[ORDER SOLUTION] Patient Education

Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question. This assignment is to be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. Define patient compliance and explain its importance in your field. Identify the health care professionals’ role in compliance and give examples of ways in which the health care professional may actually contribute to noncompliance. Compare compliance and collaboration. Compare and contrast patient education in the past with that practiced today. Explain the importance of professional commitment in developing patient education as a clinical skill. Explain the three categories of learning and how they can be used in patient education. List three problems that may arise in patient education and how they would be solved? List some methods of documentation of patient education.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Smoking And Pregnancy

#1)  Write down sample nursing diagnoses, interventions, and expected outcomes for the following client: Elaina, 27 years old, visits a prenatal clinic to confirm a positive pregnancy test. Elaina tells the nurse that she is not married and has no support system. She also states that she is making minimum wage at a restaurant with no health insurance and cannot afford prenatal care. She intends to keep the baby and would rather not tell her partner because “they don’t have that kind of a relationship.” Elaina asks the nurse “If I take good care of myself, why do I need prenatal care?” #2) Explain how the fetus is affected by tobacco use during pregnancy.  Keeping in mind the 2020 National Health Goals, what are some things you can do as a nurse to promote these goals and carry your ideas out into the community. #3) You are asked to perform an assessment of a pregnant  woman and her family. Prior to the assessment, devise a list of interview questions to use to assess the woman’s readiness for parenthood and current health status as well as her goals for the pregnancy. #4) For each of the following QSEN competencies write a list of nursing interventions for promoting fetal and maternal health related to each competency:          Patient centered care         Teamwork and collaboration          Evidence-based practice         Quality improvement          Safety          Informatics. #5)  List the four major hormones produced in early pregnancy.  Describe what each one does. Due Date- November 5th

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Summary: A theory can be used to guide practice.  This assignment is an exercise in supporting a clinical practice with theory and evidence. Directions: Identify an outcome of nursing practice in your area of practice that can be improved.  For example, if you work in home health, you may identify that throw rug use by fall risk patients is too prevalent.  You may be able to use the problem that inspired the theory concepts that you developed in week two. Identify the concept in Watson’s Theory of Caring that could represent or include the outcome.  In our example, the outcome would be the changes in self through the change in the patient’s floor covering practice. Identify a practice that can be changed or implemented that may influence the outcome. Identify the concept in Watson’s Theory of Caring that includes the practice.  In our example, the practice could be to improve the understanding of fall hazards through the engagement in a teaching-learning experience, one of Watson’s Caritas Processes. Identify exactly how these two concepts will be measured with their operational definitions. Develop a proposition between the two. Present your outcome in an APA formatted paper  meeting the University’s standards for a written assignment. Length: 5 to 7 pages including title and reference pages References: 3 to 10.  There should be enough to support the links between the concepts of the problem and the concepts of Watson’s Theory of Caring.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Single-payer Insurance System

Essay are expected to be about one page (1.5 times spaced, times new roman, font 11 if written in Word).  All insurance systems have advantages and disadvantages. With the upcoming election, some politicians have been focused on allowing people to keep their employer based insurance while other candidates for office are pushing a single payer insurance system that would be run by the federal government.  Your essay is to address this topic of employer-based insurance vs. single-payer insurance as it pertains to individuals that are working age adults (age 18 to 64).  Your essay should only focus on two things: 1) describing the advantages and disadvantages of a single-payer insurance system, and 2) describing the advantages and disadvantages of an employer-based insurance system.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Insurance Plans

One common method that employers and individuals use to purchase health insurance plans is by ordering a plan through an insurance carrier’s website. This assignment will provide you with a hands-on view of available insurance plans and how the health insurance industry works. Below is a list of the primary private health insurance companies that service Michigan individuals and employers.  Choose TWO insurance companies from the list (Below) and visit their websites. Pretend that you are searching for health insurance plans, both as an individual consumer and as an employer (group) looking for a group insurance plan for your employees. Look at the information and materials provided online for those plans, and assess (in essay form) your research experience. Discuss what you discovered about the different insurers’ offerings and how information is presented to potential customers. Focus on what you found and your experience finding it, not the details of pricing, specific covered services, or other plan information.  Answer the following questions in your assessment: • How difficult/easy was it to find information about plans? • How organized and understandable was the provided information? • What kinds of plan documents/materials were accessible online? Were they helpful? • What were any noticeable differences/similarities between the websites and plans? • What differences did you experience between searching for individual and group plans? • Based on this experience, from which company would you rather purchase insurance? Why? • What did you find interesting about your experience? What bothered you?  Healthcare Systems in Michigan: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan www.bcbsm.com  Health Alliance Plan (HAP) www.hap.org  United Healthcare www.uhc.com (Employer plans) www.uhc.com/employer Physicians Health Plan www.phpmichigan.com Priority Health www.priorityhealth.com Total Health Care www.thcmi.com Essay Format: 12 pt Times New Roman, double spacing (3-5 pages length), use subheadings and basic organization Grading Checklist Completeness of Analysis __ Two different insurance companies were discussed __ Analysis includes as assessment of both individual and group insurance plans __ Analysis shows evidence of research depth (ex. clear that you clicked through multiple sites) __ Each question listed in the instructions is addressed in the paper  Quality of Assessment __ Sufficient number of company differences/similarities discussed (2-4) __ Sufficient number of insurance plan differences/similarities discussed (2-4) __ Analysis involves a deep evaluation of companies and plans (i.e. beyond a superficial view) __ Assessment is supported by examples (ex. what documents did you use to make the analysis?) __ Paper exhibits the student’s unique research experience

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Healthcare Need And Wants

this is for my discussion board assignment for the class managerial epidemiology  In 2-3 paragraphs, discuss the difference between healthcare “needs” and “wants.” How are they the same? How do they differ? Are there any “needs” that could also be considered “wants?” Why or why not?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Adaptation Model Of Nursing

sing the Sister Callista Roy: Adaptation Model of Nursing Explain the theory, identify the concept and proposition of it.  Explain the concepts.  How might the terms used differ from general use of the term? How might the term be confused or misinterpreted? The references must be no older than 5 yrs.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Healthcare Administrator

Imagine that you are a healthcare administrator, and you are faced with the following situation. One of the scrub nurses in the hospital in which you work has come forward to let you know that one of the hospital’s top performing surgeons attempted to perform a surgery after having a “few drinks” at dinner. The scrub nurse noticed that his hands were not steady and mentioned it to the surgeon. Because the patient had already been opened up on the table, the surgeon allowed the surgical intern (who was only there to observe the surgery) to complete it while the surgeon passed out in a chair. As a rule, your hospital does not allow surgical interns to perform surgery unless they are under the watchful eye of an attending surgeon or surgical resident. The surgery went well with no immediate complications, and the patient has since been released and is doing well. After learning about this from the scrub nurse, you face an ethical dilemma. Explain what you would do as the healthcare administrator to handle this situation. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Human Factors

please check the file and edit/re-write it Assessment Title Human Factors are known to impact on collaboration and service user safety. Critically discuss the impact of complacency and lack of assertiveness on interprofessional teams in Health and Social care. ( 2000 Words)

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Care Quality

Objective 8 Narrative Requirements  Describe how you have improved your nursing practice through the use of safety and quality improvement strategies, including the use of outcome indicators. Discuss how you have improved the quality of patient care while controlling the cost of care. Utilizing the case study from #1, discuss the outcomes you developed to address the identified nursing diagnoses and evaluate their effectiveness.

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