Common Trends in Business
Common Trends in Business
Write a report on common trends in business that you’ve observed, and highlight at least the main finding. For example, from the rising cost of textbooks to the online approach to course content, textbooks are a significant issue for students. Draw from your experience as you bring together sources of information to illustrate a trend. Share and compare with classmates. In addition to the guidelines in Exercise 2, your Common Trends in Business report will need to include the following requirements:
Common Trends in Business Assignment Write-up
The report will be five pages double-spaced, not including the cover page, abstract page and list of references. You need to use at least four sources – please use the online library to find your sources, as well as: Google Scholar (Links to an external site.) – search on any topic and see a list of scholarly articles Google – there are many resources available if you just do a simple search. Most websites that end with .gov, .edu, are considered the most reliable. Open Library (Links to an external site.) – a virtual online library The report will include at least one visual aid, which does not take up more than one-half page of the report. You will use APA Style to document/credit sources. I would encourage you to use the Purdue OWL website to help you cite your sources.
Please note that the common trends in business assignment instructions are asking you to use the automated tool called Son of Citation Machine. However, this tool is NOT always accurate. If you do use it, please check your citations’ formatting against the Purdue OWL website, which can be found here (use the menu on the left for help on formatting different types of citations): (Links to an external site.) In keeping with APA format, after the cover page, your report will include an Abstract. An abstract is just a paragraph summary of your report. Your abstract does not have to include keywords as described in the OWL Purdue guidelines.