Health & Medical
[ORDER SOLUTION] Ebola Virus Epidemic
Part I: Communication for Behavioral Impact (COMBI) Project Topic In this course, you will be required to submit a final paper for grading. The paper should determine your understanding of the concepts, principles, and practices in community health promotion concepts studied in this course. Please follow instructions carefully. Communication-for-Behavioral Impact: An Integrated Model for Health and Social Change, as well as other assigned readings to prepare a COMBI plan for an impending hypothetical disease outbreak in your community. Your plan must address the points outlined below and subsequently suggest control measures for that outbreak. For this assignment, use the CSU library and locate articles and other resources relating to COMBI. Identify a hypothetical disease outbreak that you are familiar with or have read about.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Disorder Of Attention
I need help cleaning this up – response from Professor: 1) Introduction not clear – specific sentence “Randomized controlled data shows that in 60-70 percent of instances, as identified compared to the same counterparts, childhood ADHD continues into adolescent year and 58 percent of cases when DSM-V guidelines and parental records have been used.” 2) In the objectives section. I wrote the objectives as if I was the one conducting these activities. Help me so it sounds like a conducted review of literature. what are you trying to achieve? 3) Methods section: Describe how articles are selected not what I did. How will you achieve these objectives? 4) Results: What is it that I found. Please see attachment of powerpoint and edit on there for me.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Global Health Trends
Policy, Politics, and Global Health Trends Task Requirements: A. Prepare your reflection essay (suggested length of no more than of 3 pages) of the values and ethics of a public policy issue by doing the following: 1. Analyze a health or nursing profession public policy issue that impacts a group of people and requires a policy change. a. Discuss why you selected this public policy issue. Note: If you select a local policy, be sure your discussion reflects how the policy will affect more than a single unit, department, or organization. b. Discuss the relevance of the public policy issue to the health or the nursing profession, using two pieces of academically appropriate literature from the last five years. c. Describe the financial impact of the public policy on an organization or on a community. 2. Analyze how your values impact your position on the public policy issue. a. Discuss the ethical principle (e.g., autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice) or theory that underpins your perspective. B. Develop a policy brief (suggested length of no more than 6 pages) for the public policy issue discussed in part A in which you do the following: 1. Identify the decision maker (name and title) who will receive the policy brief. a. Explain why the public policy issue requires the decision makers attention, using relevant nursing research from the last five years to support your position. 2. Discuss the main challenges of addressing the selected public policy issue. 3. Discuss the primary options and/or interventions for the decision maker, including why they are tangible. 4. Propose a persuasive course of action for the decision maker, including ways to avoid the challenges identified in part B2. 5. Discuss how you will evaluate the success of your policy brief (top-down approach). C. Create a plan (suggested length of no more than 3 pages) for working with an organization or a community to address the public policy issue analyzed in part A by doing the following: 1. Identify an organization or community that has expressed interest in your selected health or nursing profession public policy issue. a. Summarize evidence supporting why the organization or community has expressed interest in the selected public policy issue. 2. Identify three CBPR principles you could use to work with the organization or community to address a policy change for the public policy issue. a. Explain how you could approach and collaborate with the organization or community. b. Discuss how the goal of the community or organization aligns with your goal for the selected public policy issue. c. Discuss the action steps that need to be taken to achieve your goal from part C2b. d. Discuss the possible roles/responsibilities of the community or organization members, including problem- solving and capacity-building roles. e. Discuss key elements of developing a collaborative evaluation plan, using CBPR principles. f. Discuss how you will evaluate the success of your community or organization plan (bottom-up approach). D. Analyze (suggested length of 1 page) the strengths and challenges of the top-down and bottom-up approaches in achieving policy change(s) to support your selected public policy issue by doing the following: 1. Discuss the strengths of each approach to implement change for the selected public policy issue. 2. Discuss the challenges of each approach to implement change for the selected public policy issue. 3. Discuss which approach you would recommend as the most effective to address the selected public policy issue. E. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format. *I WILL ATTACH A SAMPLE PAPER THAT WILL MAKE THINGS A LOT EASIER 🙂
[ORDER SOLUTION] Legal Standards
Instructions Please submit a paper answering each of the following questions: 1. What is the legal basis for (ie legal sources of) the right to health? (100 words max) 2. What is meant by ‘core minimum obligations’ and ‘progressive realisation’ under the right to health? (100 words max) 3. “The right to health contains entitlements and freedoms” Discuss this statement (200 words max) 4. Explain, in your own words, what the AAAQ framework includes and what it is intended to assess. (200 words max) 5. In your view, is the AAAQ framework useful for the above purpose? Why, why not? (200 words max) You must make reference to the course literature to support your answers. Accurate and consistent referencing is essential. Plagiarism will result in a U grade Format Submit your answers Word format, in 12 point font and 1.5 spaced. Not single spaced, please (it is difficult to read) Learning objectives for this assignment describe the content of the main international human rights declarations and their relationship to public health and explain the right to health as a legal standard lecture 1 > lecture 2 > Lecture 3 > Essential reading About 40 pages International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, in particular Articles 2, 4, 12 (Links to an external site.) Constitution of the World Health Organization, Preamble and Article 1 (Links to an external site.) Tobin J. & Barrett D. (2020) ‘The Right to Health and Health-Related Human Rights’, in Meier B. & Gostin L. (eds) Foundations of Global Health and Human Rights Ch. 3 UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Comment No 14 on the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Physical and Mental Health, UN Doc No E/C.12/2000/4, 11 August 2000 (Available in Course literature
[ORDER SOLUTION] Men Health Disparities
Title of the paper: Mens health disparities in nursing education 3000-4000 words double space APA format. The premise of this paper is to demonstrate that there is a disparity in addressing mens health in the USA in general and in the nursing profession in particular. Nursing education does not address or offer courses specifically related to mens health in the undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. On the contrary, although life expectancy among men is much shorter than women, yet womens health has a great deal of attention in nursing both in practice and in academia. Hence, mens health should be included in the nursing curriculum in both undergraduate and graduate programs. There is a need to have a specialty with a focus on mens health issues. Propose an inclusion plan of mens health in nursing education. Why do you think this is important?
Review and reflect back on your journal entries this semester. In this conclusion to the reflective journal, be sure to address these questions and anything else you’d like to add: 1. What have you learned about yourself and how have your attitudes and behaviors changed in terms of health and wellness? 2. How was the SMART goal setting helpful and how will you continue using it? 3. What barriers did you face with your SMART goal and how did you overcome them? My SMART goal requires 6000 strides every day to maintain body fitness. The goal is to reduce ten pounds of weight every week. Through active listening and concentration on the task, I have managed to lose weight. Currently, I am counting my first steps to the accomplishment of the SMART goal. Due to my busy schedule, I will walk the steps only five times a week. The five days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. Therefore, I will take an average of 8400 steps every day to compensate for Monday and Friday. 4200 in the morning and evening, respectively. My muscles are currently relaxed, and the 6000 strides every day does not leave me exhausted as it was when I commenced the exercise. However, there have been some barriers. For instance, at some point, I felt a lack of motivation. There was no motivation to endure the exercise. Additionally, there is sometimes a lack of time because of the busy daily schedules. To overcome the obstacles, I would find my motivation and time for the task through dedication and concentration. Some of my accomplishments are the consumption of salad and fruits in my daily diet, monitoring my sleeping schedules, and taking less sugary foods. The use of a fitness app has enabled me to keep track of my progress. The adjustments I would make to my fitness exercise are using a trainer and focusing on the task to make each day count. Through active listening and concentration, I will be able to accomplish my SMART goal. Maintaining my smart goal has been easier this past week as I have more energy to continue my daily goal of strides a day. Eating healthier has also helped with keeping my energy up thus allowing me to not feel lazy throughout the day. Some modifications I made this week were to lower my amount of strides in a day to 4000 as I am inside more and not able to walk outside because of the cold waether so I use a bike instead, but it does not document my strides as accurate.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Occupational Health
answer the following questions. 1. Mention and discuss the role of nursing in occupational health 2. Describe and discuss the four types of exposures and hazards in the work place A minimum of 3 evidence-based references no older than 5 years must be used. with the proper references no older than 5 years as well and make sure the references are properly quoted in your assignment. A minimum of 800 words not to exceed 1,000 are required without counting the first and last page. Plagiarism free please
[ORDER SOLUTION] Patient Classification Systems
All discussion assignments will be evaluated utilizing rubric criterion inclusive of content, analysis, collaboration, writing, and APA. If you fail to post an initial discussion you will not receive these points, however, you may participate in the classroom discussion for partial credit. Discussion Question/Prompt (30 points) AHRQ states that safety practices require a culture of safety across healthcare. Safety is one of the 6 critical areas for Nursing. Describe a just culture. How does this culture improve patient Care? Describe how this would relate to incident reporting and discipline of staff. The Joint Commission, in cooperation with (HQA) Hospital Quality Alliance, established core measures required for all healthcare organizations. One reported, the core measures are available for public view and use at (Links to an external site.) . Research data on 2 hospitals in your area and summarize. Scheduling systems and patient classification systems are often computerized to collect data. State examples of each along with advantages and strengths of each. Be prepared to discuss how these systems could be improved.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Environmental Situation
research paper on a Public Health Environmental Health topic. Explain the Environmental situation and why it’s important. Who/what is being affected? What “measures” if any are taking place to address the situation? What the potential future consequences are? What can communities/lay people do to help the situation?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Physical Health
Hi! I’m looking for someone to write my research paper for me on stress, and how it affects the body and mind, which generally leads to a decline in health. Also including ways to deal with stress. This paper is due on the 12th of December at 11:59 PM. It doesn’t have to be an A+ paper, just has to be around the B… B+ range. Thank you! Have a great day. Instructions…. Find three (3) peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last ten (10) years (2010 to 2020) covering original scientific research in your area of interest. Original research means the authors conducted the research themselves, recruited a sample (of any size), collected data, and analyzed results. You cannot use a meta-analysis, a systematic review of the literature, a theoretical paper, or a scientific opinion piece; original research only. This research can include experiments, correlational research, observational research, or case studies. Do not use archival or historical research. Introduction This section is where you will define and describe the topic of interest and why it is important. You’ll use research and sources beyond your three original research articles for this section (You may use the textbook for this section as well, but it cannot be your only source). For example, if you wanted to research the efficacy of psychotherapy among patients with schizophrenia, in your introduction you can include information on the prevalence of schizophrenia (percentage of the population with schizophrenia) in the United States or in the world, along with the national or global economic costs of schizophrenia, and the negative health outcomes of people with schizophrenia, and its impact on the mental and physical health or their children or families. Introduce the four original studies you read. Include who conducted the research and where. What was each of their primary research question/focus? What was their population of interest? What was their main hypothesis (what did they expect to find)? Methods Summarize and compare each study’s methods. This includes their recruitment strategies, the size and demographics of their samples/participants, and their research procedures. Early in this section, be sure to state the type of research that was conducted (e.g. experimental, correlational, observational, etc.). Then, based on your textbook readings, evaluate the studies’ recruitment strategies, samples (Did they match the population of interest? Were they diverse?), and their procedures (What limitations, if any, do you notice in their procedures? How valid does the study appear to you? I.e. Based on their procedures, how accurately did the study research what they intended to research?) Results Summarize and compare the major findings from each study. Discussion Summarize and compare the discussion and conclusions drawn from each study based on their respective findings. Based on your evaluation of their methods, do you think their discussion/conclusions were logical or a bit of a stretch? What were the implications of their findings? (e.g. if a study showed TMS to be mostly effective in treating schizophrenia, what would that mean for the psychology field and for the population of people struggling with schizophrenia?). Be sure to also discuss the generalizability of their results based on their sample size and demographics as well as any ethical considerations or limitations you noted. Future Research If you had all of the money and resources in the world, how would you conduct research in this area? Briefly describe your proposed methods including sample recruitment, sample demographics, and procedures (how the research would be conducted). What would you expect to find (what would your hypothesis be)? What would the implications be if your results supported your hypothesis? What would the implications be if the results did not support your hypothesis? Step Three: Meet the Guidelines This paper must be written according to APA style with accurate formatting, headings, in-text citations, and references (among others, they also have guidelines for how pages are numbered and how to write out numbers (five vs. 5) in your writing). Any source not properly cited or left uncited could be considered plagiarism. You will need a title page with a running head (with an original title – do not title your paper Research Paper) and a references page. Page requirement: 4-6 pages of writing NOT including your title page, abstract page, or references. Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced. The language used must be academic in nature, free of clichés/idioms, colloquialisms, or slang, and must avoid glaring grammatical, spelling, or syntax errors.
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