Integrative Health Practices

Discuss the most meaningful aspects of the course related to culture and spiritual care. Include the topics of culture, spirituality,vulnerable populations; religious diversity, and complementary, alternative, and integrative health practices. Describe how this course content will be beneficial as a future advanced nursing professional with citations.

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Interprofessional Collaboration

What communication strategies have you experienced in practice that foster interprofessional collaboration? What obstacles have you encountered and how have you addressed these in your practice?Teamwork Emergency?What do a NASA astronaut, a nurse in the ICU, and an NFL quarterback have in common? Teamwork! They all work in teams. To explore space, provide critical care, or win an NFL championship, these individuals need to “rely on others to reinforce their work and move it forward to achieve the greater goal” (Vega & Bernard, 2016, para 1).The Vila Health board has shared that one of the biggest complaints they receive is the lack of teamwork across the organization. We know that we need to work on interprofessional collaboration, making connections between all types of roles, departments, jobs, et cetera. Each one is important, right? How can we improve communication to be more effective in our collaboration?

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Philosophical Paradigms

Mr. and Mrs. R. are the parents of two sons, Terence and Jason. Terence is a 28-year-old man who is married, works for a railroad company, and attends college part-time. Terence suffers from chronic glomerulus nephritis, a fatal kidney disease. He is now being kept alive by frequent dialysis treatments, a procedure that cannot be continued much longer.Jason is 27 years old, and has been living in a state institution for many years. He has an I.Q. of around 35, approximately corresponding to the mental age of a very young child. He is further handicapped by a speech defect, which makes it difficult for him to communicate with those who are not well acquainted with him.Doctors determined that Terence would have to have a kidney transplant in order to survive. The new kidney could come either from a cadaver, if and when one became available, or from a live donor if a compatible donor could be found. Terence’s entire family was tested, including his mother, his father, and a number of other relatives. None of these family members were medically acceptable as live donors due to incompatible blood type or tissue type. As a last resort, Jason was tested and found to be highly compatible.A psychiatrist who examined Jason stated that he believed Terence’s death would have an extremely traumatic effect upon Jason. Terence is Jason’s role model and is vital to Jason’s continued improvement at the hospital and in school.Should Jason be allowed to donate a kidney to his brother Terence, to save his brother’s life?Questions to help guide your analysis:How should the issue of autonomy/informed consent (for Jason) be handled in this case?What are the risks/benefits of the kidney transplant to Jason and to Terence?If Jason does not donate a kidney to Terence, what other organ-donor options are available to Terence ?How does the “doctrine of double effect” apply to this situation?The bioethical dilemmaAn argumentative thesis (your chosen position)Give three reasons supporting your argument, applying philosophical paradigms (e.g. deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, etc.) and bioethical principles (autonomy,nonmalefience, beneficence, and justice).Offer one counterargument to your chosen position, citing support. A counterargument is an opposing position.Give your rebuttal to the counterargument, with support. A rebuttal is a response to the opposing position.

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Primary Care Needs

Reflecting on the Needs of Older AdultsQuestionHow do the primary care needs of older adults differ from the general population of adults?

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Child Abuse And Maltreatment

Child abuse and maltreatment is not limited to a particular age—it can occur in the infant, toddler, preschool, and school-age years. Choose one of the four age groups and outline the types of abuse most commonly seen among children of that age. Describe warning signs and physical and emotional assessment findings the nurse may see that could indicate child abuse. Discuss cultural variations of health practices that can be misidentified as child abuse. Describe the reporting mechanism in your state and nurse responsibilities related to the reporting of suspected child abuse.

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Culture And Ethnicity

NUR102 Culture & Ethnicity Project:It is important that the healthcare team, particularly RNs, individualize treatment and care for clients.  Culture, ethnicity, and spirituality all impact the way the client views health and illness, as well as their ability to cope and adapt with disease.  To deliver holistic and professional care, RNs must encompass the client’s beliefs, desires, and directives. The goals of this assignment are to become more knowledgeable regarding people of different cultures, ethnicities, and beliefs while practicing the roles of the RN (teacher, researcher). This is a 2-part project that will include a 10-15 min PowerPoint presentation for classmates, as well as a scholarly paper. Students will create a PPT presentation in preparation to write a paper. The presentation will be worth 15 points and the paper 25 points for a total of 40 points for the total assignment (see Canvas for Rubrics). This assignment will be factored as part of the 95% of the grade. Please review the prompt below as well as the rubric to understand how you will be graded. The entire group must participate in the group presentation to earn points.Presentation & Paper Should Include:Ethnicity vs. culture for the assigned groupCustoms: concepts of family, gender norms, death and birth rituals/beliefs, ideas regarding childrearing, food anddietarypreferences/restrictions, educational beliefs, religion/spirituality/prayer?Describe 2 spiritual or religious beliefs common amongst the cultural or ethnic groupBeliefs regarding Elderly and AgingProfessionalism and Nursing implications of caring within the culture – What should the RN caring for the client know to deliver holistic care? How does a nurse present herself/himself as a professional? Whatdoes being a professional mean?Common non-verbal communication (eye contact, touching)Health Beliefs /DisbeliefsBeliefs about painLoss & grievingPossible Ethnic Groups:Native Americans                Asians or Pacific Islanders   Middle Eastern/Arabic                African Americans           Hispanic or Latinos                Caucasians/Western Europeans (Austria, France, Germany, Switzerland)Northern Europeans (Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, UK)PPT Guidelines:1.   Oral presentation should be 10 – 12 minutes in length, should be clear, concise, and practiced. Do not give entire presentation reading word for word from the slides or your notecards. It is an expectation that students will have a working knowledge of the assigned group to educate others.2.    Include at least 7-10 slides (no more than 15) not including Title & Reference slides (these slides are a given and must be included).3.    Must be visually appealing and include graphics and images in addition to typeface.4.    Reference page in proper APA format (please review the resources on the ClassPath or Purdue Owl. Do not forget to cite the visuals as needed. Info Commons Librarians can help with this too as well as the Writing Center.

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Adult Critical Care

As a practice scholar, the interdisciplinary team you are leading develops the below two practice questions in PICOT format to drive practice change.Practice Question 1: Does motivational interviewing during a regularly scheduled well-child visit for children between 5-19 years with a BMI of 30 and above as compared to practice as usual, influence BMI, BP, quality of life, and daily physical activity over 8-10 weeks?•    Identify the PICOT elements.•    What are key search terms identified in the practice question?Conduct a library search using these search terms to locate a research studyaddressing this practice problem and consider the following.•    What is the research-evidence based intervention addressed in the study?•    What is the quantifiable outcome(s)? How will the outcome(s) be measured? What potential reliable and valid measurements/tools may be used to measure this quantifiable data?•    Is this practice question answerable within 8-10 weeks? Why or why not?Practice Question 2: In the adult critical care population, does a research-based skin care integrity bundle, compared to standard care, influence the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure injuries over an 8-10 week time period?•    Identify the PICOT elements.•    What are key search terms identified in the practice question?Conduct a library search using these search terms to locate a research study addressing this practice problem and consider the following.•    What is the research-evidence based intervention in the study?•    What is the quantifiable outcome(s)? How will the outcome(s) be measured? What potential reliable and valid measurements/tools may be used to measure this quantifiable data?•    Is this practice question answerable within 8-10 weeks? Why or why not?

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Thyroid Hormones

Thyroid hormones exert their effects on cells in a manner similar to steroid hormones; describe the mechanism of action of thyroid hormones.Why wouldan imbalance in thyroid hormones have such widespread effects on the body?Why was goiter observed in George’s case?Why would calcium homeostasis be impaired in response to removal of the thyroid gland?What could be used to specifically destroy the thyroid gland and have minimal effects on other cells and tissues in the bodyCase Study:George is a thirty five year old hardware clerk. During his routine physical he casually mentions to his physician that he seems to be sweating more profusely than normal and most rooms that once were comfortable are now too “hot”. At home a room that his wife and children find to be comfortable causes him to sweat profusely. George also reports that he seems to be losing weight even though his appetite has increased. He also complains that he has a shortened attention span and that he always wants to be moving around. Despite the fact that he feels fatigued, George claims to have difficulty sleeping and seems to have more frequent bowel movements, occasionally accompanied by diarrhea. The physician discovers George has lost 15 pounds since his last physical. In checking his chart, the physician finds that George has a negative history for chronic illnesses, does not smoke, and has a low risk for cardiovascular disease. He does however have a positive family history for autoimmune diseases. His father suffers from idiopathic thrombocytopenia, his mother has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and his oldest sister was recently diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus.Results of George’s physical examination were within normal ranges with the exception of the following: he demonstrated tachycardia, loud heart sounds, and apparent cardiac arrhythmias accompanied by slight hypertension. These arrhythmias were confirmed by electrocardiogram to be supraventricular in origin. George’s eyeballs appeared large and protruding and his hair was fine and soft. He was also beginning to demonstrate some degree of alopecia. George was also observed to have palmar erythema. palpation of the neck revealed the presence of goiter. Results of blood tests indicated elevated concentrations of thyroid hormones (thyroxin and triiodothyronine), hypercalcemia, and decreased circulating concentrations of lipids. Based on the physical characteristics and the results of the blood tests, George’s physician suspected that George was suffering from some form of hyperthyroidism and sent him to an endocrinologist to confirm the initial diagnosis.ollowing the initial consultation and examination, the endocrinologist ordered tests to determine whether George was indeed hyperthyroid. The test results indicated an elevation in the concentration of thyroid hormones in the blood and the presence of thyroid-stimulating antibodies. These antibodies specifically stimulate the thyroid gland by binding with the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor located on the plasma membrane of the follicular cells of the thyroid gland. Based on these results, the endocrinologist concluded that George had Grave’s disease, a form of hyperthyroidism believed to be autoimmune in nature. George was presented with a number of possible treatment options. These included treatment with chemicals (propylthiouracil and methimazole) that decrease the production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland, radioisotopic destruction of the thyroid gland by the use of 131I, and surgical removal of the thyroid gland. After considering all the options, especially the possible effects of radiation on gamete development, George chose surgery. Following successful surgery, George was prescribed synthetic thyroid hormone to ensure that his body was receiving adequate thyroid hormone and told to return within 2 months for a follow-up evaluation of circulating thyroid hormone concentrations. He was also cautioned to carefully monitor his calcium intake.

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Ethnic Stereotyping

Prepare a short report on ways you may have been harmed by cultural, gender, racial, or ethnic stereotyping. Draw on these experiences to explore potential harms nurses can cause patients and families. Please cite one reference.

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Socio-Cultural Identity

Part B. NO MORE THAN 750 WORDSDiscuss why is it important for nurses to consider both their own socio-cultural identity as well as the client’s socio-cultural identity in their health assessment? What could be the result if the nurse does not consider either their own or the client’s socio-cultural identity in their health assessmentExplain how you would incorporate a culturally competent approach to your assessmentof the specific client described below.• You are going to assess a 28-year-old client, Maara Khaled. Maara recently arrived toCanada as a refugee from Syria. (V4)a. Please include at least two specific, relevant, and evidence-informedtechniques/strategies you would use within your RPN scope.b. Students should then include a brief explanation for why each technique was chosen.

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