[ORDER SOLUTION] Type Of Dialysis

Describe the differences between hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and continuous renal replacement therapy. How do they work to clean the patient’s blood and/or remove excess fluids? How is it monitored to be sure it is working correctly? What are the worst side effects that can occur on the treatmentList three benefits and three disadvantages to each type.  List the type or types of access or accesses used to give each type of treatment.  Discuss who is and who is not a candidate for each type of dialysis and why.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Mass Contact-Tracking

During this Covid-19 pandemic, I would like you to think about biosurveillance and also contact tracing. Biosurveillance focuses on early detection of unusual disease patterns that may be due to human intervention. Please share your thoughts about using Biosurveillance and mass contact-tracking to curb pandemics. What do you think are some advantages and disadvantages?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Complications

Health complications can be stressful, especially in more vulnerable populations like young children and the elderly. With stress and loss of function often come depression and other psychological manifestations. As a nurse, part of your job is to recognize and educate patients and caregivers on how to deal with the psychological complications of a health crisis.In this Assignment, you will educate either a caregiver of an elderly patient or a caregiver of a young child patient on ways to prevent and manage psychological manifestations. Review the Learning Resources dealing with injuries and depression and anxiety.The Assignment:Develop a teaching plan for treating the potential psychological issues that may result from health crises in either the elderly or young children. You will use PowerPoint to present your teaching plan. Some considerations to make include:•    In what ways does mental health need to be considered across the illness/injury continuum?•    How can nurses help both patients and caregivers work through mental blocks and depression associated with an illness or injury?•    Although treatment will take place in a medical facility, how can non-medical treatments be used as a supplement?Support your idea with a minimum of three references from the professional nursing literature in the assigned course readings and other references in the Walden Library. If they are relevant, you may use one or two professional Web sites in addition to the literature references.Include the main elements of your presentation to a group of parents or elderly or their caregivers. This PowerPoint presentation should include between 8–10 slides. It will be assessed using the Week 3 Assignment. Prior to submitting your Assignment, make sure to review the rubric, which is located in the Course Information area.Name: NURS_4005_Week3_Assignment_RubricDescription: NURS 4006 Assignment Week 3 Rubric•    Grid View•    List VieExcellent    Proficient    Basic    Needs ImprovementProvided an overview slide on the purpose of the presentation.    Points Range:9 (6.00%) – 10 (6.66666%)Provided a fully developed overview slide on the purpose of the presentation with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:8 (5.33333%) – 8 (5.33333%)Provided a developed overv view slide on the purpose of the presentation with reasonable analysis of concepts and relatedissues.    Points Range:7 (4.66666%) – 7 (4.66666%)Provided a minimally-developed overview slide on the purpose of the presentation with limited analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 6 (4.00%)Provided a under-developed overview slide on the purpose of the presentation with little or no analysis of concepts and related issues.Described ways mental health needs should be considered across the illness/injury continuum and focused on population to consider and target audience.    Points Range:18 (12.00%) – 20 (13.33333%)Provided a fully developed description of mental health needs across the illness/injury continuum focused on a population and target audience with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:16 (10.66666%) – 17 (11.33333%)Provided a developed description of mental health needs across the illness/injury continuum focused on a population and target audience with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:14 (9.33333%) – 15 (10.00%Provided a minimally-developed description of mental health needs across the illness/injury continuum focused on a population and target audience with limited analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 13 (8.66666%)Provided a under-developed description of mental health needs across the illness/injury continuum focused on a population and target audience with little or no analysis of concepts and related issues.Outlined a teaching plan to help both patients and caregivers prevent/manage psychological manifestations associated with an illness, injury, or health crisis.    Points Range:36 (24.00%) – 40 (26.66666%)Provided a fully developed outline of a teaching plan on preventing/managing psycholigical manifestations with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:32 (21.33333%) – 35 (23.33333%)Provided a developed outline of a teaching plan on preventing/managing psycholigical manifestations with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:28 (18.66666%) – 31 (20.66666%)Provided a minimally-developed outline of a teaching plan on preventing/managing psycholigical manifestations with limited analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 27 (18.00%)Provided a under-developed outline of a teaching plan on preventing/managing psycholigical manifestations with little or no analysis of concepts and related issues.Addressed possible non-medical treatments to be used as a supplement.    Points Range:18 (12.00%) – 20 (13.33333%)Provided a fully developed plan addressing possible non-medical treatments with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:16 (10.66666%) – 17 (11.33333%)Provided a developed plan addressing possible non-medical treatments with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:14 (9.33333%) – 15 (10.00%)Provided a minimally-developed plan addressing possible non-medical treatments with limited analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 13 (8.66666%)Provided a under-developed plan addressing possible non-medical treatments with little or no analysis of concepts and related issues.Provided a summary of the main points of the teach plan/presentation.    Points Range:9 (6.00%) – 10 (6.66666%)Provided a fully developed summary of the main points of the teach plan/presentation with insightful analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:8 (5.33333%) – 8 (5.33333%)Provided a developed summary of the main points of the teach plan/presentation with reasonable analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:7 (4.66666%) – 7 (4.66666%)Provided a minimally-developed summary of the main points of the teach plan/presentation with limited analysis of concepts and related issues.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 6 (4.00%)Provided a under-developed summary of the main points of the teach plan/presentation with little or no analysis of concepts and related issues.Academic Writing Expectations (AWE 3) 4000 Level    Points Range:23 (15.33333%) – 25 (16.66666%)Demonstrates fully developed sentence, paragraph, and essay level skills. Displays academic expression through fully developed use of evidence from multiple sources to support content. Meets the 4000 AWE level with no writing issues and exceeds the minimum reference requirement.    Points Range:20 (13.33333%) – 22 (14.66666%)Demonstrates developed sentence, paragraph, and essay level skills. Displays academic expression through developed use of evidence from most sources to support content. Meets the 4000 AWE level with minimal writing issues and exceeds the minimum reference requirement.    Points Range:18 (12.00%) – 19 (12.66666%)Demonstrates minimally developed sentence, paragraph, and essay level skills. Beginning to display academic expression through minimally developed use of evidence from some sources to support content. Minimally meets the 4000 AWE level with several writing issues and meets the minimum reference requirement.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 17 (11.33333%)Demonstrates limited sentence, paragraph, and essay level skills. Does not display academic expression, has limited use of evidence with few or no sources to support the content. Does not meet the 4000 AWE level of writing and does not meet the mimium reference requirement.APA Formatting: cover page, title of paper on second page, level headings, Times New Roman 12 font, 1″” margins, and page numbers. APA References: Uses in-text citations appropriately and format correctly. Paraphrases to avoidplagiarizing the source.Reference list is in alphabetical order, hanging indent, double spaced in format. Each specific entry contains all information required by APA format including author, year of publication, title of publication, pages, DOI, website, as appropriate.    Points Range:23 (15.33333%) – 25(16.66666%)Demonstrates fully developed APA formatting and referencing requirements with no formatting errors.    Points Range:20 (13.33333%) – 22 (14.66666%)Demonstrates developed APA formatting and referencing requirements with minimal formatting errors.    Points Range:18 (12.00%) – 19 (12.66666%)Demonstrates minimally developed APA formatting and referencing requirements with several formatting errors.    Points Range:0 (0.00%) – 17 (11.33333%)Demonstrates limited APA formatting and referencing requirements with multiple formatting errors.Name:NURS_4005_Week3_Assignment_RubricDescription:NURS 4006 Assignment Week 3 Rubric

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Medical Interventions

MN 576 Unit 2 DBVulnerability may arise from individual, community, or larger population challenges and requires different types of policy interventions — from social and economic development of neighborhoods and communities, and educational and income policies, to individual medical interventions. Values affect how society views the vulnerable — as victims or sinners — and thus whether or not public assistance is provided. There are programs that help vulnerable populations gain access to opportunities that support their full participation in society. Each provides a dedicated source of financial and technical assistance for projects and activities in their respective programming areas.Explore federal agencies that are concerned with women’s health. Which ones may be of benefit to vulnerable populations? Explore nonprofit agencies that are concerned with women’s health. Share resources aimed at benefitting women in your state or area.*** My state is Alabama and I need 3 scholarly references**

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Solid Academic Writing

Nurses often become motivated to change aspects within the larger health care system based on their real-world experience. As such, many nurses take on an advocacy role to influence a change in regulations, policies, and laws that govern the larger health care system. For this assignment, identify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization that has the capacity for advocacy through legislation. Research the issue and use the “Advocacy Through Legislation” template to complete this assignment. You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Spiritual Beliefs

Conduct a literature search to locate recent, peer-reviewed scholarly publications related to the cultural and religious or spiritual beliefs and practices of two culturally diverse population groups currently residing in the United States.Concisely describe the key findings for each population group and discuss how cultural and religious or spiritual beliefs and practices may influence compliance with prescribed treatment regimens for each group, thus, influence patient care outcomes. What are the implications of these findings for your future advanced nursing role? ExpectationsCitations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Genitourinary System

Discuss why pregnant women have an increased risk for yeast infections. Discuss the changes of the female genitourinary organs during pregnancy.Discuss the changes that occur in the aging woman with regard to sexual function. Explain the myths concerning decreased sexual desire and sexual pleasure.Discuss female genital mutilation.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Accountable Care Organization

This assessment is aligned with the module objective “Develop the implementation of population-focused care through the nursing process, collaboration, and interdisciplinary skills.” As part of the written assignment, you will complete the following tasks:Describe an Accountable Care organization and how it impacts population health.Discuss the concept of ‘bundled care’ and the risks which organizations that participate in bundle payment.Explain the benefits of showing pricing for care.ReferencesMinimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Healthcare Financing

answer the following questions with at least 3 sentences:Healthcare in America – week 111.    Looking at the history of healthcare financing (C&J) what do you think contributed to the rising cost of healthcare?2.    How do healthcare spending costs in America compare to those of other developed countries such as Switzerland, Germany, Canada, and France?3.    Is healthcare a right or a benefit? Explain. If it is a right, then what is our responsibility in ensuring this right for all citizens? Should everyone have an equal portion, or if you can afford it, you can have more?4.    Who pays for the unpaid healthcare costs in the U.S.?5.    As nurses are we able to contain costs while attaining positive patient outcomes? Explain.6.    How, as nurses, might we advocate for quality health care for all people?7.    Other than financial resources, what are some additional barriers to healthcare in America?8.    Has the Affordable Healthcare Act solved our current healthcare dilemma? Why or why not?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Population Growth

Relationship between population growth and healthcare issues

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