[ORDER SOLUTION] Eating Disorder

Eating Disorders: Module 8 Question Based on the readings for this module respond to this question.  Each response should be a minimum of three paragraphs synthesizing the content from the readings.  Submissions which are cut and pasted or not in the student’s own words will get a zero.   Use appropriate APA format for references.  1.) Although medications do not have specific indications for the treatment of eating disorders what medications do you see as being helpful and what is the rationale for those you have listed?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Pricing Policy

1.     What Should Heather Bresch do? Why? What Risks do you see with this plan of action?   2.     Does the variation in prices across countries seem reasonable? What would happen if Mylan were forced to make its prices more consistent?   3.     What changes, if any, would you make to Mylan’s pricing policy? Is there a better way to structure the discounts?   4.     What is the biggest risk that Bresch faces?   5.     What can leaders learn from the EpiPen case?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Natural Disasters

The flooding in Louisiana, Texas, Puerto Rico, Florida, the Carolinas, etc. are examples of natural disasters.  Discuss with your classmates how natural disasters affect the health of a community.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Clinical Practice

The paper is about psychology and neuroscience/neurology. I have the introduction, methodology and results parts of the paper already and need some help with the discussion part. I will upload them so you can write the discussion part.  The Discussion contains a summary of the results, answering the research question, further interpretation of the results, feedback to the literature and implications for theory and / or practice.  The Discussion is written from specific to broad: first the specific research results are described, and then this is linked back to the earlier (broader) literature described in introduction. Implications for theory and / or practice are also discussed. The following aspects should be discussed/written in the Discussion:  Summary of results  -This summary is written at an overarching level  -The construct is being measured, not the variables that have been used  -No statistical data is repeated/written here -No new facts are presented regarding the analyzes / results Feedback to the literature -Are the findings/results consistent with the literature described in the introduction? If not, what are the possible explanations for this? Look beyond differences in sample size and design. Theoretical and / or practical implications of the results  -What do the results mean for the relevant theories, for society, and / or for clinical practice?  -How can the results of the statistical analyzes be interpreted?  -Are the findings/results consistent with the relevant theory (s)? -Should existing theories be reconsidered in light of the findings?  -What are possible alternative explanations if findings do not fit into hypotheses?  -What can be done with the findings in society or clinical practice? Strengths and weaknesses of the research  -What are the strengths of the research? These are as important as the shortcomings. So make sure there is a good balance between this.  -What are the shortcomings of the research? Look beyond sample size.  -To what extent could these limitations have influenced the results? Should the results be interpreted with caution? Or are these restrictions not very serious (and why not)? Recommendations for future research – How can potential shortcomings in future research be overcome?  -What new questions does the research raise? And how could they be investigated/researched? New sources/literature should be used in the discussion and the literature that i’ve used in the introduction, methodology and results can’t be used.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Healthcare System

literature review on the barriers or difficulties that undocumented immigrants faced when accessing the USA healthcare system or health insurance.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Long-term Care Facility

1.this assignment it is about describe how you would feel being cared for in a LTC facility. *eating meal *taking a shower /bath *spending the night *stimulation of the five senses (sight,hearing,smelling,tasting,touching. 2.abaout making someone care plan

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Organizational Design 

Reflect on your experiences with organizational design and development.In a 2- to the 3-page essay, answer the following questions:How did the structures, processes, and outcomes relate to each other to form the organization? Give examples of both positive and negative outcomes.If you had been a member of the organization’s leadership, what would you have done differently?Support your opinions with evidence from your prior learning experiences and external, peer-reviewed sources. You may cite particular courses or readings from prior coursework in your paper.Your paper should be 2–3 pages in length and follow current APA formatting and citation

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Healthy Communities

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following: How does your employer address the problem of reducing waste in your place of employment?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Economic Principles

A Medicare Cost Report (MCR) collects descriptive data, both Financial and Statistical in nature to identify if a facility has been over or Underpaid for Medicare patients. The data is also utilized to set Prospective payments.  MCRs are in place for Institutional Providers, not Physicians, and remain the ONLY national data available for all types of providers, Profit, Not for Profit, and Governmental. Typical providers are: Hospitals, SNFs, HHA, Hospice, Renal Dialysis centers, FQHC, and CAH (Critical Access Hospitals) For this week, your assignment is to explore the role the MCR plays in a value-based health care system.  Specifically, address issues included in the report like facility characteristics, utilization data, cost, and charges by cost center.  Furthermore, choose two utilization metrics (data) and address how it has impacted the facility of your choice. Please select a hospital setting. You must reference an actual MCR and Identify the facility you have chosen. You will find all Indiana facilities (Feel free to also use a state of your choice) and their MCRs listed at this site—https://www.in.gov/isdh/27214.htm To prepare for this Discussion: Review the following website for more help in starting your paper: https://www.in.gov/isdh/27214.htm    Using the MCR Analyze the current economic trends both producing a loss and producing Revenue. What economic principles (macro and micro) are driving this shift? What element of the Medicare Cost Report did you find most valuable and why? Post a cohesive response to the following: Select a specific institution. Identify this institution and utilizing its published MCR to analyze costs and revenue of at least 3 specific departments. Then, evaluate the implications of this volume to the facility’s future income stream. Support your response by identifying and explaining key points and/or examples presented in the Learning Resources.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Embryonic Development

I normally only do 3-4 in-text citations when writing. Based off the “Assignment Topic” here is what I must cover of each stage, sort of an essay layout. -Fertilization -Embryonic development -Fetal development -Birth -Postpartum period -Examine how hormones regulate the ovarian cycle, in utero development, and the process of labor and giving birth. -Briefly discuss the similarities and differences in oogenesis vs. Spermatogenesis

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