[ORDER SOLUTION] Patient Who Requests PAS/PAD

Answers are to be between 600 to 750 words in length.  Include a word-count at the end of your answer.  Question to answer: What would be necessary to establish that a patient who requests PAS/PAD has the necessary decision making capacity? Would it be okay if such a patient were anxious and depressed?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Covid Guidance Management

Chose three areas the listed below and answer the following three questions.You can use the strategies for managing tasks to help you answer the questions.  1. What would be your policy/procedures on that area? Explain what strategies you used to decide which elements you chose  from the guidelines. Write your policy.  2. How would you train and monitor staff and parents to follow the policy/procedures? Create a timeline for at least three months. 3. What resources would you need to implement the policy/procedures ? You can bullet this section.  Illness policy for children, staff and parents. Drop-off and pick-up Cleaning and disinfection Hand hygiene and toileting Keep staff and children in stable groups Physical distancing Limit sharing Meals and Snacks

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Health nutrition

Discussion Module 2: Body Composition/Causes Of Obesity 10 10 unread replies. 10 10 replies. There are many different views and causes of obesity in our society. I have included three different materials that I thought you might like to discuss. 1. Scripps Research: (View attachment) Do you feel obesity and food addiction can be compared to drug addiction? 2. You Tube Paleo Diet: Paleo in a Nutshell Part 1: Food  (Links to an external site.)   Paleo Diet do you feel this is a realistic way of eating for our generation? 3. Yale Prevention Research Center Dr. David Katz (Google: Dr. David Katz public speaking) then click on March 18, 2010 PowerPoint. View slides 43-61 Dr. Katz sldes 43-61.pptx   What do you think about the polar bear and/or the turning the tide analogy? Also please share with the class ways that you have reduced fat in your diet and/or what type of physical activity you enjoy.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Chronic Sinusitis And Allergic Rhinitis

A 25 year old male presents with chronic sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. Define adaptive vs. acquired immunity. Discuss the genetic predisposition of allergens. Describe the antigen-antibody response. What is the pathology of sinusitis?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Intangible Value

Answer each of the following discussion questions in 250 words each and include two reference sources for each. Select two examples of intangible value. Propose one or more approaches that an organization might use to measure each of those values.  Discuss with your classmates. Chapter 5 is on Measuring Community Benefit.  Is Community Benefit important?  What is the best way (in your opinion) to measure community benefit?

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Formal Writing

Formal Writing This essay should consider how the following contribute to your thesis: What precise obligations/duties does a medical physician have towards an adult client who wants a prescription for Plan B? That is, what is the doctor’s professional relationship to the client, and what duties apply if the client requests a particular service? What is the professional relationship between pharmacist and client, and what precise obligations/duties does a pharmacist have towards an adult client who has a prescription for Plan B and wants the prescription filled? What is the professional relationship between the prescribing physician and the pharmacist? Your thesis must address this question: Suppose the year is 2012 and emergency contraceptives (so-called “Plan B”) require a prescription, and suppose the pharmacist has a strong moral objection to Plan B. Does the pharmacist’s professional autonomy justify the pharmacist’s refusal of service to a client?   In order to defend your answer, prepare the reader by answering the following questions: Do a physician and client have a fiduciary relationship, rather than an agency relationship or paternalistic relationship? Do a pharmacist and client have a fiduciary relationship, rather than an agency relationship or paternalistic relationship? You should draw from the material in the assigned readings to develop this part of your paper. If you are having difficulty in understanding how a pharmacist has a fiduciary relationship, look at the box at the bottom of this page.   You may want to consider these questions in the process of defending your thesis: Why does someone other than the pharmacist create the prescription? Why are some drugs and medicines by prescription, while others are over-the-counter? What kind of relationship does a pharmacist have if they refuse to fill a client’s prescription because they don’t approve of it?   At the draft stage of this assignment, I suggest you concentrate on the part where you prepare your reader with an explanation of the fiduciary relationship between physicians and their clients and between pharmacists and their clients, and how this differs from agency and paternalistic relationships.

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[ORDER SOLUTION] Marketing Initiatives In Hospitals

write a 2-3 page paper on Marketing initiatives in hospitals and why they are essential to the success of the organization. Explaining what marketing is. What is the strategy behind marketing. The functions of marketing. what is segmentation of marketing. what does branding cover? what are media relations? Discuss reach and frequency. Cover strategic position and opportunities.

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Two sources and 150 words for: What are some of the medical and sexual health issues that may have to be addressed in treatment, including high risk behaviors for health disorders? How would you go about helping the client to address them? How would you help promote an HIV/AIDS client’s knowledge and skills of positive health and recovery? How would you assist the client in maintaining those skills? USE ONLY SOURCES FROM GOOGLE SCHOLAR Two sources and 125 words for: Clients are often recommended to take medication to support recovery for severe opioid use disorders. Clients may also be prescribed medication for mood or anxiety disorder as treatment for a co-occurring disorder. Clients and some professionals often state taking medication for treatment is replacing one medication for another. Why may medication assisted treatment be important? What are benefits and potential risks for at least two of these medications? What education and resources can you provide? What professionals would you collaborate with to help the client make an informed decision about treatment options to include medication? Review NIDA Commonly Abused medications chart and SAMSHA’s MAT resource in the study materials to inform your discussion. USE ONLY SOURCES FROM GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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[ORDER SOLUTION] System Thinking

Discuss systems thinking and how management information systems enables the four key components of system thinking?

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Mr. K. is a 62-year-old man who lives alone. He was admitted 4 days ago to an extended-care facility on his third postoperative day from a right total knee replacement for care and rehabilitation until he can safely care for himself at home. He is prescribed hydrocodone with acetaminophen (Vicodin) for pain control. The prescription reads: “Vicodin (5 mg hydrocodone; 300 mg acetaminophen) one to two tablets every 4 to 6 hours as needed for pain.” He tells you that overall, his pain is not bad except when he comes back from physical therapy. Then it is “really roaring.” He also says he tries to take the drug just at that time so that he does not become addicted. What type of pain is he having? How will you know the severity of “really roaring” pain? What specific type of drug is Vicodin? What type of change(s) could be made in drug delivery with the current prescription to help relieve his pain more effectively? . What will you tell him about his potential for addiction? If he were to receive two Vicodin tablets every 4 hours around the clock, what would be his total dose of acetaminophen for the day? Please answer these questions in an integrated essay that should be about 2 pages.

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