[ORDER SOLUTION]  Systematic Desensitization

KATHRINA: Learning to cope with anxiety:Kathrina, a Native American in her early 20s, comes to the clinic where you work as a behaviorally oriented therapist. Assume that this is your initial meeting with her and that you know nothing else about her. Also assume that she would very much like to become involved in short-term behavioral counseling, mainly to deal with chronic anxiety that is getting in the way of her personal and professional life.Some Background Data:During the initial interview Kathrina tells you:“I’ve just got to learn how to cope with stress. I feel as if there’s a dark cloud over my head – a constant feeling of apprehension. I’m so worked up during the day that when I try to go to sleep, I just toss and turn most of the night, ruminating over everything that happened to me that day. I keep telling myself that I’ve got to get to sleep or I won’t be worth a damn the next day. I just lie there and can’t seem to stop thinking of what I did or will do the next day. When I do get up the next morning, I’m a basket case. I sell real estate, and lately I’m getting more anxious about my future.I’m fearful of contacting people because I might say the wrong thing and blow the potential sale, and I’m afraid they’ll notice my anxiety. I just don’t seem to be able to relax at any time. And what’s even worse is that I feel less able to cope with stress now than I used to. Stress is getting the best of me, and I’m afraid that unless I can learn to recognize and deal with the situations I’m in, my anxiety will do me in.”Kathrina also tells you that she is experiencing many problems in leaving home and feeling that she can make it on her own. She says that she is not following the family “program” and lets you know that her parents are disappointed with some of the ways in which she is living. She does not want to cut herself off from her family, yet she has trouble in being everything her parents expect of her.Assume that you and Kathrina agree to several counseling sessions to help her deal with her anxieties. Specifically, she wants guidance in learning coping skills that she can use on her own. Working within a behavioral framework, demonstrate how you would view her as a behaviorally oriented counselor and how you might proceed for several sessions.Questions to answer:1. How do you view Kathrina’s anxiety? How will your answer to this question have a direct bearing on the manner in which you work with her in your sessions?2. What cultural themes would you pay attention to, if any? To what extent would you focus on her alienation from her family? Would you be inclined to focus more on her anxiety? Her stress? Her concerns over not living up to the expectations of her family?3. What might you want to know from Kathrina about the ways in which her cultural experiences have affected her? If you are from a different background, would you expect any difficulties in understanding and working with her?4. What specific behavioral procedures might you employ during your sessions? What suggestions would you make to Kathrina for work she can do by herself outside of the sessions?5. What ways can you think of to teach her how to cope with stress? What self-help or self-management techniques could you suggest?6. How might you deal with Kathrina’s insomnia? How might you design a program for her that would help her relax and sleep at night?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Integrative Health Practices

Discuss the most meaningful aspects of the course related to culture and spiritual care. Include the topics of culture, spirituality,vulnerable populations; religious diversity, and complementary, alternative, and integrative health practices. Describe how this course content will be beneficial as a future advanced nursing professional with citations.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Interprofessional Collaboration

What communication strategies have you experienced in practice that foster interprofessional collaboration? What obstacles have you encountered and how have you addressed these in your practice?Teamwork Emergency?What do a NASA astronaut, a nurse in the ICU, and an NFL quarterback have in common? Teamwork! They all work in teams. To explore space, provide critical care, or win an NFL championship, these individuals need to “rely on others to reinforce their work and move it forward to achieve the greater goal” (Vega & Bernard, 2016, para 1).The Vila Health board has shared that one of the biggest complaints they receive is the lack of teamwork across the organization. We know that we need to work on interprofessional collaboration, making connections between all types of roles, departments, jobs, et cetera. Each one is important, right? How can we improve communication to be more effective in our collaboration?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Future Technology

What technology do you find most beneficial to use in your work or school setting? Least beneficial? Why do you find this tool useful or not? Then, using your imagination, look to the future and think about how this tool could be enhanced even further. Describe your dream technology, with consideration for patient care and safety.two scholarly articles

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Digestion Problems

InstructionsNow that we have looked at the nutrients needed to fuel our body, we will examine how the body processes the nutrients. Optimal eating and hydrating times will also be assessed. While an athlete may eat a number of different nutrients, each is digested differently and absorbed into the body at a different pace. There are a number of factors that may cause athletes digestion problems from the food they have eaten. These include the amount of fiber, presence of milk and dairy, as well as temperature of the food or beverage. Additional factors also play a role in how fast the stomach may be emptied. Athletes should have a planned hydration and eating timetable; it is integral to the athlete’s training scheduled and lifestyle.From your required reading and additional research, write a paper in which you analyze how two different nutrients are digested through the stomach and into the body by addressing these questions:1. Which types of foods might contain the nutrients in your research?2. What are the ways in which the two nutrients are digested differently and are absorbed into the body at different paces?3. What problems may occur if foods containing these nutrients are not properly digested?4. What happens to athletes if they have not properly fueled and hydrated their bodies?Length: 5-7 pagesReferences: a minimum of 3 referencesYour paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Universal Health Care

In this argument essay, you will demonstrate your ability to create a logical and fair argument that answers ONE of the below questions:Should climate change be considered a real issue or a hoax?Should the United States have universal health care?Should employers have access to an employee’s social media content?You will need to use three academic and reliable sources within your essay.Your essay should have a clear introduction, body paragraphs, a conclusion, and a references page.Before you submit your essay, use the  Checklist for Revisions Checklist for Revisions – Alternative Formats to ensure you’ve completed all the steps in the revision process.? The draft addresses the question or issue in a way that readers will care about.? The thesis is clear and placed at the end of theintroduction.? All ideas within the draft relate to the main thesis.? The draft is written at the audience’s level, accounting for their level of knowledgeand attitudes.? There are plenty of organizational cues (topic sentences, headings, etc.) to helpguide the readers through the paper.? Your essay has a clear introduction that sets up your argument and a conclusionthat wraps up that same argument.? Ideas are presented in an order that makes sense with transitions used to movethe reader from one idea to the next both within paragraphs and between them.? Paragraphs are long enough to cover the topic but short enough to avoidrepetition.? The evidence used is relevant, persuasive, and properly formatted in APA.? The draft has been proofread to ensure the purpose of the assignment is metand there are no grammar or spelling errors.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Child Abuse And Maltreatment

Child abuse and maltreatment is not limited to a particular age—it can occur in the infant, toddler, preschool, and school-age years. Choose one of the four age groups and outline the types of abuse most commonly seen among children of that age. Describe warning signs and physical and emotional assessment findings the nurse may see that could indicate child abuse. Discuss cultural variations of health practices that can be misidentified as child abuse. Describe the reporting mechanism in your state and nurse responsibilities related to the reporting of suspected child abuse.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Leadership In Nursing Practice

Wk 4 DiscussionAre there professional barriers to being involved with the legislative process, such as retaliation from institutions or individuals who do not share your same viewpoints? What steps would you take to ensure you can represent the advanced registered nurse as a leader and patient advocate under these types of circumstances? (137 words)Chapter 14 in the textbook, Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care, discusses the nursing profession’s lack of representation in health care policymaking, even though nurses currently represent the largest profession within the health care industry. The text suggests that this may be related to gender inequality, with women making up a large percentage of the nursing profession. Do you see any correlation to this argument? (138 words)Textbook: Porter-O Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2018). Leadership in nursing practice: Changing the landscape of health care (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284146530

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Physical Therapy Association

Research the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)  on the internet and answer the questions listed belowQuestions:1.    What does the organization do?2.    What are membership benefits and costs?3.    Do they offer certifications, if so what are they?4.    Does the organization have any publications?5.    What is something you find interesting about this organization?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Municipal Solid Waste

In this unit, you became familiar with sources of municipal solid waste (MSW), beneficial uses of MSW, and MSW landfills.For this assignment, you will write an essay that addresses the components listed below.Discuss the sources and beneficial uses of municipal solid waste.Describe the differences between garbage, rubbish, and trash.Elaborate on the four characteristics of optimum routing of MSW collection trucks.Explain the purpose of transfer stations.Provide two positive and two negative aspects of incinerators.Describe the purpose of composting.Discuss four differences between dumps and landfills.Address the following question: If each person in a city of 20,000 people generates 5 pounds per day of MSW, how many pounds of MSW are generated in a year in the city?Address the following question: In a different city, if the landfill volume required per year is 300,000 m3, and the average fill depth is 15 m, what is the required landfill area (m2) per year?Your essay should flow smoothly from topic to topic with thoughtful transitions. It should be at least three pages in length, not counting the references page; a title page is optional.Support your essay with at least two peer-reviewed articles from the CSU Online Library. The articles should be no more than 20 years old. Feel free to use the textbook and other sources as references in addition to your two CSU Online Library sources. Be sure to properly cite and reference all sources, and use APA format.

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