[ORDER SOLUTION] As the healthcare paradigm shifts from treating illness toward preventing illness, providers are challenged to adopt new models of care delivery and to embrace evolving concepts of value-driven reimbursement strategies. Moreover, healthcare providers must give increased attention to the need to improve healthcare in a manner that improves health outcomes across population groups and the entire nation as part of the population health approach. There are a variety of challenges facing healthcare leaders. The Managed Healthcare Executive published the top 6 items to watch. Read the Top 6 Challenges Healthcare Executives Face in 2020 (Links to an external site.) For this assignment, you are tasked with discussing how the issues on this list relate to population health, analyzing why these challenges exist, discovering research-based proposed solutions to these challenges, and debating the pros and cons of each of these solutions. The assignment consists of three parts. Part 1: Identify Challenges (2-3 pages) Choose five of the issues on the ACHE survey list and discuss 3-5 challenges surrounding each issue to analyze from a population health perspective. Each challenge should be a sub-heading in this part of the paper. Present the challenge, describe it, and provide some history or background, based on credible research sources. If you need writing assistance, see the Writing Center in the CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.). Part 2: Analysis of Challenges (3-4 pages) Explain each challenge you identified in Part 1 and provide a comprehensive discussion on why each has broad and far-reaching implications for improving the health of the U.S. population. Use data and scholarly research to support your thinking and bolster your discussion. Part 3: Proposed Solutions and Recommendations (3-4 pages) Discuss how the population-health paradigm can contribute to solutions for each of the five ACHE survey issues you selected. For each issue from the survey you discussed, make a specific recommendation you have identified in the research. Create a table to analyze the recommendations that identifies the following components: Pros and cons of this solution you have located. Arguments for and against this solution. Proponents or critics of this solution. Narrative discussion of your analysis. Discuss your analysis from the table. This requires critical analysis. You will want to assess the solution as well as their detractors and supporters and any possible biases in each. You will want to think through how solutions would be implemented, funded, supported, and received by various stakeholders, such as medical professionals, government, and the public. Requirements: The complete paper should consist of eight to ten pages, excluding the required title and reference pages. You must include at least eight credible sources, five of which must be peer-reviewed, scholarly sources. You may not use the textbook as one of your scholarly sources.

As the healthcare paradigm shifts from treating illness toward preventing illness, providers are challenged to adopt new models of care delivery and to embrace evolving concepts of value-driven reimbursement strategies. Moreover, healthcare providers must give increased attention to the need to improve healthcare in a manner that improves health outcomes across population groups and the entire nation as part of the population health approach. There are a variety of challenges facing healthcare leaders. The Managed Healthcare Executive published the top 6 items to watch. Read the Top 6 Challenges Healthcare Executives Face in 2020 (Links to an external site.) For this assignment, you are tasked with discussing how the issues on this list relate to population health, analyzing why these challenges exist, discovering research-based proposed solutions to these challenges, and debating the pros and cons of each of these solutions. The assignment consists of three parts. Part 1: Identify Challenges (2-3 pages) Choose five of the issues on the ACHE survey list and discuss 3-5 challenges surrounding each issue to analyze from a population health perspective. Each challenge should be a sub-heading in this part of the paper. Present the challenge, describe it, and provide some history or background, based on credible research sources. If you need writing assistance, see the Writing Center in the CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.). Part 2: Analysis of Challenges (3-4 pages) Explain each challenge you identified in Part 1 and provide a comprehensive discussion on why each has broad and far-reaching implications for improving the health of the U.S. population. Use data and scholarly research to support your thinking and bolster your discussion. Part 3: Proposed Solutions and Recommendations (3-4 pages) Discuss how the population-health paradigm can contribute to solutions for each of the five ACHE survey issues you selected. For each issue from the survey you discussed, make a specific recommendation you have identified in the research. Create a table to analyze the recommendations that identifies the following components: Pros and cons of this solution you have located. Arguments for and against this solution. Proponents or critics of this solution. Narrative discussion of your analysis. Discuss your analysis from the table. This requires critical analysis. You will want to assess the solution as well as their detractors and supporters and any possible biases in each. You will want to think through how solutions would be implemented, funded, supported, and received by various stakeholders, such as medical professionals, government, and the public. Requirements: The complete paper should consist of eight to ten pages, excluding the required title and reference pages. You must include at least eight credible sources, five of which must be peer-reviewed, scholarly sources. You may not use the textbook as one of your scholarly sources.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Evolution Of Hospitals

Case study: Chapter 7-8.   Research the evolution of hospitals in the U.S.  What has led to the expansion as well as the downsizing of hospitals across the U.S.?  Do you believe that downsizing can be avoided based on the information you found in your research?  Why or why not?     Writing Requirements 3–4 pages in length  (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list) Include at least two peer reviewed sources that are properly cited   Reference: ·      Chapter 7-8 of the book see attached  ·      Research more for Reference

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Government Agencies

Research a federal agency within the U.S. federal government that is a stakeholder in health care. Consider the complexity of the issues that decision makers at this agency must consider. Write a research paper of 1,000-1,250 words addressing the following: Give an overview of the agency. Explain the types of concerns the agency addresses. Describe the impact the agency has on health care policy and delivery. Explain how each branch of government (i.e., judicial, legislative, and executive) impacts the agency’s mission.  Identify at least one current initiative the agency considers a priority, and provide a summary of the initiative. Explain whether it is a health law or health policy and why. Describe how and why a health policy analyst needs to consider policy problems and health economics to make decisions. A minimum of three scholarly sources must be cited, including your textbook. Wilensky, S. E., & Teitelbaum, J. B. (2020). Essentials of Health Policy and Law. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Public Health Achievements

Discussion Board Forum 3 Topic: CDC’s Top Ten Public Health Achievements of Workplace Safety. Read the article CDC’s Top Ten Public Health Achievements, located in the Reading/Study folder of this module/week. 1. Discuss the top 10 achievements of mining workplace safety. Give at least 1 additional reference to back this up.  2. Also, comment on future directives in public health as provided in the article. 3. Discuss workplace safety in a job or enterprise where you hope to work after completing your studies .You will submit one 350-word thread to the questions posed in the forum.  You should support your responses and provide 1 citation

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Clinical Synthesis

Guidelines for each assignment: (APA 7 format required)·        Indicate the objective you are addressing (OBJECTIVES 7 and 8) see attached·        Why is this a key competency for Nurse Mangers? (a minimum of 1 reference from a peer reviewed journal is required)·        Explain how you achieved this objective? (Be specific and detailed). Possible ways to meet each objective include, but are not limited to: Interactions with your preceptor? Meeting attended? Interview of another professional in the agency.If none of the above allow you to fully achieve the objective, you may supplement by referencing content from peer reviewed journal articles with the permission of your professor

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Care Field

This week, we are discussing privacy, confidentiality and HIPAA.Based upon your readings, where do you think there is a great likelihood of violation of patients’ confidences?How is it that we, as those in the health care field accidentally or intentionally violate patients’ confidences and privacy?How do you plan on safeguarding confidences and privacy in the workplace.Please provide some examples of cases in which a patient’s privacy was violated. Tell us about the facts , the law and the outcome.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Service Organizations

Rewrite this assignment, here’s the instruction  Written Assignment 3 – Health services organizations place and price decisions – worth 20% of the grade  Overview:  Your third assignment will be an analysis of the place and price decisions of  a health services organization as covered in Week 5 and 6.   You may use the same organization that was your focus on Written Assignment 2, or pick another health services organization with which you are familiar.  Be sure you understand the marketing concepts discussed during Weeks 5 and 6 and can apply them to your organization.   You might have to seek out some information on the organization by visiting its website, or if it is an employer interviewing someone who has knowledge of the pricing and distribution decisions.  After you have completed your research, answer each of the following questions in turn following all the general guidelines or written assignments posted in the syllabus.   l Brief overview of the organizations service/products and a description of their target market.  This is important to ensure that your analysis considers the needs of the target market in evaluating their pricing and channel decisions. l How do you think the organization arrives at its price?  Refer to the Week 6 Overview for a framework of some of the pricing considerations and discuss those that appear relevant to your organization.  l Do you think the pricing strategy is appropriate?  Can it be improved to better meet its customer’s needs? l Is the organization hindered or helped in their pricing decisions by government or payer restrictions.  If so, how do these restrictions impact their pricing strategy? l What kind of value delivery network does the organization employ, e.g. horizontal or vertical, and what is their distribution strategy, e.g. exclusive, intensive or intensive? What factors influence the distribution strategies of this organization?  Are they customer-focused?   If possible, outline all of the channel members and what function they perform to serve the customer? Can you recommend any changes to the value delivery network that would serve customer needs better?

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Review a primary-research (peer-review-article) (Review = summary + criticism): you select a primary article (which presents the information you have learned and practiced in this class), read multiple times to understand and to feel comfortable with what is being studied in the article, you should ask a set of questions (what was the problem that lead to the study/investigation, what and how the author(s) designed the study (material and methods), what did they find, what were their conclusions, what was the implication, you then summarize the article in your own words, and lastly you share your own criticisms in responding to the study (pro/con? do you agree/disagree? do you find any defects in the study?). You must keep your writing between 1925-2050 (very small size) and include accurate in-text citations and references.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Substantia Nigra

I’ve written 1/2 my discussion section and need help writing it to max 1000 words or less. Therefore, I was hoping to get some additional help. I’ve writeten an outline and where more information can be written. I need to include 15 APA in-text citations for this section. I’m going to include a couple of annotated bibs BUT not all these anotated bibs are useful.Here is a general idea:DiscussionThe purpose of this section is to evaluate and interpret the results, especially with respect to the original research question. Start off with a brief, nontechnical summary of the results. In other words, tell the reader about the main findings without using statistical terminology. Then go on to discuss the implications of the results. It is also important to discuss how the results relate to the literature you cited in the introduction. In other words, emphasize any theoretical consequences of the results.You might (or might not) also mention any limitations of the study and any suggestions for future research in this section. Finally, you need an ending paragraph in which you make a final summary statement of the conclusions you have drawn. You are also encouraged, when appropriate, to comment on the importance and relevance of your findings. How are your findings related to the big picture? Thus, this section should contain an absolute minimum of three paragraphs: the non-technical summary, discussion of the results and their implications, and the concluding paragraph.Questions needing to be answered in teh discussion section1) On the basis of the literature and the behavioral study outcome as seen in Figure 3, please provide a rationale for deciding whether you injected apomorphine or d-amphetamine in this study.answer: the data is not suggestive that neither drug was injected due to the non-signifant data and unsuccessful surgery to damage the SNpc if we did we would have seen a contraversive for apmorepohine and ipsiversive for d-amphetamine… we are not sure which drug due to unsccuesful surgery2) Would apomorphine or d-amphetamine be the better drug to conduct a pre- and post-lesion behavioral assay? In other words, which one should be used to test behavior before a lesion is made and after a lesion is made?3) Why would you recommend waiting at least seven days after a 6-OHDA lesion is made to begin administering apomorphine and testing the rotational behavior?4) How would you account for the drug-induced rotation after apomorphine and after d-amphetamine treatment?5) How would you try to cure Parkinson’s disease using the concepts that you’ve learned from this laboratory exercise?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Opioid Addiction

Write a five (5) page (minimum) on Opioid Addictions. The paper should be typed in 12-point font and double spaced. Use at least three (3) references for your research.  1. Background (10 points) This includes history of the drug (Where did it originate? Why? Original purpose of the drug?), statistics regarding this drug use, and describe who is commonly using the drug (population).  2. Technical Information (25 points) Include the names (street and chemical) of the drug, the physical, psychological, and mental effects of the drug use. Describe how the drug is generally used (route of administration). What are both the short-term (intoxication) and longterm (chronic) use problems? What does the drug do to the body, including the brain? What are the hazards of using this drug? How do you tell if a person is under the influence of this drug? What happens when a person stops using this drug (withdrawal)? Describe all of the negative aspects of this drug’s use and abuse – may include psychological, legal, physical, and social problems.  3. Treatment Considerations (15 points) Using your theory (perspective or framework) write about the ways you might a help a person with this addiction. Recovery issues including types of treatment, medical, prescriptions, and referrals. Would you involve the family? What are some community resources that you would want to have your client check out?

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