[ORDER SOLUTION] Inter-Professional Education

What? — What have you learned about inter-professional education (IPE)? So What? — Why is it important for pharmacists to collaborate with other professions? Now What? — What are you going to do to apply what you have learned and continue to build these skills? Length: 250-500 words (one-half to one-full page, maximum).

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Glomerular Filtration

Discuss how the kidneys process carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, and the effect that an imbalance of these three macromolecules can have on renal function.Examine how the gross and histological structure of the kidney facilitates urine production during: 1) glomerular filtration, 2) tubular reabsorption, and 3) tubular secretion.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Cultural Beliefs

PART: For a cultural group different from your own, list three culturally based behaviors that may not promote health, and explain how you would provide respectful health promotion education to that cultural group. (must Answer this)As a nurse, you will encounter many individuals who have different backgrounds and cultural beliefs. Providing culturally sensitive care can be a challenge when your values and beliefs are very different from those of your patients.Culturally competent care does not require you to change your own worldview; it simply means you accept others, act with empathy, and adapt your behavior as necessary to respect the values of other cultures.Part 2 incorporate answer from part 1 to answer the below questions.Identify how cultural beliefs and customs influence health and wellness practices (CO 2 and 6)Explain the influences of diversity, family, and socioeconomic issues on health choices (CO 2, 3, and 6)Summarize how the nursing process provides a framework for the professional nurse to promote the health of individuals, families, and communities in a multicultural society (CO 1, 3, and 7)

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Care Delivery System

Examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the U.S. health care delivery system. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss action taken for reform and restructuring and the role of the nurse within this changing environment.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Bone Development

Describe the relationships between Osteoporosis, calcium, and bone development and its disintegration. What specific advice would you give a client to avoid poor bone health?1. All submissions should have a title page, followed by 500 words of text (approximately 3 pages of text), followed by a numbered “Reference List”. 2. The font should be either Ariel or Times New Roman.  The size should be 12 point.  Please double space all work.  There is a maximum of 1 inch margins for all pages.3. The numbered Reference List should contain your textbook and at least 2 peer reviewed articles.4. You must be able to cite which sentences in your submission comes from your peer reviewed articles.  I need to know which sentences come from your articles and which sentences are your own.  You may use MLA, or AMA style of citation.  If you lack experience or knowledge regarding citing your work, the Librarians stand ready to help you.  All you need to do is ask a BC librarian for help5. Please DO NOT tell me nutritional stories.  Please discuss the topic at hand and how if at all your views have been affected by the articles.  Please remember this is an ACADEMIC DISCUSSION. This is NOT a casual conversation about Nutrition.  Please choose articles that are relevant to the topic and have some information besides what is found in your textbook.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Future Of Education

Covid-19 has changed our lives drastically since March 2020. Many students in schools are attending online classes for the first time. How has the pandemic affected learning? What can you foresee in the future of education until a vaccine becomes available? (1500 words minimum)You must use at least 5 scholarly sources for your paper beyond the course textbook. Professional journal articles found in the Virtual Library will be key sources in researching your topic.  All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced and paraphrased; any quoted material must be placed in quotes, and must have accompanying APA style in-text citations.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Patient Satisfaction

Case Study #1Read case study “Managing the Patient Experience: Facing the Tension Between Quality Measures and Patient Satisfaction” (p. 420) in your textbook and answer the following questions.  Need to thoroughly explain your answer. You may need to use outside resources to support your answer.Remember to follow the Case Study Assignment Guidelines, which can be found by clicking here.1. What kinds of healthcare management jobs are evident or may be inferred in this case that is necessary for the operation of the organization?2. What kinds of healthcare services and HCOs are evident in this case or may be inferred in this case that is necessary for the operation of the organization?3. Explain how Mr. Jackson could use each of Gulick’s 5 management functions to implement his patient expectations program.4.Focus on the next-to-last paragraph that describes the development of the educational video. Create a Gantt chart (as in Exhibit 3.7 on page 72) for that project using Microsoft Excel.If you need guidance on creating a Gantt chart, use LinkedIn Learning or YouTube and search for Gantt chart. Use information from the case and your imagination/creativity to decide which tasks to include in your Gantt chart.  Here’s a YouTube video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsxi4qaEnOg (Links to an external site.)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsxi4qaEnOg5. Using Chapter 5, explain how various coordination methods from Chapter 5 could be used to coordinate patient experience work at AMC.6. Consider the pros and cons of internal and external recruitment.  How might Mr. Jackson’s prior jobs and work experience affect his success as chief experience officer at AMC?All case studies must use the following guidelines:

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Public Health Issue

It must be about Autism spectrum disorder1. Research Question: Propose a research question for a health issue where you have identified a gap in the existing scientific literature2.. Source: Cite at least one article you have found that addresses your selected public health issue. What is the significance of this data?3.Relevance/Goals: How is this article relevant to your final project research? That is, what are some broader goals you hope to accomplish by proposing further research?No plagiarism

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Cellular Adaptation

OVERVIEWHow do you study pathophysiology? You have observed a case, and you have read many articles on topics related to how our body adapts to environmental toxins on a cellular level. Now you are going to go deeper in your observations to build your report.You should spend approximately 6 hours on this assignment.INSTRUCTIONSIn at least 750 words, or 3 double-spaced pages, prepare a case report that addresses the following:1. Based on the case study provided, respond to the following questions:o Identify and differentiate the symptoms from the signs in this patient.o What is the personal and social history of our patient?o What is the family history?o What results do you expect to find in the tests ordered?o What are some complications the patient is suffering now?2. In regardto the patient’s mother’s breast cancer:o What are the four mechanisms of cellular adaptation? Explain.o What is the general classification of neoplasms according to their tissue of origin?3. How would sickle cell anemia induce ischemia? What are the differences between ischemia and necrosis?4. What are the differences between sickle cell anemia and leukemia? Compare their pathophysiology, symptoms, signs, and lab results.All references must be cited using APA Style format. Submit your paper to the Module 1 Assignment: Research and Report assignment folder.

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Overview of an Episodic ExamQuestionHow do acute cases differ from chronic cases in primary care?use APA 7th edition format for crediting sources.5 references

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