Assignment: Leadership Practicum

Assignment: Leadership Practicum
Assignment: Leadership Practicum
Assignment: Leadership Practicum
Week 15 discussion Summarize your leadership practicum in relation to the seven distinct characteristics outlined in the textbook. How will you change your behavior based on this new understanding of servant leadership? What strategies did you learn that, if implemented, would allow you to actualize the servant-leadership principles in a leadership role?
The Leadership Practicum is an integral part of the experiential learning for all full-time NPL students, which builds upon core competencies and principles of leadership developed in the classroom. It consists of:
a supervised mentoring and leadership development experience with either an executive director or senior level leader at a Philly-area nonprofit organization or foundation;
a partnership with the goal of learning about the organization and providing student support on various levels that can include strategic planning, succession planning, branding or marketing, development and philanthropy, or other targeted projects; and
a commitment of 180-225 hours of practicum time with the sponsoring organization during the academic year beginning in early October and ending in mid-April
Part-Time On-Campus Students
A modified Leadership Practicum is an option for part-time on-campus students as part of the experiential learning which builds upon core competencies and principles of leadership developed in the classroom. Part-time students’ current jobs within social impact and nonprofit organizations fulfill the requirement to support an organization on topics learned in the classroom including strategic planning, program development and evaluation, philanthropy, etc.
Part-time students have the opportunity to work with a mentor assigned in consultation with their advisor to bolster the mentorship portion of the practicum. This option facilitates:
a mentoring and leadership development experience with either an executive director or senior level leader at a Philly-area nonprofit organization or foundation;
a partnership with the goal of learning about the organization

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Assignment: Humility Journaling

Assignment: Humility Journaling
Assignment: Humility Journaling
Assignment: Humility Journaling
Week 15 assignment Leadership Journal: Humility Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes. Unlike a personal journal of thoughts and feelings, this Leadership Journal is a record of your activities, assessments, and learning related to this academic experience. Journal entries should include a record of the number of hours spent with your nurse leader each week. Write a journal entry of 750-1,500 words on the subject of humility, including the following: Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in Weeks 13-14. Describe an interaction or decision point this semester in which your nurse leader demonstrated humility or a missed opportunity to promote the success of others. Summarize your practicum experience with your nurse leader. What insight into your own leadership style were you able to see? What do you believe was the most important thing you learned in this experience? Utilizing servant leadership principles, outline a plan to improve your own success as a leader. Identify specific steps you plan to take to create this improvement. Reflect on at least two things you learned from the “Issue of Humility” video APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.Cultural humility requires self-evaluation and the awareness that one’s own culture is not the only or best one. Teaching health care providers to become culturally humble includes the development of critical thinking skills and the ability to reflect on practice. Journaling as a teaching strategy helps students develop these skills. This article describes the use of reflective journaling as students progressed through four semesters of a community clinical experience. This qualitative, descriptive study was based on the principles of naturalistic inquiry with person-centered written reflections.Two hundred journal entries from 50 students were reviewed, and II themes were identified. Cultural humility cannot be learned merely in the classroom with traditional teaching methods. Reflection on experiences over time leads to the development of cultural humility.

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Assignment: Nurse Leader Interviews

Assignment: Nurse Leader Interviews
Assignment: Nurse Leader Interviews
Assignment: Nurse Leader Interviews
Feedback Score:
Week 10 assignment
Nurse Leader Interviews Paper
Identify three nursing leaders you would like to interview for this paper The nursing leaders may have a variety of leadership styles, but they must all currently hold positions of leadership
Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that describes the results of the interviews and addresses the following:
Ask the leaders what they believe is their preferred leadership style and ask them to describe how that style has helped them achieve success
Explain why you chose each individual leader
Identify, compare, and contrast their styles and note any examples of servant or transformational leadership
Identify missed opportunities or questions you wish you had asked during the interviews
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center An abstract is not required
This assignment uses a rubric Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center
Prior to your interview, it is important to take the time to learn as much as possible about the organization and nursing department. Carefully study the website so you know the mission, vision and range of services provided by the health care agency. If the hospital or agency is part of a larger system, go to the systems website as well. Review any publicly reported data available about the agency such as what is on the hospital compare care site in the United States. Many nursing services today use specific theoretical frameworks such as Watson’s Caring theory to guide care – be familiar with it. If the hospital is Magnet designated and you have not worked in a Magnet hospital, review the forces of magnetism. You will be expected to be prepared to speak to the role of leadership in promoting a healthy work environment.
2. Request a copy of the position description, the organizational chart and information about how the interview will be structured in advance.
You should know in advance what the position expectations are and information about the reporting structure in the organization. This will allow you to carefully consider whether this position is a good fit for your current skill set and what competencies you may need to develop. It is important that you also know how the interview will be conducted and who will be involved. Many leadership interviews are conducted by panels. Ask if staff are involved in the interview and whether a tour of the department will be part of your interview agenda. Seeing the level of involvement of staff, the physical layout of unit and how you are greeted during a tour of the area will help you to better understand the unit culture.
3. Anticipate what types of questions you will asked.
Leadership interviews are different than interviews for staff level positions. You can expect to be asked questions directly related to leadership competencies so it is important to know what those competencies might include. The is a good document to review to better understand leadership competencies. Many organizations today use performance-based or behavioral interviewing techniques. In this type of interview, you will be asked very pointed questions and given leadership scenarios related to the knowledge, skills and abilities related to the position. You could be given a scenario that involved a conflict situation and asked the steps that you would use to resolve it. You may be asked to describe a situation where you did not use effective communication and how you would do it differently if it occurred again. You might asked how you manage your stress or to identify your leadership weaknesses. You will be asked about your own leadership style so carefully think about how you will respond to this. You should be prepared to give honest, authentic answers to a wide range of questions. Asking someone in a leadership role to do a trial run interview with you would be excellent preparation.
4. Develop your own list of questions to ask about the position and organization.
Come to the interview with your own list of questions about the position. If this is your first leadership role, ask about what type of leadership development and mentoring is offered, and what the leadership challenges are in the organization. Prepare questions to determine information about the budget, staffing, current performance on customer satisfaction surveys and other indicators. Ask questions about the patient population served, their needs and their health problems. Ask about the unit culture, what is important to staff and any specific areas where improvement is needed. Always have at least one or two questions when you are asked about questions that you have even if the interview has been thorough.
5. Ask about the timeline for selection and the follow-up process.
Prior to leaving the interview, you will want to know what the follow-up process will be. You may be asked to come back for a second interview so don’t be surprised if this happens. Ask when a decision will be made about the position, and who you can contact if you have questions. Get business cards from everyone that you meet with during the interview process so you can send follow-up thank you notes or emails.

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Discussion: Servant Leadership

Discussion: Servant Leadership
Discussion: Servant Leadership
Discussion: Servant Leadership
Week 1 discussion Should all nurses be considered leaders? What characteristics of nurses make them leaders? How do your responses compare or contrast with the view of power according to servant leadership? Support your response with evidence from the textbook or Topic Materials. Week 2 discussion In the secular approach to leadership, there is an inherent belief that hard work will get you to the top and guarantee success. Think of a time in your professional life when this has proven to be true. What were the circumstances? How much influence did you have on the outcome? Based on the textbook, how do your responses compare to the views of servant leadership? How do your responses compare to the secular view of leadership? Week 3 discussion You are in a place of influence in your professional life where you can help people be successful. Describe the relationship and what actions you have taken or could take to serve others. Based on the textbook, how does your response compare to the views of authority according to servant leadership? How does your response compare to the secular view of authority? Week 4 discussion What is your given “authority” at your work place and/or professional life? Describe a time when you have exercised this authority in your journey as a professional nurse? How does your response compare to the secular view of power? How does your response compare to the secular view of authority? How does your response compare to the view of power according to servant leadership? How does your response compare to the view of authority according to servant leadership? Week 5 discussion Describe a time in your professional life when you felt used and manipulated. What were the circumstances? Did you feel valued by the leader? Based on the textbook, explain how the issue of purpose, in the servant-leader paradigm, could have yielded a more beneficial outcome for the leader and yourself. Week 6 discussion Resentment tears people and organizations apart. A servant leader focuses on leading and not dictating. Explain how you could transform feelings of resentment into a force for leading. Week 7 discussion How do servant leaders, as compared with leaders using the transformational model of leadership, manage organization dynamics and lead change to ensure that the continued success of the stakeholders will be served? Is servant leadership or transformational leadership the best approach to these tasks? Why? Week 8 discussion When we consider the word love as a verb instead of a feeling, the biblical worldview would state that this loving relationship is related to two principles: honor and protection. Explain how these two principles guide servant leadership in the workplace. Week 9 discussion Servant leaders must be internally consistent with their words and actions. Describe a mentor that you have had that displayed this kind of credibility. Share an example of what you witnessed from this person. Based on the text, contrast your response to the secular view of power. Week 10 discussion A credible person will do what they say. Describe a time when you felt free in displaying your integrity at work. Describe a time when you felt fearful displaying your integrity at work. What was the determining factor(s) that allowed you to lead by example versus going against your heart? If you never felt free in displaying your integrity at work, describe what conditions would need to exist for you to do so? Week 11 discussion How do you serve others in the profession of nursing? Explain how the way you serve others in the profession of nursing could become more closely aligned with the issue of serving as explained by the servant-leadership paradigm. How does the issue of serving differ from the secular view of power? Week 12 discussion Choose one provision from the ANA Code of Ethics. How is ethical behavior an integral part of being a nurse leader? How does one display the characteristics of a role model with this provision? Does a nurse leader have an ethical foundation to inject into business practice? Week 13 discussion Have you ever worked with a leader that made you feel that you were more important than they? How did this make you feel? What were the circumstances? What was the outcome? If you have never experienced this kind of treatment from a leader, imagine what it would be like. Based on your response, explain how the displays of humility by a leader exemplify servant leadership. Are displays of humility required to make someone else feel more important than you? Explain your answer. Week 14 discussion How do you affirm people at work? When your coworkers talk about you, what do they say about you? Based on the textbook, relate your responses to the issue of preference according to the servant-leadership paradigm. Compare this form of leadership with the secular view of power as it relates to working relationships. Week 15 discussion Summarize your leadership practicum in relation to the seven distinct characteristics outlined in the textbook. How will you change your behavior based on this new understanding of servant leadership? What strategies did you learn that, if implemented, would allow you to actualize the servant-leadership principles in a leadership role? Week 16 discussion Looking back on your time with your mentor, would you consider him or her a servant leader as described by in the textbook? Explain your answer. Elaborate on what characteristics your mentor displayed most consistently. Share examples from your experience to support your response.

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Discussion: Secular View of Leadership

Discussion: Secular View of Leadership
Discussion: Secular View of Leadership
Discussion: Secular View of Leadership
Week 2 discussion In the secular approach to leadership, there is an inherent belief that hard work will get you to the top and guarantee success. Think of a time in your professional life when this has proven to be true. What were the circumstances? How much influence did you have on the outcome? Based on the textbook, how do your responses compare to the views of servant leadership? How do your responses compare to the secular view of leadership?
If the above sounds like an unnecessary harsh assessment, let us consider for a moment the adjective we employ to describe the type of leadership that is not ‘Christian’. The word ‘secular’ is derived from the Latin saeculum, which is one of the Latin words for world. It refers to our existence as material beings in the material cosmos. Secular leadership is really nothing but worldly leadership. As such it is not merely practiced by ‘worldly’ people, but it has the world as both its beginning and end. Its philosophical premises and presuppositions are thoroughly worldly and so also their logical conclusions. Ideas have consequences, or ‘legs’ as Francis Schaeffer used to say, which means that ideas go places. And the places they go are more often than not determined by the places they come from. Ideas that begin with the world are doomed to end with the world, both in the philosophical and eschatological sense.
Christian leadership, on the other hand, is a leadership away from the world. It is not utopian, has no business with social engineering, and certainly does not believe that politics presents the answer to the ailments of society, the worldview expressed in Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s maxim ‘the state is the agency of emancipation’ (Cited in Colson 1999: 171). Rather, it longs for a better country – a heavenly one, and it does so in true Hebrews 11 fashion. This type of non-secular leadership is best exemplified by the image of Moses leading the Israelites away from Egypt in search of a land promised and ruled by God.
The Influence Leadership Vision has on Leadership Style
One might wonder what this has to with the actual how-to of leading. Do the different visions of the church and the world influence their leadership methodology, ultimately necessitating different leadership styles? In other words, has leadership anything to do with the particular policies of the leader, or is it purely neutral? And if it has, to what extent?
We have all heard it said that Hitler was an excellent leader. By this it is usually meant that he had great charisma and even greater powers of conviction. He managed to lead thousands, and so we conclude that he was a great leader. The fact that he led them to destruction is besides the point. It makes him a poor theorist, perhaps, but not a poor leader. He could get people to follow him, and this is the litmus test of leadership. As I once heard a Christian leadership guru put it: “If no one is following, you are not leading, but merely taking a walk.” We could turn that around to mean that as long as people are following, you are definitely leading.

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Assignment: Purpose Journaling

Assignment: Purpose Journaling
Assignment: Purpose Journaling
Assignment: Purpose Journaling
Week 7 assignment Leadership Journal: Purpose Journaling provides a valuable tool for recording, reflecting on, and reviewing your learning. This approach provides an opportunity for you to “connect the dots” and observe the relationships between and among activities, interactions, and outcomes. Unlike a personal journal of thoughts and feelings, this Leadership Journal is a record of your activities, assessments, and learning related to this academic experience. Journal entries should include a record of the number of hours spent with your nurse leader each week. Write a journal entry of 750-1,500 words on the subject of purpose, including the following: Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in Weeks 5-6. Describe how your nurse leader’s leadership style affects the people the nurse leads. Do staff members express feelings of support and helpfulness? Are there examples of leading rather than dictating? Did the leader say or do things designed to “build up” staff or were there missed opportunities? Reflect on at least two things you learned from the “Issue of Rule” video APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
When you think of “journaling,” you might picture a tween girl, laying on her bed with her feet waving lazily through the air and writing about her crush in a diary.
The word often has that connotation for adults: the sense that it’s for young people who are trying to figure out who they are and deal with raging hormones and middle school drama.
While it can certainly be helpful for those purposes, journaling is not exclusively for “girls,” teens, and tweens—it’s for anyone who can write! It is a form of self-expression that can lift and empower people to understand they’re complex feelings and find humor with it.
Simply putting words on a page will probably not get you all the benefits of journaling, but effective journaling can result in many positive outcomes and improvements to your quality of life.

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Assignment: Profession of Nursing

Assignment: Profession of Nursing
Assignment: Profession of Nursing
Assignment: Profession of Nursing
Week 11 discussion How do you serve others in the profession of nursing? Explain how the way you serve others in the profession of nursing could become more closely aligned with the issue of serving as explained by the servant-leadership paradigm. How does the issue of serving differ from the secular view of power?
21st Century nursing is the glue that holds a patient’s health care journey together. Across the entire patient experience, and wherever there is someone in need of care, nurses work tirelessly to identify and protect the needs of the individual.
Beyond the time-honored reputation for compassion and dedication lies a highly specialized profession, which is constantly evolving to address the needs of society. From ensuring the most accurate diagnoses to the ongoing education of the public about critical health issues; nurses are indispensable in safeguarding public health.
Nursing can be described as both an art and a science; a heart and a mind. At its heart, lies a fundamental respect for human dignity and an intuition for a patient’s needs. This is supported by the mind, in the form of rigorous core learning. Due to the vast range of specialisms and complex skills in the nursing profession, each nurse will have specific strengths, passions, and expertise.
However, nursing has a unifying ethos: In assessing a patient, nurses do not just consider test results. Through the critical thinking exemplified in the nursing process (see below), nurses use their judgment to integrate objective data with subjective experience of a patient’s biological, physical and behavioral needs. This ensures that every patient, from city hospital to community health center; state prison to summer camp, receives the best possible care regardless of who they are, or where they may be.

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Assignment: Professional Communication Skills.

Assignment: Professional Communication Skills.
Assignment: Professional Communication Skills.
Assignment: Professional Communication Skills.
ORERDED LACE PRESENTATION GUIDELINES & GRADING RUBRIC Purpose The purpose of this assignment is for learners to: – Develop professional presentation/communication skills. – Demonstrate an advancing understanding of the political landscape of APN practice. – Demonstrate the ability to analyze the literature and be able to disseminate the information orally. – Demonstrate and practice professional communication and leadership, while advancing the education of peers. Course Outcomes 1. Analyze the development of advanced practice nursing roles from a historical perspective including the impact of advanced practice nursing on the healthcare delivery system from the perspective of selected current reports (i.e. LACE, IOM, etc.) 2. Critically analyze how healthcare systems and APN practice are organized and influenced by ethical, legal, economic and political factors. Requirements For Week 7, there is no case study given to you by the faculty. Instead you will be creating a recorded presentation that demonstrates your understanding of LACE principles and their influence on APN practice. This presentation will be uploaded into the course via Kaltura (please see course resources for directions). Address the following Topics/Questions: · How do licensure, accreditation, certification, and education (LACE) considerations differ for APN clinical roles for these three states: California, Washington, and Illinois? Provide evidence for your response. · Discuss what evidence-based strategies should be implemented to achieve continuity between state regulatory boards? Provide evidence for your response. · Is independent NP practice allowed in your state? Discuss your opinion regarding independent NP practice. Provide evidence for your response. Presentation Guidelines: · The presentation should include a PowerPoint presentation which will be recorded via Kaltura. · Students should create the PowerPoint presentation offline and then open it for use during the recording. · Students may record the presentation more than once to allow for practice and mastery of the content and presentation style. Final presentation should be submitted only. · Students should review their presentation for clarity in audio and sound as well as clarity in the information presented. Students should be professionally dressed in business casual attire for the presentation with/without lab coat. Scrubs, sweats, denim, yoga pants, and athletic wear are not considered business casual. Student’s face should be visible via the webcam during presentation. · The presentation should be no more than 15-20 minutes in recorded length. · The presentation should contain appropriate scholarly evidence to support the information presented per APA format. · PowerPoint slides should be used as cues to topics and key concepts without lengthy sentences and paragraphs- reading information from slides is not professional and therefore not acceptable. · A professional presentation includes an introduction both of yourself and of the topic, the touch points of information you’re going to discuss as well as a conclusion. A professional presentation should be covered in approx. 8-15 slides. · 12 pt font Times New Roman is the recommended font size/style. Slides should include bullet points you intend to cover, 4-5 bullet points per slide. The bullet points should be expanded upon with oral information. Direct quotes and paragraphs are discouraged. · The student’s oral presentation should demonstrate clear understanding of all concepts along with specific examples to represent concepts. Technology Requirements The presentation should be recorded using PowerPoint (See course resources for information about using PowerPoint in the course). Presentation should be saved in .ppt format.

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Assignment: Cardiovascular Disorders

Assignment: Cardiovascular Disorders
Assignment: Cardiovascular Disorders
Assignment: Cardiovascular Disorders
Week 1 discussion Factors That Influence Disease In clinical settings, some of the most common questions that patients ask are Why do I have this? What caused this disorder? Will it ever go away? These emotional questions can be difficult to ask and to answer. However, for patients to come to terms with their diagnoses and adhere to treatment plans, they must have an understanding of factors that might have caused, or continue to impact, their disorders. As an advanced practice nurse, it is important that you are able to explain disorders, associated alterations and symptoms, and changes that might occur within your patients’ bodies. To prepare: Review this week’s media presentation with Dr. Terry Buttaro. Reflect on the importance of developing an in-depth understanding of pathophysiology. Select a disorder from the following list: Adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s disease) Atherosclerosis Cholelithiasis (gallstones) Colon cancer Cystic fibrosis Hemophilia Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones) Osteoporosis Parkinson’s disease Tuberculosis Select one of the following patient factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how that factor might impact your selected disorder, as well as potential associated alterations and symptoms. Identify the pathophysiology of the associated alterations, including the normal and altered cellular function. Consider both intra- and extra-cellular changes that occur. By Day 3 Post a brief description of a patient scenario involving the disorder and the factor you selected. Explain how the factor might impact your selected disorder, as well as potential associated alterations and symptoms. Finally, explain the pathophysiology of the associated alterations, including changes in cellular function. Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses. By Day 6 Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected different disorders and factors than you, in the following ways: Share insights on how the factor you selected impacts the pathophysiology of the disorder your colleague selected. Expand on your colleague’s posting by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence. Week 2 discussion DQ1 Maladaptive Responses to Immune Disorders Maladaptive responses to disorders are compensatory mechanisms that ultimately have adverse health effects for patients. For instance, a patient’s allergic reaction to peanuts might lead to anaphylactic shock, or a patient struggling with depression might develop a substance abuse problem. To properly diagnose and treat patients, advanced practice nurses must understand both the pathophysiology of disorders and potential maladaptive responses that some disorders cause. Consider immune disorders such as HIV, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and systemic lupus E. What are resulting maladaptive responses for patients with these disorders? To prepare: Review Chapter 5 and Chapter 7 in the Huether and McCance text. Reflect on the concept of maladaptive responses to disorders. Select two of the following immune disorders: HIV, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, or systemic lupus E (SLE). Identify the pathophysiology of each disorder you selected. Consider the compensatory mechanisms that the disorders trigger. Then compare the resulting maladaptive and physiological responses of the two disorders. Select one of the following factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how the factor might impact your selected immune disorders. By Day 3 Post a brief description of the pathophysiology of your selected immune disorders.
Assignment: Cardiovascular Disorders
Explain how the maladaptive and physiological responses of the two disorders differ. Finally, explain how the factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of each disorder. Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses. By Day 5 Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected different immune disorders and/or factors than you, in the following ways: Share insights on how the factor you selected impacts the pathophysiology of the immune disorder your colleague selected. Expand on your colleague’s posting by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence. DQ2 Arthritis While arthritis impacts nearly 50 million adults in the United States, it is not a disease that is limited to adulthood. Consider the case of Ashley Russell. At the age of 14 months, Ashley was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. As a baby, her parents noticed that her knee was always swollen and that she often wanted to be carried instead of walking on her own (Cyr, 2012). After seeking medical care, Ashley’s underlying disorder was discovered. Arthritis in children is not uncommon. According to the CDC (2011), an estimated 294,000 children under age 18 have some form of arthritis or rheumatic condition. Due to the prevalence of the disorder in both children and adults, you must understand the pathophysiology and symptoms of arthritis in order to properly diagnose and prescribe treatment. To prepare: Review Chapter 37 in the Huether and McCance text and Chapter 24 in the McPhee and Hammer text. Identify the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Consider the similarities and differences of the disorders. Select two of the following patient factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how the factors you selected might impact the pathophysiology of the disorders, as well as the diagnosis of and treatment for the disorders. By Day 4 Post a description of the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, including the similarities and differences between the disorders. Then explain how the factors you selected might impact the pathophysiology of the disorders, as well as the diagnosis of treatment for the disorders. Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses. By Day 6 Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected different factors than you, in one or more of the following ways: Offer alternative diagnoses and prescription of treatment options for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives. Week 3 discussion Pain The neurological system affects all parts and functions of the body through nerve stimulation. Nerves also control the sensation and perception of pain. While pain can be described in a variety of ways, it is essentially labeled according to its duration and source. As an advanced practice nurse evaluating a patient, you need to consider the following questions: Does the pain quickly come and go, or is it persistent and ongoing? Does the pain arise at the source of injury or in another location? In this Discussion, you compare three common types of pain—acute, chronic, and referred. To prepare: Review this week’s media presentation on the neurological system, as well as Chapter 13 in the Huether and McCance text. Identify the pathophysiology of acute, chronic, and referred pain. Consider the similarities and differences between these three types of pain. Select two of the following patient factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how the factors you selected might impact the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and prescription of treatment for acute, chronic, and referred pain. By Day 3 Post a description of the pathophysiology of acute, chronic, and referred pain, including similarities and differences between them. Then, explain how the factors you selected might impact the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and prescription of treatment for acute, chronic, and referred pain. Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses. By Day 6 Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who selected different factors than you, in the following ways: Share insights on how your colleague’s factors impact the pathophysiology of pain. Suggest alternative diagnoses and treatment options for acute, chronic, and referred pain. Week 4 discussion Cardiovascular Disorders Veins and arteries are vital elements of the cardiovascular system. They carry the blood supply through the body and are essential for proper function. Sometimes veins and arteries malfunction, resulting in cardiovascular disorders. Malfunctions of arteries and veins are similar to malfunctions of a water hose. Consider the structure and function of a hose. A tap releases water, which then travels through the hose and comes out the other end. If the hose has been dormant for several months, dirt and rusty particles might build up inside, resulting in a restricted flow of water. Similarly, buildup of plaque inside the coronary arteries restricts blood flow and leads to disorders such as coronary heart disease. This disease is one of the most common cardiovascular disorders, and according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (2011), is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. In this Discussion, you examine the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disorders such as coronary heart disease. To prepare: Review this week’s media presentation on alterations of cardiovascular functions, as well as Chapter 23 in the Huether and McCance text. Identify the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disorders. Select one patient factor: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Consider how the factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disorders. Select one of the following alterations of cardiovascular disorders: peripheral arterial disease, myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, or dysrhythmia. Think about how hypertension or dyslipidemia can lead to the alteration you selected.

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Assignment: Oncotic Pressure Diseases.

Assignment: Oncotic Pressure Diseases.
Assignment: Oncotic Pressure Diseases.
Assignment: Oncotic Pressure Diseases.
Quiz 1 Question 1 A 20-year-old pregnant female gives birth to a stillborn child. Autopsy reveals that the fetus has 92 chromosomes. What term may be on the autopsy report to describe this condition? Question 2 A group of prison inmates developed tuberculosis following exposure to an infected inmate. On examination, tissues were soft and granular (like clumped cheese). Which of the following is the most likely cause? Question 3 A runner has depleted all the oxygen available for muscle energy. Which of the following will facilitate his continued muscle performance? Question 4 The student is reviewing functions of the cell. The student would be correct in identifying the primary function of the nerve cell as: Question 5 Sodium and water accumulation in an injured cell are a direct result of: Question 6 A nurse is teaching a patient with diabetes how glucose is transported from the blood to the cell. What type of transport system should the nurse discuss with the patient? Question 7 Why is potassium able to diffuse easily in and out of cells? Question 8 A patient who has diarrhea receives a hypertonic saline solution intravenously to replace the sodium and chloride lost in the stool. What effect will this fluid replacement have on cells? Question 9 The nurse would be correct in identifying the predominant extracellular cation as: Question 10 A newborn male is diagnosed with albinism based on skin, eye, and hair appearance. Which finding will support this diagnosis? Question 11 A nurse is reading a chart and sees the term oncotic pressure. The nurse recalls that oncotic pressure (colloid osmotic pressure) is determined by: Question 12 A patient wants to know the risk factors for Down syndrome. What is the nurse’s best response? Question 13 Which of the following mutations have the most significant effect on protein synthesis? Question 14 What is the diagnosis of a 13-year-old female who has a karyotype that reveals an absent homologous X chromosome with only a single X chromosome present? Her features include a short stature, widely spaced nipples, reduced carrying angle at the elbow, and sparse body hair. Question 15 A 55-year-old male with a 30-year history of smoking is examined for respiratory disturbance. Examination of his airway (bronchial) reveals that stratified squamous epithelial cells have replaced the normal columnar ciliated cells. This type of cellular adaptation is called: Week 2 quiz Question 1 The incidence of fractures of the pelvis is highest in: Question 2 The nurse would expect the occurrence of scabies to occur more commonly among children who: Question 3 A 51-year-old male experienced severe acute gouty arthritis. Which of the following is the most common trigger for the symptoms? Question 4 A patient has chicken pox. How does the varicella replicate? Question 5 A 70-year-old female presents with a hip fracture secondary to osteoporosis. This condition is caused by an increase in bone: Question 6 Researchers now believe that RA is: Question 7 A 40-year-old female is diagnosed with SLE. Which of the following findings would be considered a symptom of this disease? Question 8 After studying about fungi, which information indicates a correct understanding of fungi? Fungi causing deep or systemic infections: Question 9 A 5-year-old female takes a hike through the woods during a school field trip. Upon returning home, she hugs her father, and he later develops poison ivy. Which of the following immune reactions is he experiencing? Question 10 A 76-year-old female was diagnosed with osteoporosis by radiologic exam. She is at high risk for: Question 11 A 4-month-old female develops white spots and shallow ulcers in her mouth. Her pediatrician diagnoses her with thrush. This condition is caused by: Question 12 A 50-year-old male recently underwent a liver transplant and is taking immunosuppressive drugs. He now has painful vesicular eruptions on the face and trunk. He reports that he had chickenpox as a child. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis based on his chicken pox history? Question 13 A 4-month-old female is diagnosed with atopic dermatitis (AD). Which of the following assessment findings by the nurse will most likely support this diagnosis? Question 14 In discoid lupus erythematosus, skin lesions may be accompanied by Raynaud phenomenon, which is manifested by: Question 15 The nurse would be correct in identifying the duration of rubella as: Week 3 quiz Question 1 A 69-year-old male with a history of alcohol abuse presents to the emergency room (ER) after a month-long episode of headaches and confusion. Based on his alcoholism, a likely cause of his neurologic symptoms is: Question 2 A 40-year-old male complains of uncontrolled excessive movement and progressive dysfunction of intellectual and thought processes. He is experiencing movement problems that begin in the face and arms that eventually affect the entire body. The most likely diagnosis is: Question 3 A 60-year-old female with a recent history of head trauma and a long-term history of hypertension presents to the ER for changes in mental status. MRI reveals that she had a hemorrhagic stroke. What does the nurse suspect caused this type of stroke? Question 4 A patient with an addiction to alcohol checked into a rehabilitation center. He experiences delirium, inability to concentrate, and is easily distracted. From which of the following is he most likely suffering? Question 5 When planning care for a child in pain, which principle should the nurse remember? The pain threshold in children is _____ that of adults. Question 6 The nursing student would correctly identify the most common symptom of brain abscess as: Question 7 A nurse should document on the chart that chronic pain is occurring when the patient reports the pain has lasted longer than: Question 8 A nurse thinks a patient may be experiencing dementia. Which assessment finding will most help support this diagnosis? Question 9 A 20-year-old male was brought to the emergency room (ER) for severe burns. He requested something for the excruciating pain he was experiencing. Blocking which of the following neurotransmitters would reduce his pain? Question 10 An older adult is admitted to the ER following a fall. The patient complains of pain in the back. The patient has a history of osteoporosis. The nurse would expect the patient’s injury and subsequent pain is most likely due to: Question 11 A child presents to his primary care provider with disorientation, delirium, aggressiveness, and stupor. His parents report that he was recently ill with an upper respiratory infection, which they treated with aspirin. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? Question 12 A 15-month-old child from Pennsylvania was brought to the ER for fever, seizure activity, cranial palsies, and paralysis. Which of the following diagnosis will be documented in the chart? Question 13 A 20-year-old male suffers a severe closed head injury in a motor vehicle accident. He remains in a vegetative state (VS) 1 month after the accident. Which of the following structures is most likely keeping the patient alive? Question 14 A 15-year-old male was struck by a motor vehicle and suffered a traumatic brain injury. Paramedics found him unconscious at the scene of the accident. During the ambulance ride, he regained consciousness and was able to maintain a conversation with the medical staff. Upon arrival to hospital, he was alert and oriented. Physical exam reveals confusion and impaired responsiveness. What is the probable nature of his brain injury based on this history? Question 15 Parents of a 3-month-old infant bring him to the emergency room (ER) after he has had a seizure. He has muscle rigidity, and the parents report they are of Jewish ancestry. For what genetic disease should this infant be screened? Week 4 quiz Question 1 Which of the following findings in the patient with Raynaud disease would indicate a need for further teaching? Question 2 A patient wants to know what causes atherosclerosis. How should the nurse respond? In general, atherosclerosis is caused by: Question 3 A 28-year-old female presents with severe chest pain and shortness of breath. She is diagnosed with pulmonary embolism, which most likely originated from the: Question 4 Which characteristic changes should the nurse keep in mind while caring for a patient with left heart failure? As left heart failure progresses: Question 5 A 50-year-old male visits the cardiologist for an EKG. Results indicate that he has no PR interval and a variable QRS rate with rhythm irregularity. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis to be recorded on the chart? Question 6 A 60-year-old male is diagnosed with cerebral aneurysm. Where does the nurse suspect the cerebral aneurysm is located? Question 7 A 50-year-old female received trauma to the chest that caused severe impairment of the primary pacemaker cells of the heart. Which of the following areas received the greatest damage?

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