Health & Medical
Universal Health Care
In this argument essay, you will demonstrate your ability to create a logical and fair argument that answers ONE of the below questions:Should climate change be considered a real issue or a hoax?Should the United States have universal health care?Should employers have access to an employees social media content?You will need to use three academic and reliable sources within your essay.Your essay should have a clear introduction, body paragraphs, a conclusion, and a references page.Before you submit your essay, use the Checklist for Revisions Checklist for Revisions – Alternative Formats to ensure you’ve completed all the steps in the revision process.? The draft addresses the question or issue in a way that readers will care about.? The thesis is clear and placed at the end of theintroduction.? All ideas within the draft relate to the main thesis.? The draft is written at the audiences level, accounting for their level of knowledgeand attitudes.? There are plenty of organizational cues (topic sentences, headings, etc.) to helpguide the readers through the paper.? Your essay has a clear introduction that sets up your argument and a conclusionthat wraps up that same argument.? Ideas are presented in an order that makes sense with transitions used to movethe reader from one idea to the next both within paragraphs and between them.? Paragraphs are long enough to cover the topic but short enough to avoidrepetition.? The evidence used is relevant, persuasive, and properly formatted in APA.? The draft has been proofread to ensure the purpose of the assignment is metand there are no grammar or spelling errors.
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Case StudyJ.C., a 23-year-old male naval officer recently stationed in the Philippines, complains of dysuria, meatal pain, and a profuse yellow urethral discharge for 2 days. He admits to extramarital sex with a prostitute over the past week. He states that his wife, B.C is 8 weeks pregnant, but she is asymptomatic. Intracellular Gram-negative diplococci were seen on the Gram’s stain of J.C.’s urethral exudates. J.C tells you that if this is a sexually transmitted disease then he does not want the wife to know about this diagnosis and the extramarital affair.Use the questions below to formulate your answers, reflect and solve the health issue and ethical dilemma.1. 1. What are your differential diagnoses? What is the primary diagnosis?2. 2. What is the CDC’s drug of choice for treating this condition and what are some alternates?3. 2. What additional therapy should be included and why?4. 3.Why has CDC removed amoxicillin and procaine penicillin from their recommended drugs?5. 4.J.C. tells you that he does not want the wife to know about this diagnosis; what is the best answer to this request?6. 4. Should B.C. (J.C.’s pregnant wife) be treated? If so, with what?7. 6. Is this a reportable disease to public health? If so, how best can you report this?
Future Technology
What technology do you find most beneficial to use in your work or school setting? Least beneficial? Why do you find this tool useful or not? Then, using your imagination, look to the future and think about how this tool could be enhanced even further. Describe your dream technology, with consideration for patient care and safety.two scholarly articles
Self-Care Log And Plan
Reflection and Self-Care Log (and Plan)Describe individual goals and develop a plan for self-care. Set measurable goals and reflect progress each week. Entries need to show reflection that includes a discussion of current learning, including meeting specific course objectives. Some specific entries required as per course schedule.
Funding Of Medicare
1.Explain and define Assets, Liabilities, and Owners Equity2. There are a great number of people who are unemployed right now. How does that impact the funding of Medicare?3.Do some research about depression using a credible source. How is it defined? What are the symptoms of depression? What happens or doesn’t happen in a person’s brain that causes depression? Consider the function of neurons when it comes to depression. What are neurotransmitters, and what role might they play in depression?
Physical Therapy Association
Research the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) on the internet and answer the questions listed belowQuestions:1. What does the organization do?2. What are membership benefits and costs?3. Do they offer certifications, if so what are they?4. Does the organization have any publications?5. What is something you find interesting about this organization?
Distance Learning
Using the required reading, please describe the major constructs of distance learning (online), blended learning (hybrid) and flipped pedagogy. Does technology enhance learning? Does it hinder learning? Discuss the pros and cons of each. Do you feel that the curriculum of dental hygiene in an AS or AAS degree program can be offered on-line; or is a traditional curriculum a better option?
Systematic Desensitization
KATHRINA: Learning to cope with anxiety:Kathrina, a Native American in her early 20s, comes to the clinic where you work as a behaviorally oriented therapist. Assume that this is your initial meeting with her and that you know nothing else about her. Also assume that she would very much like to become involved in short-term behavioral counseling, mainly to deal with chronic anxiety that is getting in the way of her personal and professional life.Some Background Data:During the initial interview Kathrina tells you:Ive just got to learn how to cope with stress. I feel as if theres a dark cloud over my head a constant feeling of apprehension. Im so worked up during the day that when I try to go to sleep, I just toss and turn most of the night, ruminating over everything that happened to me that day. I keep telling myself that Ive got to get to sleep or I wont be worth a damn the next day. I just lie there and cant seem to stop thinking of what I did or will do the next day. When I do get up the next morning, Im a basket case. I sell real estate, and lately Im getting more anxious about my future.Im fearful of contacting people because I might say the wrong thing and blow the potential sale, and Im afraid theyll notice my anxiety. I just dont seem to be able to relax at any time. And whats even worse is that I feel less able to cope with stress now than I used to. Stress is getting the best of me, and Im afraid that unless I can learn to recognize and deal with the situations Im in, my anxiety will do me in.Kathrina also tells you that she is experiencing many problems in leaving home and feeling that she can make it on her own. She says that she is not following the family program and lets you know that her parents are disappointed with some of the ways in which she is living. She does not want to cut herself off from her family, yet she has trouble in being everything her parents expect of her.Assume that you and Kathrina agree to several counseling sessions to help her deal with her anxieties. Specifically, she wants guidance in learning coping skills that she can use on her own. Working within a behavioral framework, demonstrate how you would view her as a behaviorally oriented counselor and how you might proceed for several sessions.Questions to answer:1. How do you view Kathrinas anxiety? How will your answer to this question have a direct bearing on the manner in which you work with her in your sessions?2. What cultural themes would you pay attention to, if any? To what extent would you focus on her alienation from her family? Would you be inclined to focus more on her anxiety? Her stress? Her concerns over not living up to the expectations of her family?3. What might you want to know from Kathrina about the ways in which her cultural experiences have affected her? If you are from a different background, would you expect any difficulties in understanding and working with her?4. What specific behavioral procedures might you employ during your sessions? What suggestions would you make to Kathrina for work she can do by herself outside of the sessions?5. What ways can you think of to teach her how to cope with stress? What self-help or self-management techniques could you suggest?6. How might you deal with Kathrinas insomnia? How might you design a program for her that would help her relax and sleep at night?
Private Health Insurance
Reading: on the article:In your own words what are 2-3 factors resulting in the growth rate of Medicare per capita spending shrinking from 2010-2018 vs. 2000-2010?Evaluate the Figure 4 & Figure 5 graphs: Actual and Projected Annual Growth Rates in Medicare and Private Health Insurance Spending, 1990-2028 and Actual and Projected Average Annual Growth in Medicare Beneficiary Costs for Part A, Part B and Part D, 1990-2028. Based on the graphs, bullet out what you think are the 2-3 key takeawaysWhen the article states for example that 72% of Medical Part B is financed through general revenue — what is meant by general revenue?What is the Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund? Briefly summarize why the actuaries have projected that the Part A Trust Fund will be depleted by 2026
Youth Fitness Trainer
Write a 500-word essay on the physiological differences between children and adults, and how they affect exercise assessment and program design. Include concepts covered in the course and compose your answer in your own words.
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