for your responses. How is quality measured in long-term care? Is there only one, or are there several approaches to measure quality? What are they? Who should be given the responsibility to measure quality?

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The Challenge Of Health Care Delivery And Health Policy

Blackboard Discussion 1 The Challenge of Health Care Delivery and Health Policy: September 20 This discussion will focus on some of the issues that will arise in the remainder of this course, with respect to the importance of good health to Americans, defining characteristics of the U.S. health system (which the authors submit is not a “system” at all), the key challenges facing the health system , and the stakeholders involved in addressing those challenges. Grading Rubric for the Challenge of Health Care Delivery and Health Policy The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) is expected to increase insurance coverage for a significant number of Americans. But many problems in the health care system remain unresolved. As a future Primary Care Health Care Provider, please describe the following:  Questions :  Why health is so important to Americans ? Defining characteristics of the U.S. health care delivery system ? Seven key challenges facing the health system ? Stakeholders who shape and are affected by how the health system is organized and how it functions ? APEA Format minimum of 250 words and with at least 2 citations/references. The required course textbook must be one of the references. (Knickman, J. R., & Elbel, B. (2019). Jonas & Kovner’s Health Care Delivery in the United States. 12th Edition. Springer Publishing Company. ISBN-13: 978-0826172723).

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Health Care Ethics

HWK – Answer the following: (about 1 1/2page total) (10 points total). (Email your homework to me as an attached word file) Name your file Mod1Homework1 and be sure to get it to me by the due date.  You are to do this homework based on the associated readings for Mod1Reading1 – namely Bentham and Mill.  As this is your first homework I remind you that I am looking for a good faith effort, not perfection,  that you have done the readings and have a general idea of what they contain.  Remember to answer directly from the readings.  You are to complete the assignment on your own.  After the due date I will post the correct answers. Due Date -9/12  9 AM  What are the definitions for utilitarianism? (2 points) Name the 7 criteria that Bentham uses.  (2 points) How does Mill’s approach to ethics differ from Bentham’s criteria? Be specific and give examples. (2 points) What is Bentham’s famous slogan/quote? (1pt) What is Mill’s famous slogan/quote? (1pt) What 2 reasons does Mill give for unhappiness? (2pts)

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Reflective Writing Practice

Select an interaction, event or experience that stands out for you during your practicum. Write a narrative summary of 2-3 paragraphs that explains what happened. Write a paragraph or two that captures your reflection on how you interpret the event. Write another paragraph or two from a different perspective.  How do you think the other person in the encounter interpreted the event?  If you were the patient in this interaction with you as the provider, how would you feel as that patient? For example, if a parent brought the child to the appointment, you could write about how the parent might view the interaction.  Or, if you are seeing a couple, how the non-patient might view the appointment/interaction. This is you seeing things from the other person’s viewpoint. Finally, write a paragraph that expresses what you have learned from this reflective activity that will influence your practice as a psychiatric nurse practitioner. Tie in any relevant course material from any of your previous courses that helped you respond to this reflection. If you support any of your ideas with sources, cite appropriately.

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Implications Of A Sleep Deprived Society

Your Journal research assignments are worth 15% of your grade.  Please complete them by the end of the week.  You will submit your Research Assignment by clicking on the title “Week 3 Research Assignment” above, then creating your document and saving to your computer.  This document will then be uploaded by clicking on “Browse my Computer.” The Implications of a Sleep Deprived Society What are the implications of a largely sleep-deprived society?  How does the amount of sleep you get affect your own life?  How does it affect your health, your emotions, and your performance? Directions: Write at least 200 words on this topic. Save and name your assignment  “Week 3 Research Assignment”, then save on your computer.  This document will then be uploaded by clicking on “Browse my Computer”. Make sure to cite your sources in your assignment. Tips: Check out some of these websites: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/307334.php  http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/features/important-sleep-habits#1 

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US Healthcare Quality Movement

1. Examine the origins and the evolution of the US healthcare quality movement. – Provide a timeline – Give examples of key developments 2. Explain some of the elements involved in successful healthcare quality improvement efforts. – What has been most successful? – What has required legislative and regulatory support? – What have been the impacts on cost and access? 3. Examine the elements needed in a good strategic plan for a facility. Show how any quality improvement programs will be included and align with that plan.  – What are some of the key parts of an organization’s strategic plan? -Which parts should include measurable quality improvement elements?

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Importance Of History In The Field Of Public Health

We’ve touched upon the importance of history in the field of public health. Do a bit of internet research on the 1918 Influenza Pandemic. What similarities can you identify between the 1918 event and the current COVID-19 pandemic. What differences can you identify? What lessons are we learning during the current pandemic that public health could apply to future pandemic events (name at least two). Write approximately 300 words.

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Chronic Sinusitis And Allergic Rhinitis

A 25 year old male presents with chronic sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. Define adaptive vs. acquired immunity. Discuss the genetic predisposition of allergens. Describe the antigen-antibody response. What is the pathology of sinusitis?

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Covid Guidance Management

Chose three areas the listed below and answer the following three questions.You can use the strategies for managing tasks to help you answer the questions.  1. What would be your policy/procedures on that area? Explain what strategies you used to decide which elements you chose  from the guidelines. Write your policy.  2. How would you train and monitor staff and parents to follow the policy/procedures? Create a timeline for at least three months. 3. What resources would you need to implement the policy/procedures ? You can bullet this section.  Illness policy for children, staff and parents. Drop-off and pick-up Cleaning and disinfection Hand hygiene and toileting Keep staff and children in stable groups Physical distancing Limit sharing Meals and Snacks

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Patient Who Requests PAS/PAD

Answers are to be between 600 to 750 words in length.  Include a word-count at the end of your answer.  Question to answer: What would be necessary to establish that a patient who requests PAS/PAD has the necessary decision making capacity? Would it be okay if such a patient were anxious and depressed?

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