How to Write a Critical Analysis Essay

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The critical analysis process has two key components—the reading and writing process. Foremost, the writer studies the source analytically to draw the main points then states a thesis in line with the author’s intended message. The second step, which involves putting ideas into paperwork, requires knowledge of how to write a critical analysis essay.

This article will answer the questions ‘what is a critical analysis essay?’ and how to come up with one. We have provided the most professional approach to guide you on how to write a critical analysis essay step by step. Whether you are analyzing a poem, a narrative, or a classic, follow the steps in this article to obtain a grade-winning critical analysis essay. Also, we will highlight critical analysis essay topics to acquaint you with ideas. You may want to visit for critical analysis essay example pdf and essay writing service.

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What is a Critical Analysis Essay?

Critical analysis essays integrate skills of interpretative reading, critical thinking and writing. Here, the writer analyzes an author’s work to identify the message they intend to pass. It presents a thesis statement, an argument and points of view regarding the author’s art piece. A critical analysis is subjective as it conveys the writer’s opinion on the artwork.

Knowing how to write a critical analysis essay requires one first to understand what it entails. The impetus of critically analyzing an artwork is to increase the reader’s comprehension of the text.  Critical scrutiny can be translated into a critical analysis essay to increase the reader’s understanding of the text. It provides the writer’s viewpoint and evaluation of arguments.

How has the writer persuaded the reader’s attention? Has the writer employed controversy, tension, conflict, or any other dramatic facet? A critical analysis essay tries to answer such questions and many others.

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What makes this piece of writing a critical analysis essay is that it has a claim and evidence that proves that claim. Here, you evaluate how the writer has presented his/her ideas in response to the theme (to persuade, inform, etc.) The techniques used by the author to pass the massage should be critically addressed. Do not be biased with your ideas lest the paper loses its meaning. Ensure to aim only at analyzing and interpreting the text, not judging.

Common mistakes that hinder any good writing; avoid them if you want to know how to write a critical analysis essay that is exceptional.

  • Unclear argument – Having an introduction at the start of a paragraph is a standard practice in essay writing. It enables the reader to grasp a rough idea of what is in the entire section. Some students may have an idea of what they want to write but fail to present the argument in its correct words. In other instances, the learner may present the argument after the first sentence. The result is impaired comprehension of the entire paragraph.
  • Describing rather than analyzing – Describing and analyzing are two different things. While a descriptive essay gives detailed information about a subject, a critical analysis essay carefully examines and evaluates various aspects of the theme. This is a critical analysis essay; point out your opinion about the subject, not the subject itself.
  • Improper quoting – Understanding the work you want to write on goes a long way to get you an outstanding essay. Lifting texts from the text and wrongly inserting them in your write-up despairs how your message is conveyed to the reader. In fact, it creates doubt in your reader about your essay.
  • Failure to support arguments with evidence – Critical analysis is not about discussing opinions only. A good critical analysis essay should contain statements with accompanying evidence drawn from the artwork.
  • Making Assumptions – Have you ever read a text and disagreed with everything? That is the feeling you create in your readers whenever you make assumptions in your content. Knowing how to write a critical analysis essay entails being factual and to the point.

Critical Analysis Essay Topics

With the current trends in the social, economic, and political aspects, getting critical analysis essay topics should not be a big deal. You can also brainstorm ideas from books, music, films, current or historical events, among others. All you need to do is to master the art of selecting the best critical analysis topic. Make sure it is relevant to your course and within your range of interests. It is much easier and simpler to research and write on a topic that interests you.

It is good to choose a topic you have information on than a topic you barely know. Being informed about the topic of interest provides you with an insight into ideas you are going to address and if they are enough to settle on. There can be slight issues with some topics, so refrain from picking unfamiliar ones. Having chosen the best topic, you are good to go.

Highlighted below are some of the critical analysis essay topics examples. You may want to write on one to examine if you know how to write a critical analysis essay after reading this article.

Critical Analysis Essay Topics and Examples in Nursing

  • Analyze technology advancements in Nursing. What is the impact of technology on nursing?
  • Analyze how antipsychotics are essential in preventing delirium.
  • Cancer is an overrated disease. Critically analyze the statement.
  • Examine dementia. Can dementia be prevented at an early stage?
  • Critically analyze the dangers of home nursing?

History Analysis Essay Topics

  • Examine the practices and teachings of the Ancient Greeks. Are they still relevant today?
  • The fall of Constantinople is deliberated to be among the most sorrowful moments in the history of humankind. Analyze the statement.
  • Critically analyze the treatment of women in the Soviet zone during world war II.
  • Nationalism failure is becoming the source of identity in the Arab League. Analyze the statement highlighting relevant examples where necessary.
  • Analyze the freedom enjoyed by the British press in the 19th century

Sports Essay Topics

  • Analyze reasons for deaths through the history of Olympic games.
  • College football plays a crucial role in American universities. Critically analyze the truth of the statement.
  • Media affects sports. Sports also affect media. Critically examine why some sports events qualify television coverage while others do not.
  • Analyze the American culture aspects that have, over time, been linked with a particular sport.
  • Analyze the effect of doping drugs on ethical practices of sports.

Literary Analysis Essay Topics Ideas

  • Literary analyze the devices employed in the Night by Elie Wiesel
  • Analyze the causes and significance of changes in character as observed in the Great Expectations
  • Examine how Ernest Hemingway’s background influenced the writing of Farewell to Arms
  • Analyze how fear and horror is portrayed in the Gothic
  • Literary analyze the setting used in Jane Eyre

Note: You can vary the authors and the novels as you please.

Media Analysis Topic Ideas

  • Critically analyze gender stereotyping as witnessed in the TV show Big Bang Theory.
  • Examine the media’s attitude towards weight and eating.
  • Analyze critically how mental illness has been falsely portrayed in the media.
  • Critically analyze the expansion of social media into the Chinese market.
  • Analyze the freedom of media as portrayed in Big Brother.

After deciding on a meaningful title, the next step is to know how to write a critical analysis essay. If you find it challenging to choose a topic, contact Mycoursebay. You can also request an essay writing service. We guarantee you the best!

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How to Write Critical Analysis of a Story

At this juncture, your ‘what is a critical analysis essay?’ question is already answered. You have a solid idea of a critical analysis essay. Perhaps, you also have a rough idea of how to write critical analysis of a story. Learning how to write a critical analysis essay is our next step.

Having brainstormed the topics, you now want to come up with a critical analysis essay. Remember that one can critically analyze artwork from any perspective. Although critical analysis essays are subjective, tying oneself to their judgment makes the paper lose its purpose. Always support your statements with relevant evidence from the art you are analyzing.

Analyzing someone’s work means understanding the theme they intended to pass across. As a considerable writer, critically analyze the source before giving your response and upshot to your essay’s subject matter. Ensure to be neutral to anyone who reads your paper; address the subject matter in relation people’s to different backgrounds and experiences.

The writing steps are simple – one step leads to the other. Like any other essay, a critical analysis essay has the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The critical analysis thesis should be stated in the introduction part while the body addresses the arguments. The last paragraph restates the points in the body in line with the thesis statement. Looks easy, right? Let’s discuss how to write a critical analysis essay in details:

Step 1 – Thorough reading

Let’s assume you want to write critical analysis of a story. It stands to reason that you need first to read the story, right? That becomes the first step. Reading and understanding the author’s work is very significant as it gives you room to examine the intended message. You do not want to write an analysis of piecework you have no idea about.

Note that a critical analysis essay should represent an author’s point of view. Be sure to thoroughly and carefully examine the source. Pick as many points from the book as possible. Take note of the stylistic devices employed by the author to convey the message. You may want to read other people’s work to understand their takes and opinions of the same.

There are three key things you should pay attention to whenever you are reading a source:

  • Ensure you understand the means of persuasion used by the author to keep the readers perusing pages.
  • Identify the author’s intended audience.
  • Know the general structure of writing used and how the author has used it to present the subject matter.

Step 2 – Organizing the Points

After examining the source and writing down critical points, organizing these points is crucial as you want to know what should be put where. Try to draw central claims and attach them with their supporting evidence. Note the similarities between different claims. It would help if you were attentive to details to know how to write a critical analysis essay.

Ask yourself what you feel about the topic and write them down. Link your recorded thoughts to the central claim. Doing this will enable you to identify places you need to do further research. Knowing how to write a critical analysis essay means going the extra mile.

Note that it is okay to acquire more information from secondary sources. It can be a critical analysis pdf, critical analysis essay example pdf, critical analysis example pdf, critical evaluation of research example, free critical analysis essays online, name them. Ensure that you note down the references as you may need them later.

Step 3 – Stating the Critical Analysis Thesis

Your critical analysis thesis statement should present your reaction towards the read source. As mentioned earlier, your opinion is subjective; expect it to be disputed by your readers or other critical analysis essay writers. However, try as much as possible to articulate your analysis paper in a way that keeps your opinions winning.

An excellent critical analysis thesis statement is that one that can be backed up with evidence. Always remember that the purpose of your essay is to provide an analysis of someone else’s work. Ensure to select a critical analysis thesis upon which you can anchor your entire paper.

Step 4 – Creating a Critical Analysis Essay Outline

Creating a critical essay outline saves time; you structure your points into paragraphs to make writing easier. A sketch enables the presentation of arguments and their accompanying evidence in an orderly manner. It enables the writer to maintain message consistency during the actual writing. In other words, a critical essay outline is vital in ensuring that the paper is well organized.

When writing, the standard critical essay structure should be maintained. Listed below is the outline of an analysis essay and what should be addressed in different parts:


An excellent critical analysis introduction should contain an engaging hook. In other words, the opening paragraph must be appealing to the reader to keep them interested in reading your work.

Your introduction must address the title of the work you want to analyze.  Also, mention the author’s name and the publication details as two or more books can have the same title. All that done introduce your topic and state its purpose. Here, you will be required to back up your topic’s purpose by stating the critical analysis thesis.

The Body

The body is the primary area of a critical analysis essay. The body speaks volumes of how you understand the source. The number of paragraphs will vary with how far you want to go with your paper.

Divide your essay into paragraphs, each addressing a unique argument. The first sentence should contain the primary statement to give the readers a clue of what is included in the section. Make sure that your points are supporting the critical analysis thesis statement. Populate your essay with evidence as much as you can.

Writing skills go a long way to earning you the best critical analysis essay. Be as formal in your language as possible and avoid grammatical errors.


Like any other piece of writing, a conclusion is a significant part of a critical analysis essay. Wrap up by giving the main points addressed in the body and how they have supported the topic. Here, you also restate the critical analysis essay thesis and give your final words.

Step 5 – Writing the First Draft

Finally! It is now the actual writing time. Begin with stating the central claim before giving an analysis and, eventually, the evidence. Conclude by providing the essential insights concluded from the study. Do not forget to follow the critical essay structure. Also, ensure that there is a smooth transition between different paragraphs of your essay.

Step 6 – Reviewing and Improving on the First Draft

Reviewing the first draft is necessary to come up with an outstanding analysis essay. While proofreading, pay attention to the critical essay structure and how you have addressed the points in line with the thesis statement.

Ask someone else to help in reviewing as they will see the draft from a reader’s perspective. It is advantageous as it will help pinpoint weak points other readers would notice.

Revise the essay as many times as possible until you feel it is perfect.  It is okay to make mistakes; you are learning how to write a critical analysis essay, after all. Reach out to Mycoursebay writers for essay writing service in case you need professional help. Our experts will help you with other disciplines besides teaching you how to write a critical analysis essay.

Critical Analysis Essay Example

You probably have a solid idea of how to write a critical analysis essay. Isn’t it simple? Below is a critical analysis essay example. Go through it to get a picture of how this kind of essay should be written. You can contact us for free critical analysis essays samples or order a critical analysis essay.

Excerpt of a Sample Essay

How to write a critical analysis essay
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