[ORDER SOLUTION] Making Healthy Food Choices

Answer these Discussion Prompts:What is your favorite food and what NOVA processing category does it fall under? AND Why is this food your favorite?From your research what was the most interesting fact you learned?We know processed foods are easy to prepare and convenient which is why many American’s include them in their diet. What are other challenges American’s face when making healthy food choices?Should the government provide more regulation on the types of processed foods manufacturers and food establishmentsproduce? AND Why? and if you answer “Yes”, How should this be done?How can American’s reduce their intake of processed foods? (Keep in mind many people choose these foods because they are quick and easy to prepare.)Instructions:Respond to 3 of the discussion prompts to build your discussion. Think critically and respond with your own opinions and ideas that are well thought out, thorough, and fact-based.Do not simply repeat the discussion of your peers. You will receive minimal credit.Include citations or web links used. You may use other resources besides the ones provided, but be sure you are using reliable, scientific, accurate sources. Review Unit 2 if you are unsure if your source is acceptable.You will need to submit 3 complete total responses for full credit (1 initial response addressing your 3 questions and 2 peer responses). In your peer responses, you will need to respond to one of the questions of your peers.You should write professionally with complete sentences, proper spelling, and grammar. There is no word count requirement, your posts are graded on the quality of content, and discussion expectations.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Ethical Issues In Sports Medicine

Search for, download, and read the ‘Code of Ethics’ for Physical TherapistsRead the articles, “Ethical Issues in Sports Medicine: A Review and Justification for Ethical Decision Making and Reasoning” and “The Changing Context of Sport and Medicine’s Social Contract with Society: Implications for Sports Medicine EthicsYou are to write an exploratory essay on how your ethics align with those of your profession and how you might manage potential conflict in sports medicine. Discuss how your personal values or ethics (personal code of ethics) align with the code of ethics for your chosen profession and how they relate to one of the other articles. While you may or may not work directly with sport/athletic participants  at some level, as a future healthcare professional, educator, or coach, you will likely encounter sport/athletic participants in your career.Things to consider in your personal exploration and discussion (Do not answer these questions as if they are questions on an exam. Use them as guidance in your discussion):How are your personal beliefs in alignment in your daily practice with your family? Socially? Education? Work? Do you practice the same ethical behavior in each? What’s differentHow do your ethics align with that of your profession? Do you agree with the Code of Ethics for your future profession?How might your ethics conflict with other constituents in other sports or sports medicine (coaches, players, parents, administrators)?What specific resources do you expect to have to support you in your decision making after graduation and how will those resources help you?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Classical Budgetary Process

Describe the similarities and difference between a classical budgetary process and a rolling forecast process. Who are the key players in each and what is his or her role? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?—————————————————————You should research your answer and cite at least ONE scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Federal Health Care Laws

See attached documents.Write a 4–6-page policy proposal and practice guidelines for improving quality and performance associated with the benchmark metric underperformance you advocated for improving in Assessment 1.In advocating for institutional policy changes related to local, state, or federal health care laws or policies, health leaders must be able to develop and present clear and well-written policy and practice guideline proposals that will enable a team, a unit, or an organization as a whole to resolve relevant performance issues and bring about improvements in the quality and safety of health care. This assessment offers you an opportunity to take the lead in proposing such changes.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Nutritional Implications

You are required to write a 2500-word essay critically reviewing the literature on one of the topics below (choose from two topics):1) Critically discuss the efficacy, mechanisms of action and nutritional implications of plant-based diets for the prevention and management of metabolic disorders. (efficacy – means how effective it is)2) Critically discuss the efficacy, safety and nutritional implications of surgical treatments for obesity. (efficacy – means how effective it is)General guidance on essaysAn essay at MSc level needs to be analytical and critical. Published review papers can provide ideas on how to approach this essay. Sometimes methodological issues are important as well. An issue of particular importance in many contexts is the design of the study (longitudinal or cross-sectional) and whether studies rely on self-reports (e.g. reporting of weight).Overall you need to develop an ‘argument’ based on the published literature or even the absence of relevant research. This ‘argument’ should lead to an appropriate conclusion. Remember this is your essay and you are free to make some bold statements, particularly in the conclusion, based on your insights derived from your review of the evidence.Reference requirement is attached

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The U.S. System Of Healthcare

Compare the U.S. system of healthcare to one in another country of your choosing. List at least three key differences in the health care system of your country of choosing as it relates to the American system, and analyze the effectiveness of each, as well as the disadvantage of one system compared to the other.Answer the above prompt in at least 1,500 words, utilizing and citing least four scholarly sources in APA style format.

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Write a 400-word essay that explains what is Red Tides; what causes it and what harm can be done to fish and human? Support your essay with reference

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Therapeutic Assessment

Two paragraphscite work APA FormatUsing the Library or the Internet, research acids, bases, and salts that are used in therapeutic processes. On the basis of your research, respond to the following:State two examples each of acids, bases, and salts commonly used in therapeutic processes.From the examples you state, select one acid, one base, and one salt and describe specifically how and where they are used in therapeutic processes.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Improvement Methodologies

How can improvement methodologies change the course of quality improvement?  Discuss how these tools can be used to improve quality and operations.  (Process Improvement/Quality Improvement:  Lean methodologies, PDSA, SMART Goals, SWAT Analysis, RCA.minimum of 2 cited source materials using APA formatting.The book  we use in this course attached :Wolper, L. F. (2013). Physician practice management: Essential operational and financial knowledge (Second ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Operative Dentistry

You are requested to provide a discussion about the role of Laser in operative dentistry.The assignment should cover the following points:- What is Laser?- What are the different types of Laser?- Interaction of Laser with the tissues- Types of Laser used in Operative Dentistry.- Applications of Laser in Operative Dentistry- The content should be well organized and written properly.- References should be written at the end of the assignment in Vancouver style.- The word limit is 1000-1500- References should be written at the end of the assignment in Vancouver style.- Submissions should be in PDF format only.- plagiarism should not exceed 25%- Include labeled diagrams, figures and tables whenever possible

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