[ORDER SOLUTION] Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

Create a document using Microsoft Word with the following formatting guidelines:12 point, Times New Roman font1-inch marginsTitle pageReference pageThe minimum word count of 500 per question (1500 total)APA formattingMinimum of five sources: one must be from the readings provided and one must be the International Sepsis Guideline.References must be from the last four years. (2016-2020) If a website is used it may not be Mayo Clinic or Web MD. Website resources that are not peer-reviewed are not scholarly.Respond to the following based on the case study selected. The answer to the question must tie back to the case study:Question 1: What is Multiple  Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)? How does this link to the QSOFA tool?Question 2: Why is the Passive Leg Raise used in clinical practice with sepsis? (Adult)ORQuestion 1: Is the fluid resuscitation adequate for this child?  Are the fluids used contributing to the acid-Base imbalance? (Pediatric)Question 2: Examine the antiviral and antibiotic treatments are they aligned with the current recommendations?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] The Respiratory System

*Short answer* Include works cited pageResearch gas exchange in the lungs. Answer the questions below based on your research.1. Why is gas exchange necessary? Be detailed in your explanation.2. Starting from inhalation of air through the nose and the exhalation back out of the nose and mouth, explain all the structures involved in this process.3. You are studying the respiratory system in this chapter. There is another body system involved in the delivery of the oxygen. What is this system?Provide a diagram which demonstrates this gas exchange.What is the difference between these two procedures? Be very precise in your explanation.(Intubation versus tracheostomy)Provide an image of both procedures which demonstrate the differences.Use proper heading, punctuation, and spelling.Thank you

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Chronic Conditions

From the Internet, read the following: Cohn, D. (2007, May 17). The growing global chronic disease epidemic. Retrieved from: Georgetown University Health Policy Institute. (2004). Cultural competence in health care: Is it important for people with chronic conditions? Retrieved from Putsch, R., & Joyce, M. (n.d.). Dealing with Patients from Other Cultures: Methodology in Cross-cultural Care. 229, 1050–1065. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK340/pdf/Bookshelf_NBK340.pdf Roush, S. (2011). Chapter 19: Enhancing surveillance. In VPD surveillance manual (5th ed.). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/surv-manual/chpt19-enhancing-surv.pdf ASSIGNMENT INFO: identify three of the most pressing issues, which, if addressed, might have the greatest impact upon healthcare delivery. In your approach, you can elect to identify an issue specific to a local hospital catchment area. Taking this approach, include the regional demographics, the problem, the issues of diversity differences within the healthcare workforce, and your approach to an effective solution. In your narrative, also discuss whether the efforts would be effective in addressing the problem and improving the health outcomes. cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA7 format.   3-page Essay with IN TEXT CITATIONS from ALL sources Must included a minimum of three outside peer-reviewed sources to support your assertions

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Substance Abuse

Imagine that you are a human services professional working with an adult client who is seeking treatment for a substance abuse overdose.Explain at least one way that the limitations under 42 CFR Part 2 for disclosing substance abuse information impact effective information sharing for all parties involved in this scenario.Indicate what might be different if your client was a child and had a parent or guardian. If the patient is a minor, how do you ensure provisions under 42 CFR Part 2 are abided by?If your client has threatened someone, how do you determine if there is a duty to warn those being threatened?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Cloth Masks To Control The Spread of SARS-CoV-2

1. Explore the relationships between willing of wearing mask(Compliance with containment measures) and the factors such as: Environment, Traits, Antisocial traits, Demographic, Education, etc. Analyse the reason behind the facts, from the perspectives of  Social psychology(Conformity/Culture), cognitive psychology, personality psychology etc. 2. Must with scientific research method and data analysis (using software-SPSS). 3. At least 2 factors (associated data).

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Clinical Issues

Goal: To assess a clinical issue that is the focus of the Quality Improvement Project. Create a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis for the project. Faculty approval required to proceed. Content Requirements: Identify strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats for improvement related to the clinical issue identified. Analyze the SWOT data to provide the foundation for an action plan for quality improvement. Submission Instructions: The paper is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling. The paper is to be 2 – 3 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page. Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual). Your paper should be formatted per current APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions)

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Sleep Deprivation

Lack of sleep is affecting many teenagers on our country. How can we help adolescents overcome this problem?notes:Write about:1. Causes of sleep deprivation2. Consequences of sleep deprivation3. your own idea

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Healthcare Systems Survey Data

This is an assessment that requires the writer to analyze a healthcare systems survey data (HCAHPS) and develop a strategic plan for the improvement of organizational scores. Kaiser Permanente will be the organization.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Disparities

Research health disparities in the United States. Discuss differences based on ethnicity, gender, age, region, etc. Prepare a five-page (minimum) paper of your findings (APA style format, times new romans, 12 points, and doubled-spaced).

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Obesity In Latino Population

Using the feedback from professor to rewrite the paper. References can be added for extra.  A problem statement paper on obesity of the Latino community in Santa Clara County.  Part I: The Nature and Extent of the Need/Problem Using data obtained from your social assessment research, describe the community. Priority population: Clearly identify the priority population that is affected by the health problem. Create an understanding of the population in the context of the community. Identify who is and who is not affected by the health problem. Is the local community experience different than other communities around the state/nation/world? Location: Explain the regions/neighborhoods that are predominantly affected and how this connects to the priority population. Using data obtained from your epidemiological assessment research, describe the health problem. • Health problem: Explain the health problem that exists among the priority population, including a definition and the magnitude and severity. Include comparisons to other populations and communities – local, regional, state, national, and global; the health disparities; and trends (changes over time). Include rates and relevant comparisons to help contextualize the problem. Part II: Factors Contributing to the Problem Using data from your epidemiological and educational assessment research, describe the direct and indirect factors that exacerbate (and/or sustain) the health problem. Discuss the factors relevant to the priority population and community in depth. • Contributing factors: Explain the factors that influence this health problem including: Individual factors: behaviors, skills, attitudes, beliefs, and genetics Environmental factors: natural; social (family, friends, colleagues, community beliefs/attitudes) structural, and built resources and barriers Systemic factors: institutions, policies, biases, cultural values/beliefs Part III: The Impact of the Problem Using data from your social, epidemiological, and educational assessments, describe the impact of the problem. • Consequences and Opportunities: Explain the impact of the problem on people and communities. How does the problem affect: Quality of life (being, belonging, and becoming) Life expectancy Health issue costs – (financial and emotional) • Comorbidities What are the impacts on individuals, families/peers, and the community if nothing is done and what can be expected if there are interventions? Acknowledge both short and long- term impacts. Part IV: Promising Approaches for Improved Results Using data from your social assessment research, describe the potential for change. Capacities: Identify community capacities that can help with change efforts. Explain the capacities, strengths, assets of the priority population that will help foster change, and key resources (organizations/programs/professionals) that are already available, refer to asset mapping. Solutions: If known, introduce best practices/changes that have been shown effective solutions to the problem.

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