[ORDER SOLUTION] Fat Consumption

Using the report you downloaded from the Food Log assignment (or using the case study profile for Christian Johnson), write a  reflection paper based off the food log analysis and current intake vs dietary guidelines. What did you learn about his protein & fat consumption vs the recommended guidelines in chapters 6-7? Are you meeting the requirements? What types of fats are you consuming and is there anything to improve on? What are your/his main sources of protein and is there anything to improve on or change? Is there anything you would like to change for yourself or him? What are your overall insights or what did you learn from doing this assignment?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Imbalances Of Digestive And Urinary Function

Imbalances of Digestive and Urinary FunctionInstructionsUnit 6 focused on digestion, nutrition, renal function, and acid-base balance. There was a great deal of information presented on all topics and the importance of each topic cannot be overstated. Often we do not think about how our food and drink consumption impacts our kidney function and truly our urinary output. When one consumes a great deal of water they will have increased urinary output as the body will maintain a balance of water within the body and will increase the output of diluted urine to maintain homeostasis.Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response.Respond to each of the following questions and make sure to include a description of digestion and renal systems functions in your response:What are two ways your diet has had a negative impact on digestion, renal function, and/or acid-base balance?  This could be you or someone you know.Discuss at least one chemical, cellular, or organ-based connection of your issues to the food or drink that was consumed.How can these negative responses be controlled, addressed, or resolved?What is a possible long-term effect in this system or another system if these responses are ignored?Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.  Enter your response by using the REPLY button below these instructions:

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Health-Oriented Systems

Systems collaboration:1) What are the four approaches to improving population health?2) What are the skills necessary for two health-oriented systems to work together?—-Describe best practices in disease prevention for your topic.( obesity)the resources attached

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Career Aspirations

750 and 1,000 words, explaining your career aspirations, how you plan to advance healthcare and/or education through your work, and what inspired you to commit yourself to this field.We want to know why you chose your selected major or field of study: what experiences or individuals inspired you and set you on this course? How do you see yourself providing healthcare, advancing wellness, or leading and educating others in the future? Tell us how you hope to better the world through your works. Will you be a trauma surgeon, a phlebotomist, a therapist, or a high school teacher who might need to save a student in an emergency? How will you use your training? What does education or healthcare mean to you? Make it personal, unique, ambitious, sentimental — whatever best expresses you and your drive to serve and care for others.

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A. Research the two following topics and write a one page summary of your findings for the two scenarios: (5 points each)1. Stem cell research for reproduction of a designer child whose sole purpose is to be a donor to a sick child.2. Parents who decide, for religious and moral issues, to preserve umbilical cords for use in the future to potentially save a life.B. Write a one page summary for the questions asked below. (10 points1. What are the moral and ethical implications of this genetic selection?What conclusions have you reached about such medical technology?3. How does your attitude toward God affect your opinion?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Cloning Technology

Dolly, Dolly, and More DollyIt all started with a sheep named Dolly. In the mid-1990s, scientists proved convincingly that after decades of trying, we could, indeed, clone mammals — and even possibly, human beings. Unsurprisingly, this discovery was one of the most controversial of the 20th Century, and the issue of cloning continues to be just as contentious today.CloningLearn about cloning, starting with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s excellent Cloning Fact Sheet.Cloning. National Human Genome Research Institute. Retrieved from respond to these big issues throughout the week, both in your own postings and in responses to your classmates’ postings.What are the risks and benefits of cloning?What are some potential uses for cloning?Could you envision using cloning technology in your own life? If so, how?What are some of the ethical problems with cloning?How do you feel about cloning animals? What about humans?Should cloning be regulated? Why or why not? If so, by whom?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Legal And Ethical Issues

Describe some of the legal and ethical issues surrounding physician-assisted suicides. What implications does it have on health services managers and health economics as a whole?3 reputable references uploaded textbook can be used as reference

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Managerial Epidemiology

Rates and Study Designs1) Describe three examples of healthcare data sets. What are the strengths and limitations of those data sets?2) What is the difference between crude, specific, and adjusted rates?3) Compare and contrast case control, cohort, and experimental study designs.—————————–Epidemiology of the problem draftResearch epidemiological statistics on your health issue. What is the incidence. prevalence, disease rate, high risk groups, and major risk factors for the disease or health problem? Be sure to use original sources of data (obesity).THE RESOURCES ATTACHED

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Community-Level Barriers

Prepare a recap of the model program for your community that you originally shared in the Week 2 written assignment.  As stated in the Week 2 directions, changes to the potential program can be made as you research and develop the focus of the program.Analyze and discuss at least three critical barriers that impact the health and well-being of your chosen group; one must be a micro-level (individual) barrier that is financial, one must be a macro-level (community/state) barrier that relates to access and funding for care, and  the third barrier may be one of your choosing.Discuss at least one proposed solution for each barrier. Your solution for the micro barrier must include an analysis of various potential funding options (both independent and integrated). Your solution for the macro barrier must include an analysis of financing resources for health care.Research and analyze the regulatory, legal, ethical, and accreditation requirements and issues for the service(s) offered in your proposed program. Discuss how each will impact the management of the program.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Antibiotics Azithromycin

The goal of this lab report is to answer the following two questions: Is there a difference in the effectiveness of the three antibiotics azithromycin, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin against Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae? How does cell wall structure affect susceptibility to antibiotics (those used in your sensitivity testing)? The experimental design used to answer these questions is performing a disc-diffusion antibiotic susceptibility test and gram staining. The results of both experiments are: Streptococcus pneumoniae is gram positive, Neisseria meningitidis is gram negative, and Haemophilus influenzae is gram negative. I have attached a bar graph that shows the results of the disc-diffusion antibiotic susceptibility test which are the average diameters of the zone of inhibitions for each bacteria with each antibiotic. I have also attached the peer-reviewed papers needed for 7) “CSLI zone size interpretative chart” and “BD antimicrobial susceptibility test.”1) Give background information on all bacteria and antibiotics you did your experiment on(mentioned above)2) Write about what is already known about them in the research literature. 6 journal papers minimum – primary scientific articles (4 at least) and secondary scientific articles (review papers). Find more recent papers, published within the last 10– 20 years.3) What is left unanswered and what is the significance of your experiment?4) What are your goals (objectives)? The aim of your study should be clearly stated immediately after discussing the basic references.5) Mention your experimental design.6) State the hypothesis and your prediction(s) in the last paragraph.Don’t forget to cite throughout the text – (author, year), for example: (Jensen, 2006) or(Stevens and Bonvecchio, 2001) or (Zhou et al., 2010).Written in present tense, and past tense if mentioning previously found data.7) Use past tense to state what you found out in your experiments, whether your resultssupport the hypothesis, or your results falsified the hypothesis.8) Interpret your findings and discuss their significance9)Draw conclusions and relate your data/findings to what has already been done in this field10)Compare your data to findings from published peer-reviewed papers to prove the results you got are valid or not. (No Quotes! You need to paraphrase the information you got from your sources and cite the author(s) of those papers)11)Propose future experiments.12)Talk about implications of your research.

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