Health & Medical
[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Education & define and describe the components and importance of health education. Why is this important for you to know in your prospective career field?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Religion And Health
Think about how religion and ethics can affect health care as presented in this unit. What would you do if you were receiving care from a physician and some part of the care went against your ethical or religious beliefs? Would you continue to receive the care or reject it, against the doctors advice? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring After studying Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Therapeutic drug monitoring is a frequent practice in health care. How does age affect drug absorption, metabolization and excretion? The use of salt substitutes can cause hyperkalemia in older adults when use in conjunction with what types of drugs? Describe how you would prevent and evaluate risk factors for medication nonadherence in older adults? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources Gerontology & Diagnostic Studies & Pharmacologic Management Read and watch the lecture resources & materials below early in the week to help you respond to the discussion questions and to complete your assignment(s). Read Meiner, S.E., Yeager, J.J. (2019). Chapter 15 Chapter_015.pptx Chapter 16 Chapter_016.pptx Watch Health Care in Danger: Why medical ethics matters (Part 2/3) (2:13) International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). (2014, May 8). Health Care in Danger: Why medical ethics matters (Part 2/3) [Video]. YouTube. Health Care in Danger: Why medical ethics matters (Part 2/3) (Links to an external site.) Supplemental Materials & Resources Visit the CINAHL Complete under the A-to-Z Databases on the University Library’s website and locate the article(s) below: DeCasterie, B. D., Izumi, S., Godfrey, N. S. & Denhaerynck, K, (2008). Nurses response to ethical dilemmas in nursing practice: Meta-Analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 63(6), 549-549
[ORDER SOLUTION] Professional Practice
Based off of your readings and presentations it is clear that the oral health needs of special needs patients is largely not being met. 1. 1.How is dentistry meeting this challenge in professional practice? 2. 2.What barriers are present to meeting the treatment needs of special needs patients? 3. 3.What referral sources are available for special needs patients? Provide examples. 4. 4.What will you do to help increase access to care and improve oral health outcomes for patients with special needs? 5. 5.How will you evaluate your success?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Population Health
Compare the population health of the United States to any other country by answering the following questions: What do statistics/data tell us about health outcomes in general of each country? What specific diseases are endemic and have been epidemic? What inequalities are evident from your research? What resources are available to those with low incomes? What type of governmental assistance is available and to whom? How much of the countries’ GDPs are allocated to health care services? What are some documented cases/events showing healthcare leaders playing key roles in population health improvement?
[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Insurance Companies
Many physicians feel stifled by insurance companies financial restrictions when practicing medicine. Many doctors have openly expressed their frustration with the current system and feel it has been hijacked by insurance companies that care about profit instead of patients. Thinking about your own experiences with health insurance companies, do you think that they should have more control over patients health than their doctors? Why, or why not? What do you think should be done to protect patients, support doctors, and control rapidly increasing costs? What are some experiences you have had with these kind of doctor-versus-insurance-company situations? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.
[ORDER SOLUTION] Respiratory Organs
1. Identify the structure and function of respiratory organs and differentiate between the conducting and respiratory portions. 2. Explain the neural regulation of respiration and the realted reflexes.
Week 3: Health-Related Research and Regulations How do you balance the need to advance health-related research to cure disease with the requirement to protect the patient and “do no harm”? This is the challenge at the root of all advances in health. Health researchers who are exploring new cutting-edge therapeutic procedures, developing medications, and engineering advanced medical devices are constantly working on this delicate balance. In Week 2, you were introduced to the doctrine of informed consent and the role that it plays in allowing professionals to ethically and legally treat patients. This week, you will expand on that information and consider the critically important role that informed consent plays in health-related research. You will also continue to explore how decisions are made concerning who will receive scarce and expensive medical care. Learning Objectives Students will: Analyze the components of informed consent Identify key terms and concepts related to privacy, confidentiality, and liability Identify key ethical and legal terms associated with health-related research, regulation, and the allocation of scarce healthcare resources Learning Resources Required Readings Judson, K., & Harrison, C. (2019). Law and ethics for the health professions (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Chapter 13, “Health Care Trends and Forecasts, (pp. 342-374) American Medical Association. (n.d.). Informed consent. Retrieved September 5, 2018 from National Institutes of Health. (2018). Patient recruitment: Ethics in clinical research. Retrieved from Scheunemann, L. P. & White, D. B. (2011). The ethics and reality of rationing in medicine. Chest. 140(6), 1625 1632. doi: 10.1378/chest.11-0622 Shamoo, A. E. (2016). U.S. military medical ethics guidelines in limbo. Retrieved from National Institutes of Health. (n.d.). Medical research with animals (NIH Publication Number 08-6436). Retrieved September 5, 2018, from Document: Week 3 Discussion Scenarios (PDF) Required Media Laureate Education. (n.d.). Virtual philosopher. [Interactive Media]. Baltimore, MD: Author. This interactive media activity asks a series of question to determine your beliefs, then gives you various situations that test your personal ethics. Optional Resources U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections. (2016). The Belmont report: Ethical principles and guidelines for the protection of human subjects of research. Retrieved from Read the full text of the Belmont Report and watch the accompanying video Discussion: Informed Consent in Practice and Research To prepare for this Discussion: Review this week’s Learning Resources, paying particular attention to the AMA article Informed Consent and Chapter 7 in the Judson and Harrison textbook. Download the Week 3 Discussion Scenarios (located in the Learning Resources). Choose two scenarios for your Discussion. By Day 4 Post a comprehensive response to the following: For each scenario, decide if informed consent was obtained properly. If it was, then explain why you think it was. Be specific. If it was not, then explain wherein the informed consent process a procedure was not followed. Be specific. For each scenario, explain how you would improve the informed consent process to make sure consent to treat a patient is obtained correctly. Be specific and provide examples. Imagine yourself as a health provider (like the providers in the scenarios). What would you do to make sure that informed consent to treat is always done correctly? Note: Initial postings must be 250-350 words (not including references). Support your Discussion and peer responses with in-text citations and references from specific Learning Resources. Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. By Day 6 Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ by addressing the following: Expand further on why informed consent was or was not properly obtained in the scenario and offer additional recommendations for obtaining proper informed consent. Offer additional recommendations for providers to ensure that proper informed consent is obtained in all circumstances. In addition, you may also respond as follows (optional): Offer and support an opinion Validate an idea with your own experience Make a suggestion or comment that guides or facilitates the discussion Submission and Grading Information Grading Criteria To access your rubric: Week 3 Discussion Rubric Post by Day 4 and Respond by Day 6 To participate in this Discussion: Week 3 Discussion
[ORDER SOLUTION] Canada Health Act Violations
Write a paper between 8 10 double spaced pages about your understanding of the Canadian Health Care system. You must provide a clear, relevant, comprehensive, and evidence-based answer, identify and acknowledge all citations and references. Use the topics below to organize the paper and respond the information provided within each one. Accessing health care. What advice, if any, would you provide a refugee who overhears you say that you are a health care professional and proceeds to ask you how can she go about accessing health care for herself and her family. (10 marks) Principles of Canada Health Act. Identify a current health care issue Friends of Medicare in Canada ) have raised. Using your knowledge of the Canada Health Act, discuss if you would support or not support Friends of Medicare on the issue and explain how their concerns relate to one or more principles of the Canada Health Act. (20 marks) Canada Health Act violations and what to do. Select two principles of the Canada Health Act, and provide an example of how it has been violated, and what action if any would you as a health care professional take on the issue (20 marks total: 10 marks for a comprehensive answer on each principle). Jurisdictions and responsibilities. Identify and discuss the specific responsibilities of the federal (10 marks), and provincial/territorial governments (10 marks) and their respective Ministers of Health for applying the terms and the conditions of the Canada Health Act. (20 marks total) Current issue. Identify a current public health issue in Canada and describe how provincial, federal, and an international organizations could work together to address the issue. (24 marks, 8 marks on how each level of government and the international organization collaborate to address the issue)
[ORDER SOLUTION] Social Determinants
Please make a table as in pc1 includes the numbers for social determinants with calculations. follow the instruction in pc2. Please focus on sentences that need to change or add in yellow color. Please fix no. 4a by adding trends for social determinants such as in the trends need to show 1) does the economic decline in the New York city overtime and think that may be related to whatever trends and chronic conditions that we saw. 2) Did employment rate go down? did income go down? did major industry decline in the area? has food access got worse because economic decline? did alcohol use go up because economic decline? explain what we are thinking(justification) in no. 4b some ways that think urban planning or developer or policy change could be address these things what we think? Please always put the justification and why you choose this choice. Please put citation texts and add references in the reference list. Please make the summary at the end of the assignment.
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