[ORDER SOLUTION] Public Health

Over the course of the last 6 months, we have been living through arguably the most profound public health crisis of the 21st century: the COVID-19 pandemic.  COVID-19 has impacted every facet of our day-to-day life and society, and has fundamentally changed the way we experience our world, our health, and one another.  COVID-19 has also had a profound impact on our health care system and its professionals, institutions, and technologies.  For this short written assignment: Reflect upon the ways in which COVID-19 has impacted the health care professionals in your community, both positively and negatively. Reflect upon the ways in which COVID-19 has impacted, changed and re-ordered health care institutions in your community. Reflect upon the ways in which COVID-19 has impacted health technology, in terms of testing, research and the race to find a vaccine. Your short assignment should: Be 2 pages, double-spaced (approx. 500 words, no more than 750 words), standard fonts and margins. Be written in first-person.  This is a reflection, not an essay.  Using “I” is okay. Refer to media and/or government reports from the past six months that support the arguments you are making.  Make sure to cite (in-text) these sources, using APA referencing.  Include a reference list at the end of your assignment.  A handy online guide to APA referencing can be found at: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html Refer to a minimum of 2 course readings, properly cited (in-text) and included in your bibliography. Be written in scholarly, academic language.  Feel free to include any personal experiences that connect to your analysis of COVID-19, if applicable.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Public Health And Sexuality

The class is Public health & sexuality. The paper dubbed “mini paper” by the professor is a 2-3 page summary/introduction for my power power point “final” presentation. The power point, as well as this paper, will be based off of a research paper that I already made titled “How has internet pornography affected the attitudes/behaviors of adolescents?” (which will be provided/research and sources included). This paper will briefly summarize the paper provided, focusing on the negative effects of pornography on kids/adolescents, why its important, as well as why people should know about it. People should know about it because it truly is addictive, it creates false expectations about relationships, love, sex, and it effects the brain in a similar way drugs do to drug users. Anything along those lines is fine. There is more info in the paper provided. I trust the writer to add or take away whatever they need, just support that general outlook. Also, if you guy’s do power points, please send me a message. The exact instructions are as follows: Write a 2 to 3-page paper based on the topic you have picked for your “Human Sexuality” power point presentation. Your target audience for the presentation is a group of people that need more information about certain a “human sexuality” topic. In this paper explain why you choose this topic and why it is important to this group. Include citations from journal articles, our book, or other scholastic sources.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Effects Alcohol Has On A New Born Baby

Assignment Prompt For this project, pick a topic and compose a research question or set of related research questions on a topic of significant personal interest, and work through relevant research strategies to begin to find answers to these questions. Compose a 1500-2000 word project that explains your research process, findings, and reflections.   How do I begin? To start, consider what issue you would like to explore. Assess the knowledge you have about this topic and the knowledge you need, and brainstorm a list of questions. Group related questions together, and spend some time brainstorming any other related questions. These research questions will guide your inquiry: the reading, research, and writing you do for the paper. Some questions students in past classes were interested in researching: Does the food that we eat affect our dreams? How? What exactly causes this? Is it the chemicals inside the food or is it psychological? How do musicians know when they are ready to perform? What does a job at the FSO [Foreign Service Office] entail? How do I get a position there? What is the lifestyle like for those employed by the FSO? How does social media affect romantic relationships? How does chronic pain, or treatment for chronic pain, lead to depression?   When you’re thinking about whether or not your I-Search question will “work,” ask yourself the following questions: Is it written as a question or set of questions, instead of a statement? Do I need to clarify any terms to make my research question understandable to my audience? Am I personally invested in exploring this question? Why or how will exploring this question help me? Can I articulate my motivation for asking this question? Is my question something I can research using secondary sources? Can it be answered too easily, or do I need a diverse set of sources to understand the answer? Is my question specific or concrete enough to explore in 1500-2000 words? Or is it too broad or too narrow?   What does the paper “look” like? The I-search paper is a narrative of sorts, describing your search for answers to your research questions. In this paper, you will use first person (“I”), and will think about what vocabulary, style, and tone work best to support your development of the topic.    Ken Macrorie, in his book I-Search lists four parts of the paper (What I Knew, Why I’m Writing This Paper, The Search, and What I Learned), though, as he notes, this is flexible:   I) The introduction (What I Knew and Why I’m Writing the Paper) a. In the introduction you will explain three things: i. Your research question ii. What you know or think you know about the topic iii. Your motivation for finding the answers to your question(s) b. The introduction may be more than one paragraph long, depending on how much prior knowledge you have. Decide in which order the content is best presented.   II) Part 2: The body of the paper (The Search)  a. The body of the essay is the narrative of your search for answers and your reflection on this research process.  i. In the beginning of the project, we will learn about the tools available to you through the WSU library database. You will explore these library tools as you engage in library-based research on your topic. b. There are two ways students generally plan the research process:  i. You might begin with the source that is “closest” to you, the one that is easiest to access. Write about what you find there to answer your question and what seems like an intuitive next step for research. Then move on to that next source, and continue to follow the research path. ii. Or, you might have a more concrete research plan in place when you begin. For example, you might plan to look at scholarly articles from three particular journals to answer your question, or you might plan to find the answers to your sub-questions in a certain order. c. You will find at least three relevant secondary sources to learn more about your topic. For each source you write about in the body of the essay, you should do the following: i. Explain how you found that source: What search tools did you use? How did you navigate them? ii. Summarize the information you find in that source as it relates to your question. iii. Reflect on how that source helps you answer your question and/or how it helps you build on the knowledge you’ve found in other sources. d. Your narration of the search process and your reflection on and analysis of sources will help you build transitions between your discussion of the sources you discover.   III) Part 3: The conclusion (What I Learned) a. The conclusion of the paper is different than the traditional conclusion you may be used to in academic writing. While you may be able to summarize what you’ve learned, it’s also just as likely that you will be left with more questions, or will have gone down an unsatisfying research path. This is also worth writing about, as you are nevertheless learning about the research process, and can always carry your inquiry forth in a future project. Your conclusion should include three things: i. An explanation/summary of what you learned through research about possible answers to your research question. ii. An explanation/summary of what you learned about research and/or writing through examining this question and using the research methods you used. iii. A claim about your conclusions in a nutshell; that is, state what you learned through this project (your research process, writing process and topic) in one sentence (“After finishing this project, I hypothesize/claim/understand/argue that….”)   Minimum Requirements Length: 1500-2000 words long Research: At least three relevant secondary sources Format: MLA format   Due Date Final due Nov 1, 2020   Grading Project 2 will account for 15% of your final grade I-Search Rubric Excellent (95) Acceptable (80) Needs Revision (65) Missing (0) Introduction (10)         Does the introduction include clearly stated research question(s)?         Does the introduction include the writer’s prior knowledge on the topic?         Does the introduction include the writer’s motivation for asking the research question(s)?         Body (40)         Does the writer explain and narrate his/her research process in the body of the essay?         Does the writer select appropriate and sufficient sources to explore his/her research question(s)?         Does the writer summarize, paraphrase, or quote relevant information from sources?         Does the writer analyze sources and/or reflect on how these sources help him/her answer research questions and/or continue to navigate the research process? Is this meta-commentary developed throughout the paper?         Conclusion (15)         Does the writer include an explanation/summary of what he/she learned through research about possible answers to the research question(s)? Are conclusions developed logically from the evidence and information discovered through research?         Does the writer include an explanation/summary of what he/she learned about research and/or writing through examining this question and using these research methods?         Does the writer include a claim about what he/she learned through this project in one sentence?         Formatting (title, margins, spacing, font, page numbers, indentation) (10)         Does the writer properly introduce and integrate sources using MLA citation? Does the format of the paper follow MLA standards?         Organization (15)         Does the essay contain focus, developed, and coherent paragraphs?         Do transitions between paragraphs connect ideas? Are narrative transitions used when appropriate?         Clear and Effective Writing (10)         Are sentences clear and coherent?         Does the essay display minimal error?         Is the vocabulary, style, and tone used appropriate to the subject being explored?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Increased Consolidation

Please review article and read below: https://www.hfma.org/topics/hfm/2020/august/top-long-range-challenges-for-healthcare-organizations-in-the-af.html The article above lists 3 long-range challenges:  Unpredictable Recovery Period Adapt to the new normal Navigate a period of increased consolidation Based on the concepts discussed in the textbook, explain how an organization can overcome each of these challenges. Writing should include an introduction, main body and closing paragraph. The main body should include 3 sub-headings which are the challenges and under each sub-heading describe the challenge. Follow it up with a concept or topic discussed in the textbook that can be used to help the organization overcome the challenge. Please use in-text citation when paraphrasing. Example: Challenge: Unpredictable Recovery Period Resolution: ……….. Please see textbook PDF attached. Chapter 10 Pages 255-278

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Information On Covid 19

Please describe the importance of staying socially connected during this age of COVID. What are some successful strategies to stay connected? 200-300 words

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Strategic Audit Project

Complete the previous individual assignments associated with this project (i.e., Part 1: Strategic Audit Project, Part 2: Strategic Audit Project, and Part 3: Strategic Audit Project). Using the information you gathered from your organization and healthcare professional, identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to your organization. Write a 2 page paper that identifies the strengths of, weaknesses of, opportunities of, and threats to your organization. Provide sufficient reasoning on why you believe a particular item is a strength, weakness, opportunity, or threat. Your final paper must follow APA guidelines, and include:

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Care Problem

Describe the health care problem or issue you selected for use in Assessment 2 (from the Assessment Topic Areas | Transcript media piece) and provide details about it.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Causes Of Death In The United States

In this Discussion you will right two reviews   1.     You will research one of the leading causes of death in the United States, comparing data from your state with national data and examining risk factors associated with the health problem. To prepare for this Discussion, examine the leading causes of death in the United States using the following websites from this module’s Learning Resources: CDC: Leading Causes of Death Medical News Today: What Are the Top 10 Leading Causes of Death in the US? Select one leading cause of death on which to focus for this Discussion. Using credible websites, research how your state’s data compare to national data related to this health condition. For example, you may search for information on the following websites, found in this module’s Learning Resources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) United Health Foundation: America’s Health Rankings Trust for America’s Health Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Ensure that you examine comparable data from reliable sources. For instance, look at state and national prevalence rates from the same year and, ideally, from the same source. Review the information on determinants of health (also referred to as risk factors) presented in Chapter 2 of the Shi and Singh (2015) textbook. In addition, conduct research using the Walden library and credible websites to identify and analyze the causes of your selected health problem and associated lifestyle, genetic, and environmental risk factors. If you are an international student, you may research a leading cause of death in your country and compare data from your local community with national data. Substantive and cohesive response to the following: Describe one of the leading causes of death. Compare your state’s data with national data related to this health problem. Identify your sources of data. Describe the causes of this health problem and associated lifestyle, genetic, and environmental risk factors/determinants. Reminder: Use and cite sources to support your posting and responses.                     2.  International Comparison of Health System Characteristics How does the U.S. health care delivery system compare with other countries’ health care delivery systems? What is the relationship of a country’s economic resources to health outcomes? How does the funding of services influence access to care? How does government involvement in health care delivery inform the patient/consumer experience? There are no simple answers to the questions above. Yet, health care administrators must engage in thoughtful, ongoing inquiry into questions such as these in order to gain a well-rounded perspective on health care delivery. In your Assignment for this module, you will analyze and compare data to deepen your understanding of the U.S. health care delivery system, as well as other health care delivery systems around the world. Your examination of data can provide valuable insights, but it is also important to consider the context surrounding health care expenditures and outcomes. In this Discussion, you will examine health system characteristics, such as government involvement and funding of health care delivery in the United States and other nations. For this Discussion and the Assignment, select TWO countries to compare with the United States in terms of health care (i.e., compare the SAME countries in both the Discussion and Assignment). One country must be a developed country, and the other must be considered a developing (low- or middle-income) country: as much as possible, select countries that are of similar size. To identify the development level of countries, use the following resources found in this module’s Learning Resources:   The International Statistical Institute: Developing Countries World Bank: Country and Lending Groups   In the Learning Resources related to health system characteristics, particularly Chapter 1 in the Shi and Singh textbook. Research the characteristics of the U.S. health care delivery system and the systems of your selected countries using credible websites, such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) site, found in this module’s Learning Resources. Consider the following questions as you research each country: How is the health system organized? Is there a central governing agency? How does an individual gain access to needed services, including specialized care? How are health care services paid for? For example, does the country have a national health system with tax-funded coverage, a health insurance system with a single payer, a health insurance system with multiple insurers, or something else? What benefits do people in this country experience because of the health system’s characteristics? For instance, are people guaranteed access to health care services? Do patients receive well-coordinated care because their health information is readily available to providers through an integrated technology system? Do they have a great deal of choice when selecting physicians? What challenges do people in this country encounter? For instance, is there typically a long wait to see a specialist? Do patients encounter adverse effects because medical supplies are not readily available? Are health care services prohibitively expensive for most people?  Substantive and cohesive response to the following: Analyze two or more defining characteristics of the U.S. health care system. Explain how these characteristics compare to the characteristics of the health care systems of your selected countries. (Be sure to identify the countries in your posting.) Evaluate potential benefits and challenges for people in your selected countries based on the health system characteristics you have identified.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Medical Ethics

At your hospital, the Committee on Medical Ethics is a medical staff committee. It answers to the Medical Executive Committee and the medical staff president, and its members are jointly appointed by the president of the Medical Staff and committee chair. Although it is a Medical Staff Committee, its membership is multidisciplinary, including physicians, nurses, social workers, lawyers, and members of the lay public (for community representation). Most members of the committee have received training in clinical ethics consultation, and were chosen because of their interest in resolution of ethical issues and their interpersonal qualities with patients and staff. The hospital administration has engaged a consulting firm to “modernize” its structure. The consultants have advised converting the “old” social worker approach to the contemporary position of case manager. The consultants note that three social workers sit on the Ethics Committee. The social worker members of the Ethics Committee were advised that they will no longer serve on said committee, and that their place will be taken by the manager of case management, who has no experience in ethics consultation, nor does she know anything about the history of Ethics Committee activities at your hospital. The chair of the Ethics Committee is informed that three of his committee members are “out.” The chair is livid, and there is also an immediate reaction from all the rest of the committee members, most especially the medical staff members of the committee— something about separation of powers is mentioned. You have been assigned by the hospital administrator to “handle this mess.” How would you go about doing so? If you had been told to handle the proposed committee reconfiguration from the very beginning, what would you have done differently from what was done? What change management practices would you have implemented to have these adjustments be handled better? Describe your answer in detail, write in a response to each case scenario. Your Journal entry should be at least 500 words.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Health Information Management

Class HSA3191 Health Care Automation and Technology Textbook is: Todays Health Information Management: An integrated approach 2nd edition by Dana C. McWay JD, RHIA  Chapter 9 Assignment – Description 1. Please define and articulate the distinction between an epidemic and a pandemic. [2 points] 2. Please research and describe the Ebola outbreak that occurred from 2014 to 2016. (Your response should be in paragraph form, consisting of 6 to 7 sentences.) [5 points] 3. Please research and describe the Spanish Flu of 1918. (Your response should be in paragraph form, consisting of 6 to 7 sentences.) [5 points] 4. Please research and describe the COVID-19 coronavirus of 2019-2020. (Your response should be in paragraph form, consisting of 6 to 7 sentences.) [5 points] 5. In addition to actions the United States has already taken regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus of 2019-2020, what do you believe should be done to protect the citizens of our country? (Your response should be in paragraph form, consisting of 6 to 7 sentences.) [5 points] This assignment is worth 22 points. Up to 5 points can be deducted for spelling/punctuation/grammar/sentence structure/references/citations issues. This assignment is being checked for similarity using Turnitin. Please do not include the above questions/instructions in your submitted assignment, as doing so will inflate your Turnitin Similarity score. Please take the subject of academic integrity seriously.  Please refer to the “Academic Integrity” section of the HSA Student Expectations document, and be reminded that students must review the Turnitin report and the Similarity Index score for their written work prior to submitting for a grade. If the Turnitin Similarity Index score is greater than 15%, you are required to rewrite and revise the paper or assignment until the Turnitin Similarity Index score is 15% or less.  Turnitin Similarity reports are generated very soon after assignment submission. Students can resubmit until the assignment due date. However, after three resubmissions, Turnitin Similarity reports will generate after 24 hours.  Plagiarism penalties and a grade of “zero” will result if any assignment or paper is submitted with a Turnitin Similarity Index score greater than 15%, and the Turnitin report indicates that a lower score was possible. Please submit your assignment in the “Chapter 9 Assignment – Dropbox” by the due date, Sunday, October 25, 11:59 p.m. I look forward to reading your recommendations! Thank you.

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