Health & Medical
Formal Writing
Formal Writing This essay should consider how the following contribute to your thesis: What precise obligations/duties does a medical physician have towards an adult client who wants a prescription for Plan B? That is, what is the doctor’s professional relationship to the client, and what duties apply if the client requests a particular service? What is the professional relationship between pharmacist and client, and what precise obligations/duties does a pharmacist have towards an adult client who has a prescription for Plan B and wants the prescription filled? What is the professional relationship between the prescribing physician and the pharmacist? Your thesis must address this question: Suppose the year is 2012 and emergency contraceptives (so-called Plan B) require a prescription, and suppose the pharmacist has a strong moral objection to Plan B. Does the pharmacist’s professional autonomy justify the pharmacist’s refusal of service to a client? In order to defend your answer, prepare the reader by answering the following questions: Do a physician and client have a fiduciary relationship, rather than an agency relationship or paternalistic relationship? Do a pharmacist and client have a fiduciary relationship, rather than an agency relationship or paternalistic relationship? You should draw from the material in the assigned readings to develop this part of your paper. If you are having difficulty in understanding how a pharmacist has a fiduciary relationship, look at the box at the bottom of this page. You may want to consider these questions in the process of defending your thesis: Why does someone other than the pharmacist create the prescription? Why are some drugs and medicines by prescription, while others are over-the-counter? What kind of relationship does a pharmacist have if they refuse to fill a clients prescription because they dont approve of it? At the draft stage of this assignment, I suggest you concentrate on the part where you prepare your reader with an explanation of the fiduciary relationship between physicians and their clients and between pharmacists and their clients, and how this differs from agency and paternalistic relationships.
Are Americans Getting Their Money’s Worth?
The United States spends significantly more on health care than any other country in the world. As a county, are Americans getting their moneys worth when it comes to Health Care? Write a 500-600 word response to this question. In your response, address these issues: 1. Specific areas of health care that may be worse off than others 2. Special population, communities, or geographic areas that may be worse off compared to others. 3. What about the uninsured and the underinsured, do they deserve what they get? 4. What about Medicare and Medicaid, do you think that they are getting more than their fair share? 5. Hospital Care, Physicians’ Services, Prescription drugs 2
The Risks Of Collecting Data On Human Populations
To prepare: Watch the media, Protecting Patient Data, Parts I & 2 (Laureate Education, 2012) Consider the differences between the two in terms of how individuals handled the ethics of the situation. Also view Privacy, Security, and Ethics (Laureate Education, 2018) and consider common issues health professionals face in the field. Consider how such factors as sensitivity and volume of data might cause privacy, security, and ethical issues. Reflect on the case study titled The Privacy, Security, and Ethical Risks of Collecting Data on Populations: Case Study. Consider the similarities and differences between the three scenarios. What were some of the motivations behind the stakeholders actions? What were some of the constraints related to obtaining data for the research? Write about: -An explanation of which of the seven guiding principles for ethical research as outlined by the NIH have been violated in this scenario. Be specific and provide examples. -Using the Pb.D. framework principles outlined in your course text (Joshi et al., 2019, pp. 338339), propose two ethical strategies that Dr. Marks could have employed to achieve his goals of obtaining pilot data and ensuring the privacy and security of health system patients. Be specific and provide examples.
Rapid Critical Appraisal
locate an Evidence-Based Practice Guideline, related to your topic identified:Are women ages 25-40 who take oral contraceptives at greater risk for developing blood clots compared with women ages 25-40 who use IUDs for contraception over a 5 year time frame ? Perform a rapid critical appraisal of the Evidence-Based Guideline by answering the following questions in APA format. All questions should be answered in detail and explanations offered according to guideline content when applicable. Who were the guideline developers? Were the developers of the guideline representative of key stakeholders in this specialty (inter-disciplinary)? Who funded the guideline development? Were any of the guideline developers funded researchers of the reviewed studies? Did the team have a valid development strategy? Was an explicit (how decisions were made), sensible, and impartial process used to identify, select, and combine evidence? Did its developers carry out comprehensive, reproducible literature review within the past 12 months of its publication/revision? Were all important options and outcomes considered? Is each recommendation in the guideline tagged by the level/strength of evidence upon which it is based and linked to the scientific evidence? Do the guidelines make explicit recommendations (reflecting value judgments about the outcomes)? Has the guideline been subjected to peer review and testing? Is the intent of use provided (i.e. national, regional, local)? Are the recommendations clinically relevant? Will the recommendations help me in caring for my patients? Are the recommendations practical/feasible? Are resources (people and equipment) available? Are the recommendations a major variation from current practice? Can the outcomes be measured through standard care?
Interviewing A Register Nurse
Students applying for admission to the Generic track of the Professional Nursing program at Jersey College must complete a reflective essay. The reflective essay involves interviewing a Registered Nurse and presenting the interview in an essay form. If you do not know a Registered Nurse your admission representative will assist you with identifying an interviewee. Students should use the questions below for the interview in developing the essay. Students may ask questions in addition to the ones below but should keep the interview limited to no more than one hour. The essay must include responses to the following questions: 1. Why did you choose nursing as a profession? 2. What was nursing school like for him or her? Ask them: o.How they managed and balanced work, family and life and the difficulties o· The level of commitment to school required to be successful (hrs. required for studying, social life, workload, etc.) o .What their clinical and lab experiences were like o· How they prepared for examinations and the NCLEX 3. Describe their top three patient memories and why they are memorable 4. What does the phrase NurseLife mean to this nurse? 5. What is the hardest thing about being a nurse? 6. Reflect and discuss what your thoughts are about the interview. Did the interview change your perspective on nursing, on nursing school or life? In asking the questions above, be sure to ask your nurse to be specific and provide examples and stories. Please do not use any identifying information (i.e., names, relatives, etc.) about any patients discussed during the interview in your essay. For each question limit your answers to no more than 2,000 characters (per question). The essay must be TYPED and should be singled spaced.
Leading With Authenticity In The Health Sector
Share an experience when you have failed forward. Share an experience when you have not failed forward. What would you have done differently?
Intangible Value
Answer each of the following discussion questions in 250 words each and include two reference sources for each. Select two examples of intangible value. Propose one or more approaches that an organization might use to measure each of those values. Discuss with your classmates. Chapter 5 is on Measuring Community Benefit. Is Community Benefit important? What is the best way (in your opinion) to measure community benefit?
Epidemiological Calculations And Interpretations
Part 1: Complete the calculations Part 2: Write about: Read the case study, Pertussis Epidemic, in Caron (2017), pp. 7683. This case study provides a wealth of data including clinical, demographical, and social determinant characteristics. Reflect on the role of a population health manager responsible for managing health risks for populations. Write a 1-page analysis summary interpretation of your results of the Pertussis Epidemic case study in which you address the following: -Describe two public health strategies used in this case (give examples) and link them directly to the managerial epi data evidence that supported the rationale for these strategies. -Were social determinant characteristics an important factor in this case study? What implications are there for managing this at-risk population? What epi data supported your conclusion? -Provide a list of the various partnerships involved in this case study. How would you align them if you were to create an organizational chart? -Provide two major recommendations based on the conclusions from this case study. -Explain why the above points are important from a population health management perspective. Be specific and provide examples.
Effective Patient Care
Effective patient care, safety, and experience is dependent upon the work and effort of numerous healthcare departments and workers including but not limited to medical practitioners, nurses, medical assistants, medical laboratory technicians, coding and billing specialists, and medical administrative assistants. Proper communication, respect, and teamwork is necessary for a clinic to operate efficiently and effectively. Please read the following patient scenario: You witnessed a coworkers (Michael – who works in your department) interaction with another coworker, Flora, who works in a different department. Michael was very rude, disrespectful, and mad because he was arguing that Flora didnt communicate important patient information to your department and caused a patient to have an extended wait time. Flora was obviously disturbed and hurt by this interaction and you know it wasnt her fault, but rather Michaels. Please discuss the following concepts in 1-2 pages: Identify and briefly describe two issues or concepts associated with the breakdown of teamwork in this scenario. How would you use internal customer service skills, tools, and techniques to resolve this issue? How can good and poor internal customer service affect patient experience and outcomes?
Integrated Case Analysis
These questions are on the financial environment and management of Health Care Organizations. You are required to answer the six questions and answer them in an essay format. APA, with references. Integrated Case Analysis One Questions. ?Test Your Knowledge 1. Why is the US health care system considered complex? 2. How do health care organizations get paid? Do payers all pay the same rate for the same service? 3. What is a third-party payment system? How does this payment system affect the financial management of health care organizations? 4. What is a contractual allowance? 5. Why are some charges not reported as revenue for health care organizations? 6.What were the major changes contained in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of2010?
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